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Everything posted by Nicaragua

  1. So say we all
  2. I took my 4 year old daughter watching it (her first cinema trip) and she loved it - she was transfixed to the screen the whole time. She thought the ice giants were a bit scary at the beginning but happy screamy scary rather than terifying. Its a great film, i loved it and there isnt any swearing or anything so its good for the family. All the jokes and action are very visual so it was easily enjoyed by kids but there was enough depth there to satisfy the older crowd.
  3. Sure, just like everyone who collects the macross plus valks would want an x-9 to complete their collection. Of course not EVERY mac plus collector would buy one but im sure the the attachment rates for ghost boosters wasnt 1:1 for vf-0 owners either. The point is that its something that people would buy that dosnt seem complicated to manufacture for a company like yamato - so why not do it?
  4. I'd buy a ghost X-9. The X-9 is much nicer to look at than the Macross Zero Ghost and they made that so why not the X-9 ?
  5. Your asking the wrong people, MGO's numerous glitches are down to Konami's network rather than PSN.
  6. In this case i dont think it does because i had 3 on pre-order for ages and i got an email from them on the 3rd March saying... "Despite many months of attempting to locate stock on the item(s) shown below, we have been unsuccessful. We have contacted the manufacturer and understand that, at this time, they have no plans to produce any more in the foreseeable future. As such, we have removed the following item(s) from your outstanding order. >YMT34700, Mighty Block #01 Yamato Display Stand Clear Blue If you have any other sources for this, we recommend that you use them as we doubt we will be able to get additional stock. Thanks for your patience, and thank you for using HobbyLink Japan."
  7. Are we looking at the right link because that one says they have no stock, arent taking pre-orders, and that they dont have any information from the manufacturers as to when the iten will be back in stock. Or is this some lame April fools joke ?
  8. i vote option D
  9. I think they were. I can understand not liking the unicorn scene because it removes the ambiguity but it also works the other way as well. Most likely a huge number of people who watched Blade Runner (pre unicorn edition) will have never pondered the question if Deckard was a replicant because the film is perfectly watchable to the average Joe without that question ever coming to mind. Now (post unicorn) we have a scene which makes people ask "huh? what does that mean?" and so more people are asking the question "is Deckard a replicant?". Now if the second cut achieves that purpose better than the original then it has served its purpose and fleshed out what the director wanted the audience to understand. I also disagree with anime52k8's idea that the director has no say over the canon of the story. The audience can interpret things anyway they want and do what they will with it but thats pretty much just fanfiction. Canon is canon, so why i totally understand why you dislike that scene it dosnt negate it from being part of the story, even if it was added in at a later date. I suppose an example we could all relate to is Macross Frontier. If teh series creators released a special edition of the final episode which shows Alto and Sheryl become a couple, get married, and then have a load of kids with girls that look like girls and boys that look like girls, then thats what happened - even if it is a load of cack.
  10. i'd prefer to think of it as a discussion. Its come about because this is place for discussion for a group of sci fi/anime fans who have passionate opinions on sci fi/anime related topics. As for dynamans reply to the star wars analogy - the point is that the actor is only privy to the details that the director gives them and so although they may have their own ideas they arent any kind of authority on the characters background.
  11. At the time the movie was made nobody was saying he was a replicant because the majority of audiences were too busy saying what a tedious load of poo the film was, and the crew were bitching about having to do shitty voiceovers and edits. Harrison Ford's opinion while interesting dosnt have any relevance. Im sure when he was filming Star Wars he didnt know Darth Vader was really Lukes dad but if the director says thats how it is then thats how it is. Blade Runner is so far from the Philip K dicks novel to make his original character outline irellevant. Blade Runner is not Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep. So that leaves Ridely Scott and the screen writer you mention. Ridley Scott has been saying for a very long time that he wasnt happy with the cut of Blade Runner that originally ran in theatres and he is hardly reknowned for milking his films and shafting his fans. He says this is the way it is and thats fine with me, its his film, his vision. The film has always been ambiguous and as i have already said i think the only person who has the final word on any ambiguity is the director.
  12. For me in the case of any ambiguity then the final word is from the director. In this case the director has stated that Deckard is a replicant and that the origami unicorn Gaff leaves is a reference to his implanted dream.
  13. It wasnt a sequel, just set within the same universe. The only real link is that Kurt Russels character is noted to have fought in several of the battles that Roy Batty talks about in his closing speech in Blade Runner.
  14. im sorry but this entire comment is one of the most ridiculous things i have ever read, it sounds like it has been written by a child reciting a load of hype and exageration to his friends in the playground. Having your arm broken by a glancing blow is nonsense unless you have brittle bone disease - do you understand what a glancing blow is? Some guy climbing a cage isnt some kind of testament to kung-fu. People who practice parkour can do infinitely more impressive feats than climbing a cage. ALL martial arts have moves that can be fatal so its nothing unique to kung-fu. A wrestler could drop you on your spine, a muay thai boxer could spinning back elbow you in the back of the head, a jui-jitsu practioner could choke you to death. Bruce Lee was impressive in the 70's, welcome to 2011.
  15. Yes i have, no its not. That episode is full of symbolism and so it would be very silly to take it literally. Anyway as i said even if you do choose to take space rockets, monkey masks, and cackling dopplegangers literally then it dosnt spoil the rest of the series in any way.
  16. Actually what MMA has shown is that the most effective martial art is mixed martial arts. Hence why one dimensional wrestlers like ryan bader and brock lesnar lose to more well rounded fighters like jon jones and cain velasquez.
  17. It dosnt, it merely references one particular theory which is very open to debate. Regardless its not some kind of major revelation that would hamper enjoyment of the series if you had prior knowledge, since nothing is actually done with it to give it any relevance. I tried to keep that as vague as possible so only people who know what im talking about will know what im talking about.
  18. I actually prefer the open-endedness of Macross 7 & Frontier rather than the cliche of seeing the hero end up with the girl.
  19. In no way is Bruce Lee the greatest martial artist in the world. He was just the first one that got in the media spotlight by using his talents. Sure he was an amazing martial artist, seemed like quite a cool guy and had a great philosophy but his movies arent that great and while it was impressive in the day to audiences its not that brilliant to anyone who follows martial arts. He was the first big martial arts star, he opened a lot of doors and changed percpetions, but lets not get carried away with bullshit.
  20. thanks for that, most appreciated ! When you say that the SV-51 dosnt have an adaptor for the mighty block - isnt it the same adaptor that fits on the black stand that comes with the SV-51 ? I thought all the various adaptors had the same octagon style peg socket,or does the mighty block not use that octagon peg on the end ? Thanks to everyone who has posted pictures of their valks on the different stands.
  21. There are a couple of comments saying that the mighty block stand wont hold anything heavier than a VF-1 and I was just wondering why? My VF-1 Max is pretty heavy due to its solid metal legs whereas something like a YF-19 or Sv-51 is mostly plastic and feel a lot lighter. Is it something to do with the base being too small or is the arm too weak, or is it more to do with the centre of gravity on the larger 1/60’s ?
  22. Gotta be Grace from Frontier - its that cheeky little wink she does which seems so friendly but has a wealth of hidden undertones. Its a sort of nice polite "are you coming to bed dear (*wink)" and then when you get there you realise she has planned an all night, drug fueled orgy with both her and Sheryl. Otherwise a couple of votes for Milia for being an awesome MILF and Sharon Apple for wearing no virtual clothing and having massive eyebrows... oh and massive tits too... musnt forget the tits.
  23. Yeah i read about that in another thread, from what i gather though it only affects the paint on metal parts. I only have 1 VF-1 with metal legs and all the rest of my valks are plastic Macross Plus & Macross Zero ones so i should be able to get away with it.
  24. Sheryl wins everytime with her more mature attitude and kinky wardrobe. Sheryl is a woman, Ranka is a child. Still since Alto is such a pleb then i cant say i want to see him with Sheryl but if he has a choice then he should definitly go with Sheryl.
  25. Im looking at getting some display stands for my 1/60 Yamatos and was wondering what everyone thought was the best solution. At the moment Ive just got the rather clunky (but very stable) stand that came with my SV-51. Flightpose or Yamato mighty block or This other Yamato stand - http://www.hkcollectibles.com/img/p/6892-1207-large.jpg Any advice is most appreciated.
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