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Everything posted by Nicaragua

  1. That trailer was what made me interested in Macross. While every other anime being released under the Manga label was over the top bullshit like Legend of The Overfiend suddenly there was this short trailer which, although it was about nothing, was something completely different. Based on that i went and bought my first Macross Plus which was my real introduction into the world of Macross (i had previously seen Robotech but thought it was crap).
  2. Sharon’s self awareness came from the use of some kind of illegal military AI chip in her hardware, along with the feelings she inherits from Myung. Sharon wanting to kill Isamu isn’t that black and white. She knew (by way of having Myungs memories/emotions) that Isamu was an adrenalin junky and so lived for the thrill of being close to the edge – she simply sought to push him harder and further because that’s what he wanted, but she took it to the extreme. You have to watch both the OVA and movie to get the full picture of what happened because i think some bits are explained better in one and not in the other.
  3. Same here, ive never understood what people are talking about when they refer to this issue.
  4. Just assign each toy your own value and then purchase it based on that. If I can get a toy that i want at a price i am willing to pay then i will buy it with teh intention of it making me happy. If you are buying anything based on the price fluctuating then 9 times out of 10 you will end up dissapointed because the price on most things will inevitably drop. Macross toys are collectables but not necesssarily valuables.
  5. Alto is looking a bit camp in that pose
  6. Well yes, but those are quite recent - as in the last few months. i think it would be fair to say that their track record up to the release of the VF-27 point pretty shitty.
  7. Totally agree - landing gear is a necessity. Im surprised anyone cares about missile bays at all when they havent been included on most valk toys, i can live without them.
  8. Im a 40k fan but i think Space Marine looks pretty bland. Kill team looks interesting for what it is but i cant seeing it keeping my attention long term. When it comes to 40K then i think Dawn of War 2 is the best game going.
  9. Well to go from MGO to Blops is like going from the finest meal to eating your own turd but there are plenty of other decent games out there, Killzone 2 or Bad Comapny 2 are better FPS than COD. I must admit though its hard these days to find a gme that grips me as much as MGO did. It wasnt just the gameplay its the full package of clan features with tournaments and survival mode, it seems that most games these days are dumbing down these features that build communities and i cannot understand why. I might give it another whirl to see if the patch has made MGO playable again.
  10. Probably, but a few pixelated cocks and boobs are probably the least shocking thing you are going to see in a game were the primary theme is shooting people in the face. Also any game that is rated Mature should be able to account for whatever images its userbase might create, and if anyone does manage to come up with anything truly shocking then they could be reported just as racist/rude usernames are.
  11. The ability to create your own logo from scratchin that game is brilliant, im surprised more games didnt follow suit. MGO is probably one of my favourite multiplayer games but the glitches and cheaters killed it for me, shame.
  12. The YF-21 / VF-22 also has guns in the same elbow position.
  13. He was born in Germany but moved to Ireland when he was a child so he dosnt speak with a German accent. His accent is all over the place tbh and by the end of the film he just sounds Irish.
  14. Its incorporating voice recognition - it can be done on any microphone or headset, its just that Microsoft are trying to brand it as a feature thats only possible because of Kinect when in reality there is nothing hi-tech about the microphone incorporated in the kinect device. I'd be very surprised if the PS3 and PC versions also did not have this feature without the need for a £100 webcam.
  15. I dont see how an actor simply acting in a film has a bigger impact than a relevant character being tied into the story, unless you have some kind of crush on that actor ?
  16. Thor is a much better more well rounded movie in my opinion - its visually stunning, has a much tighter story due to it revolving around 1 main character, and is just a really enjoyable film. For a film that could have been ridiculously silly Thor is pretty epic.
  17. I saw it - its OK, nothing special but enjoyable. A few little gripes. The guy who plays Magneto keeps slipping into his natural Irish accent especially near the end, and the mutants with more extreme make-up like Mystique and Azazel dont look as natural as they did in the original X-men movies.
  18. i'd like the gunpod to fit in to the leg compartment but i think a spring loaded mechanism thing would be pretty crap.
  19. I dont think Bandai would let a little detail like accurate proportions or a quality final product get in the way of them making a toy - its probably just that they cant be arsed making it
  20. Its hardly raining on anyones parade - he is just stating an opinion and even put in some clearly defined reasons as to why he has that opinion. I completely agree that M7 is the G Gundam of the Macross franchise - that dosnt mean its bad but it is certainly so different from any other Macross that it is bound to polarise viewers into those who enjoy the realistic looking military vlaks and those who like the super robots with OTT colour schemes and (ahem) boobs. Im firmly in the YF-19 camp - it just looks more badass in my opinion in both fighter and battroid mode.
  21. I doubt thats the case but if it is then its a really lame reason for locking a perfectly civil on-topic thread. The lack of explanation is quite rude tbh.
  22. Will it have a compartment in the leg to stow away the gunpod and then another compartment in the other leg for the laser attachment ? – that’s what I wanna know
  23. No problem - It will look something like this
  24. Its gone travelling with the VF-2, to see a bit of the world and get with some exotic girls and stuff.
  25. Awesome - this and a vf-19 blazer will give me all the valks i ever wanted to finish my collection.
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