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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. They sell MPP-10 locally here for roughly $65. Even though I already have one, I am thinking of hoarding them lol. They're that good. And the price to size ratio makes it almost irresistible to get at least one for yourself. It's hard to believe that you can get something this big with this much quality for half price. I also have the trailer (sold separately) that goes with MPP-10. It sells locally for around $60. Just like Prime himself, the KO trailer is better in terms of quality to the original. Plus they added a slight mold change to improve upon the engineering. Lastly, the bumpers and side grills are chrome!
  2. Thanks for the excellent tips, Scyla! Very comprehensive and gives me a great idea on what to look for. I may go with Gigapower or will look into those Planet-X bots. Thanks again!
  3. I'm interested in some Dinobots, but there seem to be so many different companies taking a stab at them. Which is the best set to get in your opinion? I was looking into the GCreations Shuraking, but it's not complete yet and I don't know if I'm too late to the party. Watched a review on the Toyworld one but it looks floppy. Tried looking up the Gigatoys (?) and one other brand I can't seem to recall, but was overwhelmed by too much reading. What are your recommendations?
  4. Not sure what shipping options you use outside of JAC, but normally I use either standard shipping (USPS) or priority (Fedex, UPS) when these options are available. Basically I need one that gives me a tracking number. I get my packages in 4-6 weeks for standard and a week or less for priority. It doesn't take months on average.
  5. Okay I just got home. Checked the box, sorry it was 17"x18". No padding or packing material was used.
  6. If you use my pic above as a reference, Sideswipe probably only comes up to the knee, while Hot Rod reaches the hip.
  7. Like I said I think it was around 12". It was a cube.
  8. I had a bad experience with Johnny Air Cargo a few years ago so I've sworn off them. I ordered the Hasbro Cloverfield monster for $150. But since the shop only shipped within the US, I had to use a forwarder like JAC. The package was not that heavy, but it was big (around 12" on all sides). JAC's policy stated that they would either charge based on weight or size, depending on what costs more. In the end, I had to pay around $200 alone to JAC just to claim my package. That's the first and last time I used JAC and the only time I had to pay more than the item price just for shipping.
  9. Oh MPP-10B is out? I might get that to go along with my MPP-10. I feel so strange because I tend to value these KOs more in my collection than the original MP-10... My only gripe about the MPP-10B is that his gun reminds me of those toy water guns I used to play with as a kid.
  10. The full size versions have almost the same level of articulation as their smaller versions (sometimes more). The only additional articulation that the half-size Rex had was the ball jointed neck, instead of the simple hinge on the full-size one. But the main advantage of the half-size versions is that the weight doesn't hinder the poseability anymore.
  11. Ray's wingspan is around 18" wide while Rex's railgun is 12" long. Also, I transformed my VF-1A for this pic, and I noticed that the hip joints are now much looser than before. I guess no joint is safe from the ravages of time (oh, except for ratchet joints).
  12. Yup, I will have to agree with you about Ray. It doesn't feel like you're getting as much value as Rex does (who already feels pricey as it is). Do these actually go on sale later on? I don't recall seeing the Rex ever drop in price, even the full-size one. But at the end of the day, I'm happy to have these two in my collection. For the longest time I was tempted to pick up the full-size Rex a few years ago but didn't have anywhere to display it. I'm glad 3A made these half-size versions.
  13. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Even with a markup, the overall cost I will have to spend by ordering with N-Y will be cheaper than other retailer, mainly due to customs fees. The most expensive options for me are HLJ, followed by Amiami.
  14. I wouldn't say that the commander head is a big departure from previous designs. In fact, rather than saying it looks similar to Anubis, I'd say it looks more similar to the RVF-25 head.
  15. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    I wasn't able to make the preorder at Nippon Yasan. Although it's still available at other stores, I've decided to wait until either N-Y reopens their preorders or until the actual release date so I can get it from them. I placed 3 Regult orders last time with 3 different vendors (preordered 1 each with Amiami and MyKombini, then the last one I got at release from N-Y). My order from N-Y got processed quicker, arrived much sooner, and overall cheaper than the other two. I'm thinking this VF-1A will also be available at N-Y once it releases.
  16. I preordered it for $330 on the Threezero store.
  17. Thanks for the confirmation! I was thinking of getting a second copy if mine turned out to be a rare defect. I guess I won't need to anymore. I'll just have to live with that uneven ridge.
  18. If you've been out of Transformers for 2 decades, you'll be pleasantly surprised by a lot of the progress they've made in the engineering of these toys. A lot of effort is now being placed on achieving screen accuracy, whilst proving good articulation and an interesting transformation. MP Ratchet fulfills these to a great degree, so you won't be disappointed. If you loved the G1 cartoons as a kid and want to see the best representation of them in toy form, most of the time the Masterpiece line is the way to go.But the line that really got me back into Transformers toys back then was the Transformers Animated line. That was the first time I got really amazed by how screen accurate TF toys have become while having excellent articulation. They were relatively cheap too since their main market were kids and not collectors. Gone are the days when our TF toys would have a decent vehicle mode on average, and have a chunky, disproportionate brick of a robot mode (G1 toys).
  19. I just got MP Ratchet. I'm not sure if it's just my copy, but I'm noticing that the fit and quality for Ratchet seems to be a step down from Ironhide. That's a shame since I prefer Ratchet over Ironhide. Also, can someone verify if the two halves of Ratchet's head are evenly aligned at the top? On my copy, one side of his head is raised slightly higher than the other, which annoys my OCD greatly. I tried looking at some reviews but I can't see it clearly. Thanks!
  20. I was TOTALLY SURPRISED to receive this in my mail today. I didn't even realize that it was already released. Threezero Black Getter Close up of face
  21. If we're talking about minds being blown, I don't think anything can compare to seeing the VF-1 transform for the first time in SFDM. And then seeing it once again translated relatively well into toy form with the 1/55s!
  22. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    They replied again today asking for an additional 490 yen for the shipping. Done paying it, so it should ship soon.
  23. That armor makes the biceps look so puny in comparison.
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