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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. One cannot really confirm that those are missile packs. It was just an assumption. So screen accuracy is debatable.
  2. If you ever have extra disposable funds, try to get the VF-19Advance if you can later on
  3. I'd be happy if my mom would ever say anything positive about my toy collection. Every time she drops by and sees it, she always tells me that I shouldn't be spending my money on needless things...
  4. Oh. That alone made it the best VF-0? Personally I think the 0D looks cooler for a 2 seater. But overall I like the 0S the most.
  5. I'd like that. Might make me toss my current one away though lol. It's the floppiest valk ever even straight out of the box. I feel it wasn't engineered well enough because none of its modes are solid.
  6. What makes the VF-0B different from the 0A? 2 seater?
  7. Others may have already noticed this before, but every time I see this shot, I really think that the wing boosters on the VF-19 were just hastily added on and not designed to be part of it. In fact, I think they just fastened on VF-25 boosters onto it. I say this because of the gap between the edge of the wing and the booster (encircled in red). If these boosters were really made for the VF-19, then there shouldn't be a gap that big (like in the toy).
  8. Did you pull off the head lasers for your photo shoot? I can't see them...
  9. I would like to think that way too, but seeing how pale their YF-19 turned out, I'm not so sure they were going for that effect. It would be inconsistent if they go for a factory fresh color for one valkyrie (VF-0D), and then release another one that looks like the paint has faded (YF-19).
  10. They look like screw holes to me
  11. Based on what I can understand from my translation program, the text mainly talks about the Reactive Armor, which was seen in the Macross Zero OVA released on the 20th anniversary of the original Macross series, is coming. Release date still TBD though. And yeah, it also mentions Shin's VF-0A being released in August 2015.
  12. Does the reactive armor only come in one color? Hopefully, it does so there wouldn't be a need to buy 1 each for the 0A and 0S. I can just have one and switch it around between the 2.
  13. Based on what I read in another thread here, he just found it too skinny looking in battroid mode. So it's not a problem with the toy itself, but rather of its source material. Not sure if he had other issues with it.
  14. Now that is a much better choice! I got 2 of them myself (although in hindsight I should've just gotten 1 since the VF-0A and 0S are coming out as well).
  15. I think he was referring to Evolution Toys as having a bad track record. @Gundam@EFSF - In my opinion, unless you are a really really big fan of the VF-2SS, I would say don't get this one. If you weren't satisfied with the YF-30, then I think this will seriously disappoint you.
  16. I find it kinda silly that the engineering on some of these 3rd party transformers toys surpass those of the official TakaraTomy/Hasbro line. If I was TakaraTomy/Hasbro, I'd hire their designers haha.
  17. I use my fingernail and wedge it in from the other side (not from the end of the wing root). Then I also try wiggling it upward a bit when pulling it out. Seems to come off easier that way.
  18. Oh, didn't realize that the SRC Grendizer that came along with the Spazer had recolored biceps, thighs and waist. On the original release they were silver. Now they look white.
  19. Cool. I didn't know about that spring-loaded mechanism. Just another cool engineering gimmick Thanks for sharing!
  20. This might be old news or common knowledge, but I just noticed that there's an extra tab to lock the chest down in battroid mode. It's located at the front of the base of the sliding neck. It basically pegs into the back part of the nose, locking those two together. This may help people who are having an issue with the chest popping up when moving the arms.
  21. I'm glad I'm not a fan of Macross 2, or its mecha designs. I remember the only mecha from that show that caught my interest were the SDFs with 2 pairs of main guns at the start haha.
  22. Yup, agreed. I don't like it either. Anyway, I guess I can afford a few mishaps here and there. I got my backup copies precisely for that reason haha.
  23. On the bright side, it's not that hard to get a new 25F as a replacement.
  24. I don't recall having that many scuffs on mine, but I think my wing had a small one out of the box. Pretty minor though and not really noticeable unless I look closely. But trust me, if your triangles are still doing fine (and it looks like they are), then consider yourself lucky in terms of QC. Some people have reported that broken out of the box, and a lot have had theirs crumble over time.
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