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Everything posted by MIsaHayase

  1. My interpretation of the scene was that Guld did force himself on Myung which certainly hurt all three friendships. I though it might have been his Zentradi personality asserting itself.
  2. I invested in the Five disc Yamato set purchased off the Star Blazers Website and was very pleased with it. Even though subtitled in English, and as with Macross, I enjoyed the original much better.
  3. Actually, Princess Allura, our youngest loves it LOL. Seriously though, I'm glad the Marks script got canned. It's really really bad. They weren't. That was Marks' idea how they were made.
  4. I have a copy of the Justin Marks' script for the Voltron Movie and believe me, it is so bad I use it for kitty litter. There is a whole other thread dedicated to it over on the official voltron forums: http://forums.voltron.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/5641046761/m/4951001272
  5. Is is Sunday already? I hate Mondays

  6. I too am envious of those that can see this live. *sigh*
  7. All I can say is....WOW! Very nice
  8. Hubby is slowing going through FMA and Tsubasa at the same time. Me - I'm slowing working my way through Dairugger XV while I wait forever for Media Blasters to get their act together to release the final set of discs on Volume 3. Still have to finish Southern Cross in the original Japanese, although I wish that and Mospeada had been able to have been dubbed in English as well.
  9. My moment??? Dressing as Misa and Minmei for Dragon*Con 2010 and entering Minmei in the Cosplay Contest...
  10. These are some really great pictures. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Very Nice!
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