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Everything posted by ArchieNov

  1. I honestly think that you just need to handle Dinobot with awareness and a gentle hand to avoid that shoulder issue. I don’t see the need to use oil, grease, or dish soap. This is assuming there was no factory defect or misassembly. I’ve transformed mine back and forth several times even before the first reported breakage and my ratchets are just fine. And though the reviewer from TFW2005 who captured the breakage live in his review doesn’t admit it, he was pretty rough with his handling from my point of view. You can clearly see his hands trembling at times from the amount of force he uses. He might not have been using that much force when the actual breakage occurred, but in general I think he handles Dinobot in the same way as a cheap Transformer. I am scared to think how Macross toys would hold up under him. EDIT: I found a flaw with my Dinobot. He totally discharged the 2 fresh LR44 batteries I placed in him 5 days ago. I don’t even light him up that often. Not sure if my batteries were faulty, but if not, it is concerning.
  2. The parts that tab together, do so solidly. Nothing is floppy on my copy, but there are some parts that do not tab together (e.g. the neck, the tricep area). Overall I think he's one of the best MPs ever made. My only real nitpick is that when you bend his arms at the elbow, the dino feet start sticking out. And maybe sometimes his neck looks too wide that it makes him seem like he has a double chin. Anyway, here's a quick pic of mine. Pardon the crap quality. And here's the pose I always wanted to do with Dinobot... DINOBOT RIDER KICK!!! Just like he did on Megatron in Episdoe 5 hahaha
  3. Just finished transforming Dinobot. Man, that was pretty complex with a lot of steps! Definitely something I won’t be able to do from memory until I get more familiar with it. But the end result is amazing. You will definitely understand why it cost as much as it did once you transform it yourself.
  4. I just received my MP Beast Wars Dinobot. I knew he’d be bigger than Primal, but even then he turned out a lot bigger than I expected it to be. Haven’t had the time to transform or play around with it yet, but I really like how the upper row of teeth comes out in dino mode when you open the mouth. Also, I think they really nailed the face sculpt for both the dino and robot modes. It captures the animation perfectly.
  5. Me too! My favorite yet. The things others point out as what they don’t like about it are the things that make me like it But my favorite head unit of all so far is the Ozma YF-29
  6. Am I the only one who read this in Yoda’s voice?
  7. Okay I got my VF-31S. I never imagined I would say this, but this is probably my favorite 31 variant and color scheme so far. The colors are muted so they don't look as colorful as I initially thought they would. And that 31S head unit is just badass looking! Also my favorite so far
  8. Oh and I thought it was just me having this issue. I did the same thing and changed the payment method to CC, but now have to wait for the new invoice. Ugh...
  9. Here's some photos of mine. As you'll see, no need for the additional leg extension and all the tabs still fit in perfectly.
  10. Not sure what’s causing the need to extend the knee joints for you to align the fast pack hardpoints. If everything is transformed correctly in fighter, there shouldn’t be any potential stress points. One flaw with the 17 design though is the weight of the legs tend to overcome the strength of the connecting tabs, so they can come undone during handling. This can end up in the legs being slightly out of place from where they need to be. I can take a pic of my VF-17 for you if you want to check for differences.
  11. I’ll be getting this for sure. But now I wonder if they’re still pushing through with the even larger scale VF-1 with all the LEDs. Or has this one replaced that idea?
  12. That's because you don't have to.
  13. I want to revive that old list that accounts for all pending and fulfilled orders from the different online shops. When we last updated it, it already showed that NY had fulfilled more orders than any other vendor (at least from the data submitted here). But they also had a lot more pending orders left to fulfill. I’m thinking that now there are more on the fulfilled side rather than the pending.
  14. Livers? You only have and you’ll die without it Unless you meant kidneys hehe
  15. I always thought they were identical...
  16. So if I understand correctly, you only risk transforming something without any instructions or video guides if it’s cheap or easily replaced. I guess that’s okay since the risk is still low. I’m more interested in hearing from those that “wing it” on expensive items. Based on the responses so far, not sure if there’s anyone like that on this board since apparently “not using instructions” seems like it just refers to not using the actual printed manual that comes with the toy, rather than not using any sort of guide at all. I do recall some people (from other boards) saying they transformed their MP-36 Megatron without any guides. I find that hard to believe, or maybe they’re just really clever or have no problem if their item gets damaged or scratched.
  17. Ah, if you watched an instructional video, I consider that the same as looking at the instructions first. My question was directed more at people who just try transforming something without any prior knowledge or outside help. I know there are some people who do that, and they appear to be pretty proud of themselves whenever they do so because they always seem to mention that they transformed something without any instructions.
  18. Honest question. Why do some people try transforming stuff without first looking at the instructions? And I mean for new stuff they’ve never done before. Is it a macho pride ego thing? Sense of fulfilment from figuring it out by yourself? If so, not sure that’s worth risking scratches or worse, breakages on these expensive toys. The only other reason I could think of is laziness, but doesn’t make too much sense since there’s less effort involved in following instructions rather than figuring it out yourself.
  19. Quoted for truth. To be honest, I've only had a handful of issues (maybe around 5) with toys I've bought from online shops (NY. HLJ, Amiami, Mandarake, etc). The ironic thing though is that out of those 5 with issues, 2 were bought from HLJ, 2 from Mandarake, and 1 from NY. In terms of order count, the online retailer I've made the most orders with is NY (hundreds), followed by Amiami (dozens), then HLJ (less than 10) and Mandarake (around 5). While customer service is nice, it's not worth it when compared to the amount of savings I get from underdeclared items. In my country, import taxes can go up to 20-50% of the shipment's declared value. Also, the private warehouse that HLJ has which people like is completely useless to me since we have a threshold before items become taxable. Combining multiple orders into one shipment will only make the total value of my order break that threshold and therefore, make me pay even more taxes. So private warehouse makes me lose money instead of saving.
  20. Ah okay. I thought what distinguishes HMR packaging was the Tenjin artwork.
  21. What makes you say that? The packaging style? I don’t really see anything special about it.
  22. I can only speak for myself, but I might be the only one here who chose UPS and I was the first one to get my VF-31A. So I guess I was right about my speculation that shipping method DOES matter the most.
  23. Lol. I didn’t realize that was considered “biting someone’s head off”. And there was definitely a reason for my reaction. But anyways, I already said no worries about it long ago so not sure why there’s still some animosity here. It’s all good.
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