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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. Glad to see these numbers brought up. I made a comment before on a different thread saying that the Bandai's were more consistently in scale with each other (with exception of the VB-6 obviously) as compared to Yamato/Arcadia's offerings. But some were quick to dismiss that and felt Yamato did a better job with scaling even though the images and/or numbers clearly show otherwise.
  2. I tried it. But it's not holding strong enough to pull out the hinges. They really won't budge.
  3. Are the RVF-171's ghosts different from the RVF-25's ghosts?
  4. Is there an easy way to pull the front landing gear doors open? If feels like those "pull out" hinges are stuck and I fear I might break the doors if I pull on them too hard.
  5. That looks pretty good. I'll try that on mine when I get it.
  6. It would be easier to help if you have pictures or a video of the exact step that's giving you difficulty. But if I understand your description correctly, perhaps the area preventing you from snapping the backpack down are the shoulders themselves. The shoulder pauldrons must be rotated to a certain position when stowing the arms in fighter. Failure to do so would not create enough clearance for the backpack to snap down in place. Hopefully that's the issue. Edit: to clarify, I'm talking about the shoulder covers (that rounded armor piece covering the shoulder joint)
  7. I personally like the pose very much, and plan to display mine in the same way once I get it. I've always been a fan of the way Revoltech does their promo/box shots and this reminds me very much of it. Really looks very dynamic. I bought the Yamato GNU-Dou's as well but they couldn't pull off really cool poses like the Revoltech ones could.
  8. Thanks for the pics. Arcadia's 19 looks kinda awkward trying to match the same pose.
  9. I wasn't too happy with my Arcadia one, so I definitely hope so! I've got a lot of faith in Bandai, so I know it's possible.But regardless of which is better, I will get this and display it in the same way as that pic, because it just looks so badass that way.
  10. I think it's more like the opposite. More of the active posters in this board are quick to praise Yamato/Arcadia and diss Bandai for whatever reason. I'm actually glad that there are more people that are appreciating Bandai's effort in Macross products now. I like both companies' products, but neither are perfect and each have their own strengths over one another. Yes. I've observed through the years that people are quick to defend Yamato/Arcadia if someone says something bad about them. On the other hand, if someone praises Bandai, they usually get ignored or get pounced upon.
  11. How does one go about fixing the wing?
  12. Okay, I'm a little confused on where the discussion is heading. At first I thought my statement was being disputed. But after reviewing the recent posts, is it safe to say that everyone agrees with my initial statement? "Neither are perfect 1/60 scale. But at least Bandai's Valkyries scale perfectly with each other both in fighter and battroid. Yamarcadia, not so much as seen in the photos jenius provided. Of course some of the blame is on anime magic." Sorry, the quote function wasn't working.
  13. Well, the pilot of the VF-4 flops around too. But flopping around in the cockpit doesn't mean they aren't scaled well IMO. And comparing the pilot figures of Yamarcadia with each other, you'll see some huge discrepancies. Anyway I think someone mentioned before that you shouldn't compare pilots anyways. The main issue with Yamarcadia is that their valkyries scale in one way in fighter mode, then scale in another in battroid. The VF-17, VF-19 and VF-22 really highlight that. Unlike for Bandai's offerings they all scale neatly with each other in all modes.
  14. Thanks, guys! I'll try that. Didn't realize it was a common issue.
  15. Hmm, I'd like to get that repaint just because it has the NUNS markings. I'm not a fan of the SMS.
  16. It leans at an angle. It's more noticeable when looking at the back of the head while it's stored in fighter mode, and comparing it with the neck. Right now I'm forced to use the optional neck cover just so that it's somewhat less conspicuous. I'd like to take a pic and show you exactly, but I've never figured out how to post pictures on this site without having to attach them as files or uploading them to a website and linking from there (I have no registration at any of those sites). Oh, and aside from the tilted head, did anyone have an issue with the Gerwalk joint? On my copy, one of the ratchets on these joints is so hard to collapse. It folds out easily enough, but trying to collapse back for the final ratchet feels like I'm gonna break it. Even though I try putting in more pressure than I've ever used on any other Macross toy, it still won't budge. Right now, the only solution I have is to take the hip apart at that joint and reposition it in the collapsed position before putting it back together. But of course it's a real hassle to have to do it every time. I've tried shaving off a bit of the plastic on the separate "ratchet lock piece", but I'm worried that if I overdo it and shave it off incorrectly, I'll end up rendering the entire ratchet system loose or useless.
  17. Well, they have the VF-171 and the YF-30. So that's not exactly true.
  18. Pardon if this has been asked before, but how do I go about fixing the crooked head/neck on the YF-19? From what I've read, this seems to be an issue in most (if not all) copies of this toy. I saw some members state that they've disassembled the head and straightened it out, but I can't seem to pull the head apart without risk of breaking something.
  19. Neither are perfect 1/60 scale. But at least Bandai's Valkyries scale perfectly with each other both in fighter and battroid. Yamarcadia, not so much as seen in the photos jenius provided. Of course some of the blame is on anime magic.
  20. That's not the fault of the toy, but rather of the design. The toy just copied it so in terms of line art accuracy, the toy got it right.
  21. Hasn't this been the case for a long time now?
  22. IMO, in terms of line art accuracy, I would say the VF-25 Renewals are the closest to perfection. In terms of being a solid 1/60 Macross toy, I'd agree that the VF-1 v2 and after are the best.
  23. Pardon my asking, but the Armored set already comes with its own crotch brace for battroid, right? Why would you need to use/make one based on the Tornado/VF-27 crotch brace?
  24. All I know is that it still looks pretty good to me and the stand doesn't bother me either. Very much looking forward to this and I can't wait to enjoy it in my hands.
  25. Was this the Arcadia VF-1S?
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