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  1. I agree with this. I love the Sv-262. I was actually trying to find another Keith "as a backup" a few months ago but couldn't find a brand new one at a good price. Luckily the preorder for this opened a few weeks ago and saves me from getting a duplicate (I've kinda sworn off buying duplicates to save space but I wanted to mess around with the Sv-262 again without bothering the one I have on display).
  2. I haven't bought anything Arcadia in a long time. I think the last purchase I had from them was the Sv-51 Nora v2. When was the last time they released something brand new? Honestly I'm kinda skeptical they will be continuing the franchise for very long...
  3. For me, the main improvement I wish they would've done (but I know they didn't) is to make the fixed pose hands smaller. They look ridiculously big IMO.
  4. Oh darn, they're model kits? False advertising on Amazon then for listing them under Robot Spirits.
  5. Is there an existing topic on this? If so, kindly close this thread. But I was surprised to see Bandai will be releasing the VF-22S in the Robot Damashii line. It's a partsformer, but at that price and scale, I don't mind it. https://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0DFC89DN7/aburamamire-22/ref=nosim/ https://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0DFC3BQVN/aburamamire-22/ref=nosim/
  6. I just got my copy. Overall, I would say that if someone wanted to get their first 1/60 VF-1J, this is the one to buy. It takes a lot of the good things from both the Yamato and Bandai designs and improves on other things neither have done before. While it still does some things worse than either, I think the pros far outweigh the cons. I'm hoping the upcoming VF-1S will have better fitting/tolerances. The current one isn't bad, but it could be better. EDIT: So I pulled out my Yamato 1/60 v2 VF-1J out of storage to compare it to the Threezero. Man it's only after I put them side by side did I realize how the proportions on the Threezero Battroid look sooo much better than the Yamato. I used to think that the Yamato was pretty close to perfect already but now its age is really starting to show. But kudos to the Yamato. Even though it has slightly yellowed over the years (still doesn't look too bad), the joints are still holding up very well. In fact, some of the joints (e.g. head lasers) actually became even tighter. I can't rotate them 360 degrees anymore and can only move it around 45 degrees. I'm not risking putting any more force because ilI can see that it's easy for my fingers to slip and I end up accidentally breaking off the laser.
  7. I feel the exact same way.
  8. Ah that explains it. That's good then. EDIT: Wait, I checked AE again just now and it's showing in stock again for me. So maybe they did get sold out earlier but were able to reopen it to accept more orders. 2nd EDIT: Oops, I realized I didn't login, so that's why it was showing in stock. But as soon as I logged in, it's showing sold out again haha
  9. Phew, they closed the preorder as soon as I paid for my order. But what's weird today is Chrome is preventing me from going to AE's site saying it's a Dangerous Site. That's never happened before. So I had to use Edge to visit the site. But when I click on your AE link, my Chrome lets me go there. EDIT: I think the address that Chrome is flagging as a Dangerous Site today is https://anime-export.com However that has been my bookmarked address all this time and I never had issues with it.
  10. Whoa! I'm definitely picking this up! Been wanting another SV-262. I just wish it wasn't the H variant similar to Keith's.
  11. I used to have all of those figures. But I sold them years ago due to shelf space issues. If I remember correctly, it had Sheryl as Basara, Minmay as Sheryl, Ranka as Minmay, Mylene as Ranka. Then there was a 2nd Sheryl figure with the maid outfit I think she wore during one of her concerts in the movies.
  12. You must be the luckiest person so far in this forum
  13. I just received mine. You weren't kidding about the hips being stiff. It took a lot more force than I was comfortable with to rotate the hips to the correct position. I'm actually worried that I might break or stress the plastic if I do it more times. EDIT: I got the chance to transform it into fighter. The hip joints were easier to move now (but still have good stiffness). Guess it was just really hard the first time. It's very similar to the Yamato, though it lacks some of the optional parts like the leg fillers. It also doesn't have as many locking tabs, which makes it harder to line everything up. But once you do get everything transformed into fighter, I must say the tolerances are really tight. I can hardly see any gaps, so good job there. Well the only gap I have is the where the chest meets the nose of the fighter, but I think that's mainly due to the hinge joint still being tight out of the box, so I am probably not compressing it as much as I need to.
  14. If you're basing it on Usagi's review (Hobby Fan in Japan), I think she forgot to shift the hips up. That's why it looks so long in her video.
  15. You can try removing the antenna. It's pretty snug so it can be scary to remove at first, but once you get it done once it becomes less scary.
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