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Everything posted by nel2012

  1. this is amazing, thank you so much for your contribution! *downloading*
  2. Nobunaga the Fool reached the highest "KAWAMORI level" with its finale .... I still cannot recover from it, and I love it
  3. si, totalmente.... es mas, después del capitulo 6 es cuando la historia toma giros totalmente inesperados constantemente
  4. Thanks!! then I´ll make sure to do both versions of it, portrait and landscape ^__^
  5. thanks! I am only using this same background as a quick finishing for each of the drawings that I´ll put alltogether later in the final "poster"
  6. Veaa Nobunaga The Fool y despues discutimos. Yo la sigo desde el primer capi, y ya esta por terminar. A mi me tiene mega alucinada. Es muy Kawamori, tiene muchisimo de Escaflowne, serie que viene segunda en perfeccion después de Macross para mi, y nada la supera hasta ahora. Tiene mechas increibles, que hasta obtienen "super partes" pero por medio de la magia. Hay un lio historico de personajes con nombres famosos, pero que no se parecen en nada a los reales. Algunos capitulos te dejan como cuando uno mira Game of Thrones , o sea, hecho pelota , jaja Saludos
  7. *bumps* the big macross poster project is back to life! hi guys... here is Shin Kudo posing just three more to paint and then everyone will see the final ensemble.
  8. *bumps* back in here, this is my latest macross related finished drawing, I started it months ago, and I also have to finish that big "anniversary poster" too To Falconkpd: I do not plan to draw them , but why not , maybe some day, I love all macross characters, even the ones from the games MrMarch: thanks! Ishtar is one of the sexiests uh? This Alto picture was inspired on a cosplayer I saw over at DeviantArt (http://jaicca.deviantart.com/art/Macross-Frontier-Alto-Saotome-311488336) .
  9. nel2012

    Macross figures

    I´ve got them all, plus Ishtar plus another Minmay too
  10. thanks for clarifying
  11. wohooo!!! omg Minmay and Mylene singing My Friends, and Sheryl and Mao ! *__* thanks for the news
  12. yay!! I cannot wait anymore for this. The mix of Kazuki Yone´s designs with Kawamori´s unique imagination, PLUS Mamoru Miyano and Yuiichi Nakamura´s voices among the cast, with elements that remind me so much of Escaflowne (look at those mechas!) omg... seriously... I think this is going to be a blast (and not only for women who love bishies ) here is a longer trailer: http://youtu.be/ARFSndmskA8
  13. nice!! great lineart
  14. I always thought Misa had more fans than Minmay! I am one thanks Zinjo... Here is Ishtar finished
  15. this is so perfect! looks like official art *o*
  16. it is really huge, today I finished Misa ... I am making a portrait of each character separately , then I´ll put allgether along with some valkyries too
  17. not a bad idea, and it is time for me too to continue finishing this huge drawing I started exactly one year ago
  18. I also saw some new MacF Risa Ebata art at the macross fan club site , this one is quite interesting (Alto is wearing the new Macross30 sms uniform, if I am correct) . Plus a new Minmay by Mikimoto (sorry if this is not the right place to post them, please mods feel free to move it)
  19. wow, Shoji Kawamori talking Trek?? I am dead... hope someone can translate that part of the interview
  20. thanks for all the links and news ... love May´n ! can´t wait to get her latest concert on dvd
  21. I am reading this with tears in my eyes, I swear... I pray to god for a dvd, please! this is a dream for all macross fans, it would be terribly unfair if they do not realease it. You guys who attended are so lucky
  22. here they are , all the pictures of the con with the cosplayers https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.497425110324163.1073741872.286543841412292&type=1 scroll down a bit to see the photoshoots with Mylene and Miria, the best of all!
  23. I saw her LIVE , the cosplayers were amazing this year at the Macross Eternal 4
  24. Thanks here is Isamu ... this is the first time I draw him
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