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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. 100% Agreed!
  2. Hey it's Pink 5! I always saw myself as Red 1 when I was a kid because he gets to ride alone with Pink 5 in Biojet 1. She was a cutie!
  3. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Even if NY has a markup, it will still be a cheaper option for me compared to any other vendor due to customs taxes. I don't really recall seeing any markup across all vendors on the prior releases. Even with the Glaug. There are even sellers on ebay that had HMR releases at retail price. Anyway, that's my perspective. I don't see the need to rush preordering these items, which is a good thing.
  4. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Is there really any pressure to make these preorders? Based on my observation, all of the HMR releases have been readily available at no markup after the actual day of release, even if the preorders sell out. I've decided to just wait for NY to have it available again, since they are my preferred vendor. I don't think preorder madness applies to the HMR line.
  5. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    I think he was referring to the new chest covers on top. If so, yes they appear to be add-on detail parts and not built in.
  6. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Is the visor for the new 1J still painted or will it be in a clear plastic?
  7. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Your HMR Armored VF-1J looks like he has a smiley face on his abs haha
  8. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    AmiAmi hasn't sent me an invoice yet. Should I be worried or something?
  9. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Too bad hacchaka didn't army build the Regult. It would've allowed for a more awesome photo shoot.
  10. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't care what anyone else says. I think those M&M's look great (even better than a screen accurate version). I will gladly purchase those.
  11. Hehe. It's cool to see a sudden spike in the number of MPP-10 owners here. Congrats to all!
  12. Yup. Here's a link to some prototype pics: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-3rd-party-discussion/1044143-master-made-apollo-sdt-03-omega-supreme.html You know... after taking a closer look at the base mode pic, I noticed that this Omega Supreme will come with normal robot hands too. I can see the articulated fingers and fists on each side of the rocket. I guess you can leave off the claw and cannon if ever you want to go for a non-traditional look (which is a GREAT option IMO).
  13. Optimus will be coming with Omega Supreme next month
  14. Yahoo! Finally got my Master Made Titan (Metroplex). Had to import it from the US (which ended up being a really expensive mistake), but I'm still happy to have it in my collection.
  15. TF Animated toys were the ones that restored my faith in transformers toys. Prior to them, I always saw TF toys as having poor screen accuracy and lackluster engineering. Too bad I sold off my entire TF Animated collection a few years ago in order to free up space.
  16. The Makuros was already pretty good in terms of quality, but the Diabolus just blows it out of the water. Crisp tampo, great paint apps, tight joints, ratchets where appropriate, ingenious engineering in the eyebrows/jaw, lots of customization/play options in terms of gun layout, LOTS of diecast (this thing is HEAVY. It probably has one of the highest weight to size ratios I have experienced on a toy), a light up gimmick, and overall a really pleasing mold design with loads of surface mechanical detail. Plus it comes with a chibi Megatron. It's so good I'm considering getting another.
  17. Congrats on being a new owner of the MPP-10! Hard to believe it's a KO right? And even harder to fathom that it surpasses the original in every way, in size, engineering and quality, and at less than half the price. It honestly feels more like an upgrade rather than a cheap copy which KOs are associated with. Sometimes when I look at my TF Masterpiece collection and if I was only going to keep one, I feel like I'd rather sell them all and just keep MPP-10.
  18. I don't have the Titan (yet). But here's the shot of the Makuros with the Diabolus Rex. Pardon the crappy pic.
  19. That's a lovely looking VF, Lolicon. Nice job!
  20. I love this guy. So cute! And the way the eyebrows shift when you open the mouth is epic. And this thing is HEAVY. It's only around 8" tall to the head but it weighs more than the MPP-10 which is much taller. Master Made Diabolus Rex. The same guys who brought you the SDF Makuros.
  21. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm already dreading what my customs fee will be once I get my Monster from Amiami. I want to cancel it if I could, but I have another preorder on the account that I don't want to risk losing. I really wish I could've gotten it at NY.
  22. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm the opposite. NY is my #1 choice. While HLJ is dead last, with Amiami coming in close to it. Well, if people stick to their word and not preorder from NY anymore, maybe that'll make it a little easier for me to secure a preorder of my own from them. I was forced to preorder the Glaug and Monster from Amiami last time since NY was out of stock. Of course this is my opinion only. I prefer NY because of my country's customs policies, among several other things which I've detailed in prior posts. Never had an issue with NY since 2012 and I've bought a crapload from them. Maybe if you're having things shipped to the US it's a totally different story.
  23. It may have been noticed by others before, but not brought up because it wasn't an issue. Like Noel said, it's perfectly acceptable for one of the markings to be "upside down" since it looks like the correct orientation when in fighter mode.
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