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Everything posted by Nicaragua

  1. But surely no matter what calibre or quantity of shells are being flung at the Vajra isnt going to be anything too different than what they have encountered (and adapted to) from their millenia of existance or recent battles against Macross Galaxy? The Vajra have fought (and adapted to) capital ships so how is a new gunpod going to make them break a sweat? Im sure you can think of a reason but its not going to be something obvious to the average viewer, and so the fact remains that SMS are better because they are written that way.
  2. Playstation Home is a virtual world a bit like Second Life. You make an avatar for yourself and then interact with other avatars in various themed areas, its basically a chat roon with an interactive virtual interface. Lots of game developers make areas based on their games so you can meet up in a Killzone themed space or a Electronic Arts space, often there are mini-games or ways to interact with the different spaces. To be honest its kinda shite but its free so you cant really complain. Most likely is that this content would be limited to the Japanese version of Home so you would need a Japanese PSN account in order to access it.
  3. thinks the VF-25 sucks

  4. I dont see how that makes SMS more effective than the NUNS though. At the beginning of the series then there is no special ammo or weapon being used by SMS that the standard NUNS havent had access to, which means that they are just using the same weapons that the Vajra should have already had a chance to adapt to. I think you guys are just overanalysing this. The SMS forces are supposed to be super duper elite and thats that.
  5. Same here, i dont get why DYRL is held in such high regard on these forums.
  6. It would be awesome, doubt we will ever see it though.
  7. Maybe it would be something along the lines of ownership or rights to real estate of the destination planet? So the SMS owners would be guaranteed ownership of export pipelines or a percentage of the planetary income for any minerals or resources found. So in return for risking their butts on the front line for an unspecified amount of time (until they get there) then they get first dibs (or near the top of the list) when it comes to dishing out the premium bits of the new homestead. Just a guess anyway.
  8. I agree the helmet is too big but those shots are from pre-production rehearsels so its a good chance they arent the finished uniform. I hope storywise it starts off with something along the lines of Judge Cal, and then does judge child and Necropolis for sequels... assuming the first one isnt a total mess.
  9. I love posing my toys in action stances with their hand cannons and was wondering if anyone had a preference as to which valk has the coolest weapon. Personally I really like the YF-21’s because of its stealth based design and how it blends into the lines of the ship when attached in fighter mode. Also there is two of them for additional awesomeness. Least favourite is probably the SV-51. I think the magazine looks way too clunky and ruins the sleek barrel.
  10. lets not forget the extra toes too, jeez all those hinges are really gonna break the bank.
  11. I dont think thats correct. The manual for the YF-21 shows that its the gerwalk without the inner legs extended and the battroid with them fully extended.
  12. SV-51 Its the better combat aircraft.
  13. It looks like you havent pulled the legs out properly on your VF-22's. The inner leg bit near the feet should slide out more.
  14. Awesome customs Kicker, makes me wish i was brave enough to take a paintbrush to some of mine.
  15. Open them both, a toy in a box serves no purpose.
  16. That VF-22 is really good, I mean really really good. I was always happy with my YF-21 but seeing that is making me want to get a 22 and give this weathering thing a try.
  17. Its cool that Yamato seem to be going the extra mile with this toy just by considering things like an additional Basara figure and MP3 sound boosters but i wish they would do the same with all their releases. I really dont like Yamato's current trend of re-releasing toys with the add-ons removed and then charging a ridiculously high price for a ghost add on or fast pack. Anyway winge over - i hate the face and colour scheme of the Kai but its release brings me closer to a Blazer valk so im kinda looking forward to it.
  18. Not sure what that means, its not like basara built it or anything. he was just given them and im sure he would have flown any other model if thats what he was given. Anyway Basara is a tool so him flying the YF-19 knocks it down a few pegs in my opinion.
  19. My favourites are plus and zero. They retain the spirit of the original while having a much darker and mature vibe. Also they do the tricky job of being a direct sequel/prequel without crapping all over the original series - they all just slot together nicely.
  20. I think the fighter mode is pretty amazing, again it just looks like a killing machine.
  21. fifty percent probably isnt far off. Not fifty percent of all the episodes but 50% of the footage within all those episodes.
  22. Like I said I think the virtual cockpit is a more a feature of the VF-27's pilot rather than the craft itself. Its not like anyone can jump in the ship and use the feature unless they have the cyborg implants that Brera had. Also I think the YF-19/VF-19 had a similar feature with wrap around images projected around the cockpit which would have pre-dated the VF-27 and didnt have require bionic surgery.
  23. I would say that the VF-27's virtual cockpit is more a feature of the pilot than the fighter. I love the SV-51. Its the only one of my toys i have permanently positioned in gerwalk mode, it just looks so aggressive and birdlike.
  24. I go with the YF-21 then YF-19 - they both seem to me more like the kind of thing a futuristic air/space craft should be like. Part of the reason I wasn’t massively smitten with Macross Frontier is that I thought the VF-25 was a huge step backwards in valkyrie design.
  25. How ?
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