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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. Actually, I was referring to the shipping company employees specifically in the US. Because I use the same shipping companies (e.g. DHL, UPS, EMS, etc) but my packages are almost never damaged. The one time I had a damaged package was when the shipping route passed through the US. It kinda feels like the US shipping employees are less careful when handling packages compared to the shipping employees of the same company in other countries.
  2. You know, I'm wondering if all these damaged boxes in shipping are more of a handling issue by the shipping folks once it is in the US rather than that of the shipping company itself. I don't live in the US, but I've had over a hundred packages shipped to me over the years via various shippers like EMS, DHL, UPS, Amazon JP, regular Airmail, etc, and my shipping boxes and contents are almost always in near perfect condition. No dents or crushed boxes. Actually, the only time I recall I received a damaged shipping box was when I ordered something from an eBay seller based in the US. Maybe the shipping handlers in the US just don't take proper care of the packages?
  3. I tried transforming it to battroid and back to fighter to check for QC issues. My right shoulder ball joint was relatively loose out of the box at certain angles. I'm sure I could fix it by unscrewing the shoulder and adding some kiki's joint fluid, but didn't bother since this will go back into the box. The shoulder swivel joints were much tighter than I would like, making it really hard to swing them out. This is troublesome because I always take extra care when swinging these out as it can scratch the paint off if it rubs on surrounding parts. This made the transformation much more painful that it should be. The hip ball joints were also not as tight as I hoped. They're not floppy (yet), but not that stiff. Again, I'm sure kiki's joint fluid might help here. All in all, while I'm happy to have an Alto VF-25 again (this is actually the 5th time I bought a Renewal Alto), I'm still skeptical about its long term resilience. All the other Altos I've owned in the past either I've sold because it was an extra, had a broken crotch joint, or have yellowed. I'm not sure how well this matte version will be against yellowing, but I hope it's not as bad as the gloss versions.
  4. I just got mine. The canopy isn't frosted.
  5. It's amazing that his old Alto is still as white as it is today in this pic.
  6. Actually all Tamashi Stage Act stands are compatible with HMR as they all use the same size pegs. But the particular one you linked is basically the same mold used in the stands included sometimes with the HMR releases
  7. Not trying to start anything and I could be wrong, but I seem to recall you telling me several years ago that if I was able to afford the Yamato/Arcadia, then I cannot call it overpriced. I think I was comparing Bandai vs Yamato/Arcadia prices back then, and I was complaining about the Yamato/Arcadia being overpriced. Anyway, it's all water under the bridge but hearing you bring up overpricing did bring up that memory. I do agree that $160 for HMR VF-0S is way overpriced. Good thing I didn't have to pay nearly that much for mine.
  8. It doesn't need it. But I used them because I plan to leave it like that long term (like years) and I don't want to stress the joints any more than necessary during that entire time.
  9. Oh sorry, I was only referring to how they looked on the outside when I said they were pretty much identical aside from the gatling panel. I didn't try switching the armored sets around. But the winglet armor of the 31AX might not fit securely of the smaller winglet of the 31 since the clip that holds on to the wing is a pretty precise fit. I assume that it'll be loose if you tried placing it on the old 31.
  10. Has anyone gotten their Hayate 31AX Armored set yet? I got mine today and put them on. They fit well enough, although I've only kept it in gerwalk mode so far. The parts are identical to Arad's armored set as far as I can tell, except that the gatling guns on the arms no longer have that extra flip out panel on Hayate's version. One thing I wanted to ask though is if anyone tried inserting the support piece for gerwalk/battroid that goes at the base of the weapons pod. It seems like it might scratch the decal off, so I didn't try pushing it in. Has anyone had experience with it?
  11. I think I got the last one at AE. It was weird though because just adding it to my cart made it show up as "Not in Stock" immediately afterwards, even though I hadn't completed the checkout process yet. I guess it's their way to prevent cart snatching.
  12. I received my YF-29 yesterday. Not sure if it's just my copy, but both of the wing hinges were super duper tight. They wouldn't budge even after applying enough force to make the plastic flex a lot. I was actually scared that the wings would snap before the hinges would move. But after several tries, I was able to move them enough to just barely swing the shoulders out. But the hinges still remain super tight and moving them around takes a lot of force and still flexes the plastic. Therefore I haven't tried to transform it. I also have the warped gunpod like some people have reported. Otherwise, I really like the color scheme.
  13. Hmm, my fighter mode has no gap. Maybe you need to adjust something with the hip bar?
  14. Premium Finish version coming soon? Oh wait, that's an Arcadia only thing... Still it's amazing how much detail can be brought out with just panel lining. I didn't even notice most of these grooves when I was handling my copy.
  15. It really does look nice in gerwalk. I am starting to think this is the best mode for it.
  16. Just got mine today. It honestly feels like a scaled down Arcadia, with some optional parts swapping for better accuracy. Nails the look in all modes. Now just hoping we can get the reactive armor for it too. Not sure if they can make an Sv-51 at this scale, but would also like that
  17. If you offered a service to turn yellowed plastic toys back to white again, I'd pay you to work on mine!
  18. It can stand without a display stand even with the left legs issue. It's not that noticeable in fighter mode. If you're not OC and won't be bothered with the knowledge that you own a copy with a manufacturing issue, or don't plan on reselling it, then you should go for the cheaper Arcadia you found IMO. EDIT: I forgot to mention that the joints were tighter on the Arcadia vs the Yamato, especially on the wings.
  19. On my copy, the nose is flush. I just need to make sure that the double hinge is positioned properly. If it's not exactly at the right position, it can prevent the nose from aligning perfectly when you fold it up.
  20. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Holy Moly. I just preordered the HMR VF-0S from AE. Then I noticed that there was 1 item in my "In Stock Ready to Ship" category. I thought this was a glitch as I don't recall having any outstanding preorders with them. I checked what it was and lo and behold, it was the DX Chogokin VF-1 TV version Super Parts set I preordered back in 2020. I probably used AE as a backup back then. I don't think I ever received a notification from them about the item being ready to ship. I wonder if they had been holding it for me these past 2 years. Anyway, I clicked on the option to go ahead and ship it to me. It's now in the "Packing Now" status and am awaiting the invoice for the shipping. Let's see if this actually pushes through.
  21. THANK YOU! I used 3M Magic tape, but it did the trick! 😀
  22. Is there a place where I can grab it at the back? Can't seem to find any notches. I don't want to use a tool as I fear scratching the canopy or the paint.
  23. I have to commend Luna Park on their after sales Customer Service. The first VF-31AX I received from them had one of the elbow joints stuck in place and couldn't be moved. It almost seemed like it was accidentally glued into place at the factory. I also didn't want to try disassembling it because the joint uses one of those pins that aren't meant to be pulled out. I tried applying the most force as I was comfortable with knowing how thin the elbow is, and it wouldn't budge even in the slightest. And because this joint wouldn't move, the arm couldn't be put in the exact position needed to have it sit flush in fighter mode. Anyways, I informed Luna Park about the issue via their chat and asked if I could send it back and get a replacement. I am happy to say that they agreed. So after sending it back (I had to shoulder the shipping cost back to them), they were able to send me a replacement after a week. And I'm glad to say the new one I got no longer has the elbow joint issue. My only gripe now is I can't seem to get the canopy to open. It's difficult to get a grip on it to pull it up from the sides. The only part where I'm able to squeeze my nail in is at the very front tip, but I don't want to pull it up from there at the risk of snapping the canopy. I've tried wiggling the canopy side to side to see if that loosens the hinge and allows me to pull it up, but it won't budge either. Anyone here experience difficulty with the canopy too? If so, any tips you can share to get it open?
  24. Why would the first release stand alone be worth more? Just because it came out first and is no longer being sold?
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