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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. Lol, I guess I won't be able to get one immediately
  2. It's up at HLJ but my browser's frozen when trying to add to cart
  3. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    I haven't really tried checking that thoroughly, but the obvious ones are those two gigantic metal ball joints at the hips and the soles of the feet. The prop up stand used to elevate the Monster's "mouth" is also diecast. That's all I've found so far. If there's more then it's probably internal.
  4. Man I hope I can score one at NY
  5. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Comparison with a 1/100 scale Gundam model just for fun. The Sazabi looks like it can kick the Monster's ass around all day.
  6. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Hmm, the manual doesn't mention anything about an additional extension there. Let me check and try. EDIT: Okay it seems I didn't have the legs fully extended. I missed pushing the feet backward. It adds an extra 1 inch more to the height. There are 2 areas where you can extend the legs, the first part is between the hip and knee, and the second is between the knee and foot. Thanks for pointing that out.
  7. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Actually, the legs of the Monster were fully extended. If it was retracted, the "thigh armor plates" would be angled forward. Extending the knees only increases the height by about half an inch.
  8. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Just got mine. I feel like some pics (like the one with the VF-0S) make it look bigger than it really is. Be aware when installing the cannons. They're not all identical. Only 2 of them have the UN Spacy tampo and these should go on their respective sides.
  9. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Hacchaka review http://blog.livedoor.jp/hacchaka/archives/51985352.html#more
  10. I just noticed those Regults abd Glaug placed on top of the side pillars. Would've been hilarious if those were the HMR Regults (I know they aren't, otherwise that SDF-1 would be fricking huge)
  11. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for the video! Does this mean it's already out on sale in Japan? It's smaller than I thought it would be. But damn those feet! Looks like it's all diecast on the soles.
  12. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    I kinda find it cute how so many people are insistent on placing a figure inside the Glaug/Regult cockpits (that were clearly not meant to house full-bodied figures). Don't get me wrong, I understand the feeling. But once I saw how small the space inside was, I immediately abandoned the idea since the only way that's happening is if you put in a figure without arms/legs or one that's way smaller in scale (either of which wouldn't look right).
  13. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Is there a problem with AE? Aside from having to pay upfront that is.
  14. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    Did you miss the Monster preorder?
  15. Got this yesterday. It's an old release from 2014, but it's still the first Technic I've bought in decades. I was interested in learning how the functions work, but even after building it, I still don't understand it completely lol. Nevertheless, it's fun playing with it because of the R/C functionality. Oh, and I'll never underestimate the amount of effort needed to build a Technic model ever again. The build took me several more hours than I anticipated, and it's much more complex than regular system builds. Lego Technic 42030 Volvo Front Loader
  16. Is the VF-4G still considered a Holy Grail item? It's already become a shelf warmer and subject to discounted prices.
  17. For some reason when I saw those 3 Glaugs the "Log Song" from Ren & Stimpy started playing in my mind. "Log! Log! Log!" 🎶
  18. Hehe point taken. One thing I like about Lego is its almost unparalleled longevity. And even if some parts manage to break, you can always just buy a replacement part and it's as good as new. If there's something you're not satisfied with, you can customize or improve it to your liking. The value holds up pretty well too and you can always sell it for parts.
  19. How can the price scare you away when you can afford to buy multiples of Arcadia valks?
  20. Cool, I got that Ghost too last year. Too bad it doesn't scale properly with the Falcon. The Ghost is supposed to be quite bigger than it. Since becoming an AFOL last year starting with Poe's X-Wing (which I blame on you for posting pics of it back then 😊), I've only bought Star Wars sets. But now I'm tempted to buy the Technic 42052 Heavy Lift Helicopter. I haven't built a Technic since I was a kid, so I can't imagine how things have improved since then. The chopper looks pretty good from the outside and looks "less technic-y". Back then, Technic mostly made use of those bricks with holes and their models looked like skeleton frames. This chopper looks like it has a more complete outside shell.
  21. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    I still like the baby Regult egg theory better hehe.
  22. ArchieNov

    Hi-Metal R

    I hope they'll be attachment parts, but if Bandai was really going for accuracy, I think they'll have to be entirely new Regults because the different Regult types have different markings below their "eye".
  23. I have a bunch of Riobots in my collection, and I'm not bummed about diecast content. Actually, I think it's better not having diecast since there's less chance for paint chipping and less stress on the joints. It's also easier to get airborne poses on the stand. Diecast content doesn't equal quality in my book. It's the engineering, sculpt, and paint applications that justify a figure's price to me.
  24. Unlike popular opinion, I don't think Messer and Keith were evenly matched. Messer always seemed pretty serious and intense in his dogfights vs Keith, while Keith looked like he was having fun facing someone who was skilled enough not to bore him. The way Keith killed Messer proves how much more skilled he was, opting to use a pinpoint attack while on a head on collision course to snipe Messer. If his aim was off by just a foot, he would have missed. And the time frame at which he had to make that shot was only a few seconds at most. If that's not showboating, I don't know what else it could be. And people usually only showboat when they believe they have a massive advantage over their opponent and can toy with them.
  25. I heard that direct contact with styrofoam can rub paint off. Can not confirm this though. I would recommend that you wrap it in plastic just to be safe.
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