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Everything posted by liulin04

  1. liulin04

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I just found out from HLJ that the pre-orders for the VF-31J is now closed. I totally missed the pre-orders despite checking HLJ every 3 days or so. WTH. Is there another store where I can pre-order the VF-31J Bandai Chogokin? Any insight would be greatly appreciated, thank you!!!
  2. just paid for my lightning today, hope to receive it in a few days. So stoked!
  3. Can anyone tell me what kind of stands these are? I need them to display my macross too. So many are just parking on the tarmac, they need to be airborne
  4. Good. I have never ordered from Amiami before. The prices seem to be cheaper compared to HLJ for other girly figures that my wife is interested in. In terms of shipping from HLJ though, they are marvelous. They shipped the VF-0S in a very thick box, and nothing was damaged. Not too sure about Amiami, what are some of you guys' opinions for this site?
  5. is it a crime to actually throw away these nice looking Arcadia boxes? Because I already threw away the VF-0A and 0S boxes since they are taking up too much space. I consolidated all of my manuals and sticker sheets into the VF-0D box.
  6. Got it, thank you for the big help. Will post it on the FAQ next time.
  7. I used to own a whole bunch of old Yamato Macross VF-1 series toys, they're the ones with very heavy/metal legs, and they have to be detached in order to transform. Recently I saw a video online that shows a "renewed/improved" version of the VF-1s that feature a tainted cockpit glass, at 1/60 scale and much better improvements. Does anyone know the name of the renewal versions? Thanks!
  8. I know right. I don't want to spend so much money on a glass display case. The shipping is also going to be ridiculously high too. So I will just have to settle for the Detolf
  9. Originally this the Detolf is the one I was thinking about http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/10119206/ but I just don't know if the width is wide enough to accommodate my figures posed in fighter modes. I only display them in fighter modes unfortunately.
  10. What are some of the glass display cases that you guys use to display your macross figures? I'm looking for one that is 36" in width and prefer not to spend too much. Thanks!
  11. liulin04

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Cool, thank you. Is there a pre-order link from hlj yet?
  12. liulin04

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Does anyone know when the VF-31 will be released?
  13. Looks like a VF-2SS by Evolution Toys will be coming out early next year. Will you guys get it. It doesn't look that appealing from the fighter mode, so I am in a dilemma as I display all of my valks in fighter mode only.
  14. very nice my friend. You should submit your design to Lego Cuusoo - Lego Ideas
  15. very nice weathering job on the 0A bro.
  16. I can't wait!!! 0D has always been one of my favorite VFs, I fell in love with it the moment I saw it in the anime. As much as it pains me to take the money from the bank, I think the long term appreciation is well worth it.
  17. Yes sir. Even though I ordered it, I keep forgetting to pay HLJ for the shipping. Doing that now, hope to receive it in a few days.
  18. These are a must for me. I will be getting these two as well. Finally caved in on the 0D even though I said l won't
  19. As much as I love the VF-0D, one of my favorite top 5 valks ever, I too think the color scheme is way off. I am hesistant to send payment to HLJ even though I received a payment request already. I have another 2 days to decide whether I want this or not. Had the color been bright blue like the photo below, I would not hesitate for a single second to send my payment. Extremely disappointed with Arcadia, even though this was supposed to be my first Arcadia ever. You screwed up big time Arcadia!!!
  20. so how's the model coming along sir?
  21. oops, I meant the VF-0D, haha
  22. Does anyone know where I can pre-order the Bandai Chogokin DX YF-19? I just read about the Arcadia VF-0D. Does anyone know when that one is coming out and where I can pre-order it? Where do people pre-order for the Macross figures anyway? Many thanks!
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