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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. You mean the color of the landing gear? Because looking at that pic, I think both Arcadia and Bandai got the rear landing gear sculpt wrong hehe.
  2. Hmm, perhaps I am mistaken about them being resin. All I know is that theY came in boxes without display windows, and needed paint and assembly. One of the old hobby shops I used to go to had one or two assembled ones on display, but I never bothered because not only can't I build them right, but the sculpts for anime figures were really bad in general around a decade ago.
  3. I actually think the Frontier TV series is the best way to introduce a new fan to Macross. The story is relatively easy to follow, has a little bit of everything to satisfy most viewers, and also has easter eggs here and there that may inspire them to watch the other series just to learn more about them.
  4. Wow... After reading that guide, I guess I'm out. Sounds like too much work/skill involved hehe.
  5. Yeah thanks, wmcheng. Some of your points I feel may be deemed subjective, but there were also definitely some where it cannot be denied that the Bandai version did better (e.g. knees not exposed in fighter, panel lines, and mold detailing, etc)
  6. Actually, I don't think it can be said that Arcadia has better articulation since Bandai's obviously has more points of articulation than Arcadia's (not just in the waist, but feet, shoulders, neck, etc). Articulation is usually judged in terms of number of articulation points and range of motion.Accessories can't also be better because Arcadia only gives you missiles, an extra Isamu, and an optional seat/Yang. Oh and some adapters for a stand and fold booster (both sold separately, but no longer manufactured at time of release). Bandai gives you the Advance packs, Pinpoint Barrier Punch effect, optional fists, and a stand. It's definitely more variety, and you can use them together at the same time. Lastly, I didn't think anyone would argue tampo being subjective. Usually it's judged on amount and quality of the tampo. Bandai wins out in those respects. But if you're arguing aesthetics, then that would be a separate category that's subjective.
  7. I'm curious though. What are the pros of the Arcadia over the Bandai? People have mentioned proportions (subjective), transformation process (subjective), less gaps, gunpod (subjective) and white landing gear. But aside from that, I can't recall anything else. Bandai has a number of advantages over the Arcadia though which other people have mentioned earlier. Some of the objective ones are price, accessories, overall articulation, tampo, and durability. The items marked above as subjective for Arcadia also apply for Bandai's version, as some people like myself prefer the proportions, gunpod and transformation on Bandai's. Honestly, I feel that if one was to do a straight up list of all the pros for each, Bandai's version would have more over Arcadia's.
  8. Will this come in white? Or does it have to be painted white? Edit: Sorry, just saw the parts breakdown. It comes in gray.
  9. Funny, I always thought these were unmanned drones since you don't hear any pilot chatter or death cries when they get blown up. They also kinda move like ghosts when they dodge enemy fire. Anyway, looks like this doesn't come with a display stand? Also, I've never had any resin kits before. Will they deform after some time? I've seen some resin anime girl figures from before that have terrible lean issues after a decade or so.
  10. Hmm... strange that I've never heard of Ube Halaya before. But yeah, ube ice cream and ube cake are some of my favorite things to eat. Especially when combined with macapuno, monggo or cheese.
  11. I understand what you're trying to say, but if we are going to let that be a factor, then we are not judging the toy on its own merits. For example, some people may have a strong nostalgic connection to an old cartoon like G1 transformers and say that the original G1 transformer toys are better than more modern transformer toys (like those based on TF:Animated) just because of that connection, but that is obviously untrue from an objective point of view.
  12. I don't think the source material (OVA vs cameo) should have any bearing on a comparison between the toys themselves...
  13. I think that of all the modern valkyrie toys released so far, the Bandai VF-19Advance has the most advanced engineering (which I love about it).
  14. Somehow, that grey low vis scheme looks kinda boring to me... Looks like it's just a dirty tin can kind of color.
  15. Why don't people just look at this one? http://macross2.net/m3/macrosszero/variant-vf-0a-shin.htm
  16. She comes with Ozma
  17. So any idea why Arcadia is changing up the colors as they please? I'd understand if it was a non-canon valk, but if they're releasing a hero's custom color scheme (e.g. Shin Kudou), you would expect that they would follow it exactly. After all, the custom color scheme is what defines it as that particular hero's valk. Small changes like this (while may be aesthetically pleasing), undermine the identity of the valk. Kinda like how Gilliam's VF-25F didn't have the black stripes on its head like Alto's (even though everything else is the same).
  18. Go for it!
  19. Is Mei Leelong a cyborg? If not, how is she piloting the thing? Unless of course she's only using it at less than its potential.
  20. Nah, I think it's just an animation error. In the next scene it loses the 2 extra lasers and looks like a regular 1A. I was only joking about it being canon because I don't think that everything seen in the TV series can automatically be considered as such since it had lots of animation errors.
  21. Hehe. I honestly can't tell what the benefit is of having the SDF-1 in that mode.
  22. Yeah I would agree that the VF-19Advance has the best Gerwalk among the other Y/VF-19s in this scale. What really kills the Yamato/Arcadia versions are the crap ankles. I wonder if anyone will ever decide to place 2 swivel points at the leg. One at the thigh and another at the knee. Doesn't look too hard to implement.
  23. Gerwalk mode is almost always the weakest mode, mainly because it basically is a half-assed transformation (exception is the VB-6 Monster). If I remember correctly, valkyries weren't originally designed to have this "inbetween" mode, but since it was shown to have some benefits (speed and ability to use manipulators), they decided to keep it as a 3rd mode. The Y/VF-19 though probably has one of the weakest Gerwalk modes of all, mainly because of how the arms come out. Another ugly one IMO is the VF-17 with its wings just hanging off the back looking so frail. I would say the VF-4's Gerwalk looks ugly too. But then again so does its Battroid. Personally I think it only looks good in Fighter.
  24. Episode 27. The scene right before the Macross shoots all its missiles at Bodolza.
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