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Everything posted by nel2012

  1. this new sepia picture is amazing, looks so real!
  2. thanks for your messages, guys... yeah, I wanted "stage lighting", and very colorful, very MacrossFB7 clip style... Here goes a big update of the poster, three more drawings finished
  3. nel2012

    Macross figures

    aahhh!! I knew it!!! omg omg ... *___*
  4. *Posting my latest macross drawings* Finished Mylene for the Macross anniversary poster plus separate character posters created specially for our local Macross con
  5. nel2012

    Macross figures

    oh my, say it please! is it as Loligoth Alto ?? it must be, I see a ribbon in her hair in that shadow we ´ve seen ... *I´ll love it if so*
  6. no puedo esperar a ver Valkyrie Project!
  7. nel2012

    Macross figures

    more SD versions coming from Bandai (from cybergundam blog)
  8. Vepariga, that´s great to know, that you felt like drawing again. Thanks for your words, minna... Here i finished Sarah:
  9. nel2012

    Macross figures

    from that shape in the picture I guess It is Sheryl wearing Minmay´s dress from her first appearance in Do you remember love (when she sings Shao Pai Long and then is trapped with Hikaru, etc) The one that glows in the dark ...
  10. It is so great! love the details of dirt/smoke all over it, makes it look even more real
  11. hi again I did not abandon the 30 anniversary poster, is just that I had another big one to do in the middle (and that was a request!) I created this sort of poster for an upcoming Macross event, and the topic this time is Macross FB7. It was so much fun to do it. Now I can continue with my huge project , valkyrias in corel included *o*
  12. wow, es genial ver las colecciones de los fans, me encanta la dedicacion que le ponen a sus colecciones de valkyrias, con displays y vitrinas yo no tengo tantas valkiryas de las grandes, mas que nada me gustan mucho los gashapones y los artbooks. En este album de facebook se puede ver , junto con cosas que colecciono no solo de MAcross ^^ https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.204415599685421.43513.100003509465938&type=3
  13. omg, EXO, that´s so great. I had no idea that picture was done by you, I have seen it before in the net and thought it was official stuff, really Will use it as reference when the time for painitng with Photoshop comes. Thanks for the advices, as I said, mechas are not my cup of tea for drawing, but I am enjoying working on this valkyrias. I am seriously considering on using Corel Draw to vector all these linearts, so It will be more easy and I´ll not have mistakes with perspective issues
  14. thanks a lot for your comments, as always... I keep working on this whenever I can . Here are the last three valks that will be part of the poster:
  15. great work, minna!! i love to do OC´s too . I only did once a girl with a custom Macross uniform, just "for me" http://neldorwen.deviantart.com/gallery/?q=Girl#/dehf8i
  16. The pictures for "Planet Cradle", Macross 30 game single featuring Haruka Chisuga´s songs Source: http://www.animate.tv/news/details.php?id=1359105387
  17. te digo sinceramente, tenemos una termporada rarisima, dias de mucho calor, pesadisimos (al menos para mi que estoy encerrada trabajando mientras miles de turistas estan en la playa) y de repente tenemos tormentas fuertisimas, con granizo y frio... asi que lo que esta de moda son los resfrios esta temporada, jaaja
  18. Saludos desde Mar del Plata, costa atlántica de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  19. hey guys, just an "update" on the big drawing . I had no time to continue painting, too much work lately. But I started with the sketches of the valkyries. Must confess I do not like to draw mechanical stuff, but valkyries in fighter mode are fine to me. I had to look a lot to Tenjin´s works! these are some raw samples, will do better linearts later.
  20. Muy buena idea! aplaudo todo lo dicho ahi arriba
  21. great!! this is the description from CDJapan: Additional special disc includes "Fire Bomber 2012" digest video, stage greeting (guests: Tetsuro Amino, Aya Endou, Megumi Nakajima, Yoshiki Fukuyama), new music clip "Nyan Nyan Frie! Totsugeki Planet Explosion" and "Virgin Story", trailer, CM, special web radio "Sheryl Nome Wave" (10 episodes), Also comes with 24 page booklet and "Macross SP Cross Deculture!!!" special item code in a special case illustrated by character designers of both original series Haruhiko Mikimoto and Risa Ebata. Special Features: audio commentary yay!
  22. http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/paramount/startrekintodarkness/ Here are all the trailers gasp! I was blown away *o* I am a huge fan of ST, cannot be more happy . I have a link to a non official recording of the 10 minute preview from the Imax theaters, the one shown before the hobbit, I do not know it such link can be posted here...
  23. hey guys, nice words and a good discussion there about color and shadows!. It is an issue to me, because sometimes I wonder how my drawings look on other screen monitors, know what I mean? because I saw my drawings in other screens and they look totally different (LCDs , LEDs or old monitor´s like mine, all vary). It will look different when I put all the drawings together for the big poster . I´ll be posting more colored drawings soon too
  24. thanks guys.... here´s Alto´s portrait
  25. OMG, soooo gorgeousss!! thanks for sharing!
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