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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Good to hear from you shadow! Looking forward to any updates in the future.
  2. http://www.gamefront.com/files/21780522/MacrossGenerations_BetaV1.big
  3. ModDB is a fairly reliable website, though it can be slow at some points.
  4. Any updates? Was messing around with the current release today and it got me anxious for the next one.
  5. Hey shadow I was wondering if you ever decided which release format you were going to use. Progress looks great also.
  6. Hawt, things are looking good!
  7. Did you add -mod MacrossGenerations_BetaV1.big to your short cut for Homeworld 2?
  8. I'd be happy to just have one of the macross races with ai on, not sure what's up on my end if it works for you. What settings are you using for the match before you start it? Also do you have the update for homeworld 2? It's v1.1 I believe.
  9. They still just sit around for me, I was under the impression that only the vaygr ai was working, maybe I need to redownload or something.
  10. Your zentran ai works? You must tell me how you did that. >.>
  11. Either is fine with me, I'd just need to re-download unfbig or whatever it was that I used to use to extract and make .big files. Can't wait to mess around with un spacey.
  12. Been having fun playing against 4 vayger expert AIs. Found the trick to make fighting 4~5 of them easier, just don't let more than two of them survive long enough to get battle cruiser research finished. Those battle cruisers pack a helluva punch, especially if there are like 4 - 5 coming at you at one time. Anyway, got a cool screen shot from my last play, wanted to say thanks again for making all this fun possible.
  13. I retract my statement about there being no ai in this initial release, Vayger expert AI is still there, and its not a good idea to fight 5 of them at once... >.>
  14. This reminded me, flag ships don't come out of hyperspace, they just appear inside the battleship.
  15. Thanks for the tip about hitting z, it works. I guess I was just half asleep when I thought I noticed a bug, I can't recreate it, so my apologies for saying anything about it. Nice work on the mod though, really glad someone worked so hard to bring us a macross rts game.
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