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Everything posted by Rock

  1. Personally I also believe a lot of the issue is also how much crap they are making. Every month there is some new limited color, version of a kit eating up time on the production lines. Instead of just having a few new kits in production they are also getting delayed by their obligations for the special edition kits and recolors they owe each gundam base and commercial promotional tie-ins.
  2. 1/60 Metal Structure Sazabi for this December https://www.gundamkitscollection.com/2022/07/metal-structure-160-sazabi-release-info.html?showComment=1658501224046&m=1
  3. The prologue that just released is an ova/ona episode. The series broadcasts drop later this fall. Prologue episode (open the video in new window and read the description) Completly forgot about that version of Vidar. Used to only seeing the FM 1/100 design the follow up was burried.
  4. Pre-4th push to clear off the table before the party. One. Last. Push. Kit was missing the 3 of the little weapons attachment mounts so a little styrene, a drilled hole, some paint and "Voila!" Waiting on the rain to stop and then were off to final topcoat and just the base. So ready to move on.
  5. 'Cause that is the lame pose China has for the statue it is based on. Why they don't just make the statue's arms (on any of them) support a hollow rifle and shield (or beam sabers) so they don't look so weird IDK. I'm guessing it is something to do with guns and children so they omit them.
  6. Just a heads up, you can buy Self-Etch bare metal primer at and auto parts store if you need it. Much mor economical than buying Mr. Color's tiny cans and shipping them. Mist on a coat, and then paint as normal. If your airbrushing besure to clean that gun after each use too!
  7. I really want that IWSP but, only of I could track down a Rouge. Strike Noir should be interesting. The MG Noir amd Aile are very different in the limbs even if the design is similar. Would do well to set up Akatsuki too!
  8. They skipped about 15min into the video for us. When they rewinded it there was about a 10min preview reel shown for other fanthom events such as MiB, Ghibli and Transformers followed by a bunch of Expo event dates and then a slightly modified into with the same add following it. Post movie had 3 music video shorts that were 3d animation.
  9. dead thrater over here- also same exact special message as last time.
  10. I am curious what the Jagd Mirage will look like with the GTM treatment. So far I've hated almost all the redesigns. But, the base green monster is already very anorexic for FSS, matching the newer GTM styling que's.
  11. Tried out the recently more popular WAVE Tan and Gray Pla-Plate. Been using Evergreen Styrene for the past 20 years due to WAVE and Tamiya's product not being local. My mind is a bit blown. The stuff (especially the tan) cuts literally like butter compared to the 20 passes (with a fresh blade) it takes to get through the same thickness (1.5mm) of evergreen's product. Being able to work without having to dread lengthy cutting/chiseling/scribing sessions is just the boost I think I need to get back at it.
  12. Rock


    It died in 2020.
  13. Nikke's back at it with a 1/20 VF-25F converting and detailing to the Armored Pack with Ozma!
  14. Grabbed part 2's tickets. Seems like the same fans already pre-ordered their seats. Exact same seats were taken already!
  15. The audio was in surround but. There was very little use of it. On part that stood out was when Ranke/Sheryl where chasing Ai-Kun before Alto junps in. Might as well have been stereo through a sound bar. No adds here, just the girl's thank you bits, and a microphone promo at the beginning. A static fanthom event card after the credits... not even a date, trailer or hint for part 2's showing.
  16. LMAO. The only thing ready to go in my warehouse is a 25 pack of knife blades for like >100yen... The emails are nonstop of their warehouse space shortage, shipping crisis, and such. Toss the damn things in the trash HLJ- I'm not fedex-ing or EMS shipping a single pack of blades. Never a thank you email for the 30,000yen in preorders I've got loaded to go though... If the base figure didn't look like an early 90's action figure I'd be interested in grabbing a Ranka, since there aren't to many figures of her (hurry up Megahouse!) But, alas-
  17. Yep, Domo arigato gozaimasu! Won't be inverted in the end. The acrylic stand happened to be a super useful tool during the build process to hold the plane without having to rest it on anything and risk damage. I might have to make another for this in the future but, a little lower so it is easier to steady my hand on the base/table/floor when detailing. Jets aren't glued. I still need to decided to either cut back the rods so the bird is more inline with the base or drill into the fuselage and sink them further inside. Right now it is very stable with them as they are but I'm not sure once weapons are received so that is up next. I may also raise one side of the stand to create a more interesting display. I really like the overhead look showing the F-15E's arsenal. Speaking of
  18. ANN article about MacrossF's subtitles and the movie's updated subtitles. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/feature/2022-06-08/make-it-like-a-hollywood-movie-the-story-of-macross-frontier-films-official-english-subtitles/.186303
  19. Ordnance on deck.
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