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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. Yup, that's what I meant. That's why I said that he oversaw the proportions. When I said "designer", I wasn't referring to the toy's design but meant the valk's design. So basically, he's the one who has the final say whether something looks right or not compared to his valk's design. We don't know how many times he was consulted, how close he was working with the toy's designers, or how many compromises (if any) were made between the toy's proportions and his valk design (hence why I mentioned his involvement with the toy's design), but the end proportions of the toy should've gotten his final approval. I'm not saying that the toy's proportions are perfect, but it should've been good enough for Kawamori to let them put his name on the toy's product details.
  2. Yup, that's precisely what I was trying to get across. That's why I categorize the sculpt as subjective because it's really about which one pleases you more aesthetically, rather than saying one is more accurate to the line art than the other. Granted though, Arcadia's sculpt will naturally be under more scrutiny since there's a lot of source material for the YF-19 from Plus. But at the same time, the anime magic at the time also gives it some leeway if it's not 100% similar to what was seen. As for Kawamori, I don't know how one can simply disregard his input since he is the designer. I would liken it to George Lucas. I absolutely hated what he did with the Star Wars prequels and how he destroyed a lot of the lore on the Extended Universe, but since he's the creator his take has to be considered canon. We don't know for certain how much he was involved with the toy design for the VF-19 Advance, but everything since the YF-29 has pretty much been spot on accurate.
  3. I own both and if one was to rate them objectively (comparison of all pros and cons), Bandai is the clearly the better toy overall. Sculpt alone seems to be the main thing that is influencing most people to prefer the Arcadia (which is fine if you're judging it subjectively and put most weight/emphasis on aesthetic preference). But sculpt is only one category when doing a complete objective assessment. And one thing that should be remembered is that the VF-19Advance is not the YF-19 in Macross Plus. Yes they look similar, but the only official images of the VF-19Advance (movie, magazines?) are too scarce so one cannot truly say if the VF-19Advance is line/screen accurate or not. All we know is that Kawamori himself has overseen the proportions, so it should have had his approval.
  4. I'd normally agree with this statement. But after seeing how people here reacted to the VF-27 Renewal, wouldn't they hate calling it a v3 because it was mostly the same mold as before with just a few fixes/enhancements here and there? It would probably be called a v2.5 or something. Honestly, I never did quite understand the hate on the VF-27 Renewal. It basically gave us all the things we were asking for after the first YF-29 or VF-25 Renewal came out (updated shoulders, hips, ankles, articulated hands, included stand, super pack) plus more (extra tampo, clear canopy, no need for partial transformation to attach gunpod). But in spite of that, people were calling it a v1.5 (which I think is understating what it is). IMO, the first VF-27 was already a v1.5 because it was a vast improvement over the v1 VF-25. The additional revisions they made brought it much closer to the v2 VF-25.
  5. Lol that's out of scale! And we all know Godzilla would beat the crap out of the Yeagers.
  6. A lot of my Yamato stuff has gotten loose already. My VF-19 has gotten loose at the hips, the SV-51 is loose everywhere, the ankles of my VF-17 are looser than my Arcadia YF-19 as of now, my Max VF-22's hips and wings are also loose. The bad thing about Yamato/Arcadia is that they make it almost impossible to disassemble these joints without damaging it in order to tighten them up. At least for the Bandai valks, the joints are easily accessible.
  7. Yeah... I did the hot water method that mickyg suggested. And while it held it's shape longer, I think it's starting to bend back again... Sigh... I suck at this.
  8. That is a valid opinion. Although I would think that if that were the main case, then most people would be just saying that Bandai's VF-19 was better simply because it was cheaper. But from most of the comments I've read, people have mentioned several other things other than the price as the reason behind their opinion.
  9. IMO, it doesn't really matter what the poll results say at the end. I'm just glad that based on the comments so far, Bandai has really started to gain the respect/approval from the MW users, and they're being given credit where credit is due. Prior to the release of the VF-19Advance, a lot of people here still remained skeptical about Bandai's ability to make a great valk toy (even though IMO they already proved themselves worthy starting with the Alto YF-29 and VF-25 Renewal). Some were even hoping that Bandai would eventually lose/give up the Macross license and have Yamato/Arcadia take over/have a monopoly on the 1/60 scale. But now that Bandai has shown that they have advanced to the point where their latest valk is comparable with the best that Yamato/Arcadia has to offer, a lot more people have started to be more confident in Bandai and are even looking forward to the possibility that Bandai do their own versions of fan favorites like the VF-1.
  10. I just tried the blowdryer for a 2nd time this morning and got the same result as my first attempt (meaning it bent back again). I'll try hot water next time. Is the hot water from a water cooler hot enough? Unfortunately, I can't seem to pull off the lasers from the head because I'm worried I might break them because it's soft plastic. The best I can do is to dip part of the head into a cup of hot water.
  11. I live in the Philippines, located in Southeast Asia. I'm just thinking that maybe extended periods in cold weather made the plastic more brittle over time, as opposed to a more tropical/humid climate. I dunno if mine will also crumble eventually, but so far it's holding up fine without any shoulder cracks forming. I have all the versions of the 171 but no breakage issues on them yet aside from the one I mentioned earlier (which was probably mainly my fault).
  12. What this triple hinge?
  13. I tried it earlier, and while it kept straight initially, it eventually bent back again after a couple of minutes. I guess I need to try again.
  14. I wonder if weather/temperature has anything to do with the plastic degrading over time. I've had my single CF since release and those triangles at the shoulders haven't shown any issues with durability yet. The lower triangle though (the one that folds underneath) had cracked. Bur I think that was because I accidentally placed too much pressure on it during my first transformation when I forgot to move it out of the way. A crack appeared around the metal pin at the center. I live in a tropical environment where we only have 2 seasons in a year, summer and rainy.
  15. I've been wanting to get a MonsterArts Godzilla for years now but none of the previous versions really connected with me... Until I saw this one. Now this is the Godzilla from my youth! He's the only one capable of the flying dropkick attack!
  16. I just got mine today. Man, people weren't exaggerating when they were praising this valk's colors. It's really beautiful in person. The gold highlights are a very nice touch as well, makes it seem elegant. Shame that one of my head lasers was bent out of the box though. So how do I fix this again? Heat it up with a blowdryer and then submerge it in ice water while holding it straight? For how long? Do you really need to heat it up first (it's already pretty flexible as is)?
  17. No payment notifications yet from N-Y. I hope this thing is still releasing by end of the month. I grouped it together with the VF-27 CF and that will only ship along with this one...
  18. I wouldn't complain if I got shot down by those. At least he looked like a hero's fighter and not some regular joe.
  19. Cool. Now I'm beginning to wonder if macapuno ice cream originated in the Philippines. Leon's YF-30 can be the Macapuno to Rod's Ube YF-29 haha. Perfect combination!
  20. Where are you located, Saburo? I thought macapuno ice cream is only available here in the Philippines. Is it being sold in other countries as well?
  21. Just like Schrodinger's Cat! It's broken and not broken at the same time. Hehe.
  22. Those are some nice looking jets! Aren't they F-16s?
  23. Ah if that's the case, I may be interested again. I was just overwhelmed with the guide I read which seemed like a lot of work, as well as needing a lot of tools/materials to build a resin kit.
  24. If I was going to be brutally honest and critical, these two factors alone are the sole reasons I am unable to truly enjoy my Arcadia YF-19 in any mode. Swooshing it around in fighter causes the wings to swing out of place, especially if there are any missiles attached. Then the weak ankle joints can't hold any dynamic poses in Gerwalk or Battroid. I mentioned in another thread how I left it standing upright in Battroid one day and after a short while it fell forward, making a dent on the tip of the nosecone/uniboob. Since then, I have never felt comfortable leaving it standing in Battroid. These would have been less of an issue if it came with a stand, but alas it doesn't. And so my YF-19 just sits there on its landing gear, pretty much untouched. Whenever I get the urge to transform it, I remember it falling down and that keeps me from picking it up. Other than that, I think my biggest gripe with the Arcadia YF-19 (and this is probably just personal), is that it felt like a step down in engineering compared to the Yamato VF-19. I really liked the engineering on the VF-19 (I still think it's the best from Yamato), and although the YF-19 was based on its design, the areas where the YF-19 differed were just done worse (e.g. how the canards fold in Battroid, how the cockpit opens, those smaller tabs on the hips when swinging the legs up for Battroid, and high-speed mode).
  25. I'm sorry, but this is simply untrue... I'm actualy unsure how you got this perception.
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