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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Maybe Non-Special will be no flight stand and movie version?
  2. Why is it called Roy Focker Special ... will we be getting a "Non-Special" Focker too?
  3. Dang ... what did I miss?
  4. Haha. "Enabling" suggests that all this is bad behavior and we are steering you guys into making bad decisions ... which I don't believe is the case. Instead, I would say we should all get certificates for being "supportive".
  5. Ever since I got married and moved into a different home about 10 years ago, I lost touch with Macross World and haven't posted in awhile. I was active during the 1/48 Yamato days, so that's pretty much what I have ... and it seems a lot have changed since then (Yamato is gone, Arcadia's focus on 1/60 scale, and I recently discovered Bandai's DX VF-1s just last week). Well ... Shelter in Place has finally given me time to retrieve my old display case from storage and unpack my old Macross Collection. My most recent purchases have been the 1/3000 SDF-1 and I just received the Bandai VF-1A Max yesterday. That Bandai DX is really awesome ... so I think I'm coming back at a good time! I'm now just waiting for Roy's VF-1S to be release from Bandai (so I can get rid of the roy "place holder" that's currently in the display case). Enjoy the pics.
  6. These are enormous! I like the gerwalk one, but the other one has too much going on and the flames effects look a bit tacky. Would have to see them in person.
  7. Wow, good job with the photoshop. The smaller DYRL helmet does make it look less "cartoony" and more "real world." How dare Yamato make something so big for $2,300 !!! ... Oh wait, wrong thread.
  8. Wow, I just found this thread that I started last year. Yamato must haved read this, looked a the poll results, and decided to release the helmets again. So Yamato does come here to read our postings. hahaha.
  9. OK, That's sweeeeeeeeet!
  10. Here's a comparison shots with a full size motorcycle helmet: Here's one with full size football helmet:
  11. I guess the big size is to accommodate the crazy hair styles. For those who want these helmets, bbts just listed these as pre-orders at $549.00 each. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/menu.as...p;category=5961
  12. I got mine from Over-drive yesterday. Now I can wear it, jump into my VF-1s and shoot down some alien scum. EDIT: OK, here are some pics: First, I'm amazed it got here to Cali in only 3 days from Japan! Next, I'm really impressed with this thing ... it's very nicely done. Everything from the paint, to the tint on the face sheild, to the padding inside the helmet are great. But in the vain of Macrossworld, I have to complain about something ... there is NO way this is 1/1 scale! It's way tooooo big, yamato got the scale all wrong, you have to be 7 feet tall and 300 lbs to look in-scale with this thing. Other than that, it's awesome.
  13. Yeah, I wrote to them yesterday ... and I haven't heard back from them either. Seeing all the pictures is getting me anxious.
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