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Everything posted by SherylFan888

  1. Is that plane in the background from Yukikaze? It looks like one of the naval jets that appear in 1 episode?
  2. Do you guys think we'll see some re-release of ME1 on PS3 so that players who stay on PS can get the full effects of decision-making from the previous 2 games?
  3. I'm watching this really strange show called Zipang ... reminds of another smilar war movie I can't recall where a US carrier goes back in time too.
  4. Hate to say this.... but OWND
  5. Haha Ghost Train, you remind me of this guy I know who argues just for the sake of arguing ... Anyways, this topic of East vs. West I find to be quite interesting to my current University studies (I'm hoping for PoliSci & Asian Studies major and hopefully work in China or Japan when I graduate). I'm actually taking a class now on Post-WW2 Japanese history, and my professor has been saying something similar to what u are alluding to with the software thing. He's basically saying that Japan today has somewhat of an identity crisis and many are no longer confident in their ability to compete globally like they are used to - but this is in many ways due to the general anxiety produced by the global ricession - and in terms of both talent, and know-how they can quickly catch up if they wanted to. Today we were asked to discuss this CNN video interview with Rakuten's CEO - Japanese online retailer, and his take on some of the structural issues w/ Japan: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/international/2011/02/02/talkasia.hiroshi.mikitani.cnn (can't get it to link properly for some reason, so just paste it onto ur browser) On the topic of mobiles, I stayed for two weeks last summer with my family's friend in Japan. I brought my Moto Android (1st generation one), but couldn't get reception, and was dissapointed since I'm on verizon here in the states which is also CDMA ... anyways they had a teenage son, so we talked a little about technology and stuff. There are a lot of nifty applications they have, like paying for goods directly with your phone and the bar-code scanning thing, but some of those are being rolled out in some US cities. Like you can now pay at Starbucks with your I-Phone. Overall, I didn't feel there was a huge difference in the phones, not anymore anyways. I'm confident that my beat up Moto could go toe to toe with any phone I encountered if only I could get reception . Anyways, I think you guys should just learn to disagree. Train ur obviously in the US so use whatever works for you, and whatever works for Sketchly works for him over there. Back on topic... I hate toll booths, when I first got my license I was stuck without enough change at one, and there was a huge line of angry drivers behind me lol... finally an attendant came and gave me a freebie.
  6. Wow! That is just absolutely stunning. I prefer to see cleaner builds, but your take on this gives it a very realistic feel. Love the first pic the most, like it's emerging from a hangar.
  7. Love Seven! Second favorite to Frontier, it looks a bit unpolished with lots of recylced footage and all, but I was still glued to my screen for the whole time... have not seen the OVA's yet, but I would def watch a sequel of some sort.
  8. New to the board ... sorry if this been asked.... but I recently saw the VF-0A and S Yamatos on sale in HLJ, and still in stock, are these the ones with confirmed fixes or will I be trying my luck if I buy them? I'm just afraid retailers might mix old & new stock.
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