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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. How do you disassemble the wing?
  2. ArchieNov

    DX VF-25G

    Actually, I think that may be anime accurate as well. I haven't found the actual profile screenshot of the VF-25G yet, but the closest thing I've found is a pic of the VF-25 cannon fodder. If you'll refer to the screenshot of the VF-25 cannon fodder, you'll see that the black stripe (in this case dark brown) isn't painted all the way. The cannon fodder shares the same (or at least similar) head unit as the VF-25G so it's very likely that the 25G uses the same color pattern. Notice that the sensor isn't red as well. Compared with the other screenshot of the 25F, which has the black stripe all the way down on the "crotch" piece.
  3. ArchieNov

    DX VF-25G

    Oh... maybe it's because you know, they're going for anime accuracy. http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossf/vf-25g/vf-25g-fighter.jpg You'll see in the picture that those sensors aren't color red. Compare with the others which all have a red sensor. http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossf/vf-25f/vf-25f-fighter.jpg http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossf/rvf-25/rvf-25-fighter.jpg http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossf/vf-25s/vf-25s-fighter.jpg
  4. Probably by that time, you'll need to spend around $800 for a single valkyrie from Yamato. Hehe just kidding. But their prices have been skyrocketing lately so who knows.
  5. I don't think that'll take away sales from Bandai. Those that will be interested in getting these non-canon color schemes probably have the money to get both this one and the YF-29. I still think Bandai outsells Yamato by far if what veef says is true about Bandai's production runs being more than Yamato's, but are still selling out anyway while a lot of Yamato stuff ends up in clearance sales.
  6. Alright, I bought my SDF-1 yesterday. Forget about removing the ARMDs. Putting them on for the first time was an UBER pain. I almost thought I was going to crack the plastic. I haven't attempted removing them yet but I sure hope it's not as hard as getting them on. Overall, nice piece. Not worth getting at its original retail price but it's a good toy if you're able to get it discounted at around $350 or less.
  7. Thanks everyone!
  8. Yes, so I can store it back in its box when I want to.
  9. Thanks. Is there a particular technique in order to remove them? Or do you just pull them off?
  10. Is it possible to easily remove the ARMs without damaging the figure after connecting them to the main body? I've seen/heard people say that once you connect them, you can't remove them anymore because of how they clip on.
  11. Yeah, it went back up already. I messaged them earlier and they said that it was just down temporarily for maintenance.
  12. Did the NY site go down? I'm getting a message saying that the domain name was reserved on gandi.net
  13. If you're not too concerned about getting the best bargain prices, then NY is one of the best shops online. Their customer service always responds within 24 hours in my experience and they have perfect understanding of English. They also ship quickly, usually within a day or two of the item being available/released. Lastly, they are probably one of the few hassle-free shops for Macross merchandise because they don't have short pre-order windows, can get exclusive/limited items, and have not failed to fulfill an order so far to my knowledge. All that more than justifies the higher, but still reasonable, price tag.
  14. Those gerwalk pics look pretty awkward/horrible. But the head looks better than I initially thought. Still prefer the look of the S version over it though. May get this one only after it goes on 20-30% discount which I think it will before the end of the year.
  15. One of the boob guns points slightly downwards. It's more obvious if you look at it from the front or compare it to the extended forearm guns while in fighter mode. Anyway, I finally tried pulling them out forcefully yesterday. I didn't realize that there was a metal pin underneath it. It took a SUPREME amount of effort to finally pull them out but sadly, I was not able to adjust the metal pin since it seemed pretty strongly glued into place. To make matters worse, I accidentally scratched off some paint on the guns (I'm not sure how that happened since I was just using the skin of my thumbs) and now I'm so regretting trying to even fix it in the first place. Not only did I fail to align it, I made it even worse. Anyone know if I can just buy a spray paint or gundam marker or something to touch up the paint of the guns? Is it hard to find the same color gray in a hardware store? I don't know how to paint model kits so this will be my first attempt to do a touch up and I'm worried of making things worse yet again.
  16. Truth be told, I could slap on my Alto Armor parts on my Ozma to see what it looks like, but I'm too lazy to do it...
  17. Does anyone have a tip on how to rotate the shoulder blocks (the metal parts) back into place when transforming back into fighter without the danger of scratching the paint off? I've scraped off some of the white paint off the edges already after repeated transformations. No matter how careful I try to be, I seem to scratch off a little paint every time I transform it.
  18. No, they look similar enough to the untrained eye.
  19. Yes, the markings are different on hip armors between the Super packs and Armor packs.
  20. I just transformed mine back to fighter for the first time, although I've had the 171 for about a month now. And regardless of what others say, I absolutely love the engineering on this thing. Much better than the 17 IMO. I don't think the 171 is over-engineered. I actually appreciate the extra effort they put into making it look more accurate to the line art. I feel like the 17 took too many shortcuts in the transformation (which others do appreciate since it makes it simpler/easier to do) that were improved upon with the 171. I will admit though that the 17 had its share of engineering that it did better than the 171 (e.g. hip swing bar). Sure, the transformation is more complex and time consuming on the 171 compared to the 17, but I like the end results way better for all modes. They're all very very nice to look at. Since my toys end up being displayed 99% of the time, that's what matters most to me. I also like how the parts lock into place more securely in fighter mode such as the back panel, head, and legs. The only downside you have to be careful of is scratching off the red paint on the back panel. This part is prone to rubbing against the metal arms once you fold them back in for fighter mode.
  21. Sigh, the guns are glued tight on mine. I tried putting more force into pulling them out but I think any more would cause it to snap. Oh well, guess I have to live with it. My 17 seems to have a lot more issues than other people do (loose ankle extension ratchets, loose forearm extension ratchets, etc).
  22. Question: Is it possible to remove the "boob" guns or are they glued into place? I just noticed that the guns on my unit aren't aligned properly. I've tried pulling them out but it won't budge.
  23. Just read your review. FINALLY, someone I agree 100% with. Honestly, I didn't understand why people were praising this toy like it was the best thing ever while ignoring the obvious flaws that it had. While I agree that it has a lot of good points, I just didn't feel it was fair that others would be just ignoring these flaws, the same kind of flaws they would be so unforgiving about if it was a Bandai product (not proportioned like the line art, prone to scratches in some areas, gappiness, etc). I don't really favor one company over the other, but I would at least like people to maintain a fairly objective stance when reviewing these things. Each product has its own pros and cons, let's learn to recognize and accept these for what they are but at the end of the day, let's all be happy that these toys are actually being made.
  24. For a moment there, I thought the VF-25 was mounting the Shield Liger...
  25. That is a matter of opinion I personally find the YF-29 1S color scheme quite nice and much better than the 19P. The 19P looks like something that has ketchup and mustard on it.
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