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Isamu Dyson

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Everything posted by Isamu Dyson

  1. Oh wow $75US that's pretty steep. No question about your love for the YF-19. Just curious about how many did you open to initially search for one? My girl is picking them up for about $45US a box. I think I read somewhere it's a mid to rare find along with the YF-21. The hardest being the VF-25F Tornado. Oddly enough I see a lot of the Tornado online for sale ranging 40-50 bucks.
  2. Help!!! My GF is in Shanghai right now and is able to order a few boxes of the Macross Fighter Collection 2 for me. I'm only interested in getting the YF-19. For those who have actually bought these boxes - How many is a safe a bet for me to get at least 1 YF-19. I hear a lot of people getting many VF-1s but rarely the YF-19. I rarely see it for sale in Ebay or Yahoo Auctions Japan. Is is that rare? I'm willing to get 2 maybe 3 boxes anything more is gonna hurt me. She has time only to make an order and recieve once before coming back home. I know it's all random but just thinking percentage wise what's the likelyhood of at least 1 in 2 boxes. There won't be a second chance for me so any advice, information or personal stories in these guys would be greatly appreciated. Thank you~~~
  3. Isamu Dyson

    GN-U DOU

    Awesome customization!!! Never thought of working on them like that. Thanks for sharing Cheers~
  4. Isamu Dyson

    GN-U DOU

    Thanks guys and gals. I think you all pretty much clarified my doubts and answered my questions. Too bad for the GN-U Dou - concept was cool but delivery was a little weak. If it was able to transform and market the price no more than 70 dollars, I think it would sustain a stronger following. Bandai's Metal line is as close as it gets but too bad it still has a few parts swapping.
  5. Speaking of which.... Does anybody know why Yamato decided to choose "street clothed" Basara over his "band" outfit? Did Yamato take a poll of some sort to decide? I certainly hope Yamato won't make a limited edition version with the same exact Valkyrie but with a different Basara pilot. That would be the worst kind of milking for a $250.00 plus toy. However I do hope they add a band outfit Basara to the Soundbooster set.
  6. Hehe...Looking at your injured list - I would say your a hopeless romantic who keeps looking for the right gal but keeps getting owned. You have good luck with the bigger gals..umm valks though but no sweat, all is not lost - I think this Very Fine 19 year old may "Fire" your passion for marriage at first sight. Did that make any sense or did I set myself up again?
  7. Any toy that is this costly can definitely start many debates. Yamato should do this or they didn't do that. This thread reminds me of the 1/60 YF-19. We oohhhed and ahhhhed, creating a positive vibe but later on after the release we started to be more negative. Feedback and reviews is always a healthy thing but knowing us MWers we are meticulous. Simple solution: If there is a toy that has either one or two minute details that bugs the heck out me - I wouldn't get it whether it is 20.00 or 200.00. Even I had to make a pass for 1/72 YF-19 simply because it was too chunky. After waiting for years the 1/60 finally was a dream come true. Was it perfect? - No, but compared to the 1/72 it's imperfections made it perfect to me. For those who are meticulous or in doubt - I suggest holding up for the time being. The first production run has been made so there really isn't anything we can do but confirm and weigh the positives vs negatives. Yamato changed the colour and tightened the joints for the new packaged YF-19. Who's to say it won't happen again? Or perhaps there will be a Sound Booster Bundle with the Kai. For those who are true fans of this particular Valkyrie - It's obvious this is currently the best looking Kai toy on the market ever so your choice is simple: to buy or not to buy. That is question. Buying a new Yamato Valkyrie is a lot like dating and marrying your girlfriend. She will attract you and you will he happy in the beginning, but as time goes along you see the little things that bother you. It's whether you can respect or accept the little things and live with them that makes her worth marrying. Cheers~~~
  8. Isamu Dyson

    GN-U DOU

    Thank you all for the follow-up. When you mean upgrade parts are you referring to the fast pack add ons? If so then I have seen them in a separate box. However on the Yamato site the 001EX item states in Japanese YF-19 with fastpack. Could they mean as a bundle like which all of you guys are referring? Renato: Just going off topic for a moment but WOW - The Macross Plus line has not been kind to you or many of the other toys for that matter. Missing stickers, missing parts, broken limbs and best of all swapped arms. I assume all of the above for your VF25G. I feel for you! Jenius: I absolutely love your reviews and frequently check up on your site. It's nice to finally know who writes the review to Anymoon. Cheers!
  9. Isamu Dyson

    GN-U DOU

    Need information before purchasing these guys. What's the deal with the cheap prices? Are they fake or out of demand? I used to remember paying about $50.00 dollars for one when they first came out. Now I see them on ebay for less than $10.00. Seeing them so cheap now makes me very weary of purchasing one especially since most of these cheap prices are from sellers in China. Also can any one confirm if a YF-19 with fast pack included is in the same box? AKA #001EX マクロスプラス YF-19 withファストパック. I've never seen the box or packaging of this particular unit. Desperately in need of a picture or confirmation from any one who has one. Cheers Haru
  10. Any MWers in Vancouver???

  11. Yamato - Here's an idea: Macross Plus Essentials 1 - Ghost X-9 1 - Test Drone 1 - Sharon Apple in her physical box form in proper scale 1 or all 4 - Sharon Apple in her Virtual form (a half cut version of her to put in front of Isamu would be awesome too) 2 - Rocket Boosters for the VF-11B during the YF-21 test flight 1 - Arm Cannon for the YF-19 during it's weapons test Can Yamato milk these molds? - No, but I'm pretty sure any one who owns any of the Macross Plus valks would definitely buy into this. I think that is a number worth investing. Wishful thinking but anything is possible. I'm willing to pay around 100-150 for it. If this happens I'll donate my left nut or even my "double nuts"
  12. I just got an Ostrich from HLJ about a month ago. Bad news is that one of the shoulders has a slight hairline crack right out of the box. Good news is that I don't intend to transform it. I think the Ostrich looks best in fighter mode, great in gerwalk but fugly in battroid. If you plan on transforming it a lot - I would say pass. If you plan on getting one for display - I would say 30% discount is very reasonable to get one. The classic date scene with that valkyrie is what makes it special. Just be warned that if you do get one and look at it - you may start to hum that Minmei song in the date scene.
  13. On the contrary.....the Sagittarius head piece is very useful As you expected,....you can put the Sagittarius cloth on Final Seiya At first it didn't make sense that Bandai would add the piece without a full purpose,...if you tried adding the new head to the old Seiya you would notice that it doesn't fit at all,....so I decided to "force" the shoulder piece together on the Final Seiya,..and tada~~ So with a little love and lots of pressure I'm sure you will be able to do it too,.....so no worries....go for it cuz the Final Seiya with the Sagittarius cloth looks so much more beautiful than the original. He looks much taller and is shaped much better,......I'll be sure to post some pics for you,....still waiting on Cancer (ughh) and Aries (oooh) so i can take a nice group shot of everyone released so far! Cheers Haru
  14. Thanks for the congrats Sum, It was a long and patient wait to collect them all and now I have to be even more patient for the new ones to be released. Yup, I think every one is anxiously awaiting for Mu to be released including myself. Yeah for those who came in late it will be pretty difficult to get Camus and Aioria but I believe they will be re-releasing them this march. As I was checking out the current ongoing Yahoo Auction prices for them; they're ranging about 7500 yen each. However the HK Bandai version is significantly cheaper going for about 5000 yen each. Be warned Sum, Camus is nothing really special and his ankle joint was really loose straight out of a sealed box. Aioria is definitely worth adding to your collection. He's easily the second best looking Saint so far after Aioros (in my humblest opinion)~Happy Hunting Haru
  15. .....................................ummmmm............................. Is there anyone you want me to kill??? Haru
  16. hey... this figure has a new mold... hmm... I am sure it is an improved version, but it looks little funny... Hey Q Yes it does look like a new mold. When you say it looks funny are you referring to the sculpt of Seiya's face? Cuz I think they molded it to look like the Overture animated Seiya if you notice the larger eyebrow So far I can't wait to get this one. The first Seiya face looks nothing like tha anime nor the manga. The closest looking Seiya face (the old anime) would be the one that comes with Saggitarius however the head is a little too small for the body when compared to Aioria. This new Seiya looks the best overall in my opinion. Just my 2cents though. The only question or doubt that I have with this prototype is the fact that there are no seams or slots to remove the front portion of his hair to place his tiara (notice the head shot pic) hhhhmmmm????? Haru
  17. Hey Shin I think I know which figures your tallking about. I didn't really do the research on them but just by looking at them I made a pass. Collecting things that we like shouldn't really be an issue of deals or money. Well to an extent or degree of course. If you really like Saint Seiya or Macross it wouldn't do you or your collection any justice to get anything less than the best. For Example I'm a Macross Plus fan. So I was looking to get a YF 19 variable. Should I pay for the Yamato version although is relatively cheaper but really fugly? Or the Studio Halfeye kit which is in my opinion the best looking variable but cost an arm and a leg? Guess what? I didn't want any regrets and invested the extra cash plus a few body parts to get the SHE YF 19. Why??? Cuz it looks so damn good on my table~~~ So to answer your question I think you should invest on the Bandai Japan Saint Seiya Cloth Myth series. They are really beautiful. If I have time I'll be sure to post a few pics here to share with you. But it all comes down to whether you want to settle or whether you want the best. How much do you like Saint Seiya and whether they are worth it cuz I just recently paid about 500US (all 10 bronze and gold saints to date) including shipping for them straight from Japan. It was a real B to get them through Yahoo Auction Japan cuz I encountered a couple of Otakus who were really unrelenting to let Leo and Camus go. I actually had a bid war going. I was so ticked off with one of them that it was a matter of pride.. A note to this guy: Sorry my Japanese brother,....not this time. I would have gone all the way and blow a whole paycheck if I had to. But I have to say Leo looks mighty fine just glittering here beside me as I speak Hope this helps and good luck Shin Haru
  20. Oh how about one more pic~
  21. LIBRA looks gorgeous, I wonder if Shiryu's head comes with it~ Could the closed eyes face be him? I just wish Bandai would release these sooner than one a month. Besides completing the 12 gold saints I also hope they release: 1.Athena (with an optional cloth in the manga) 2.The Pope (Both gold and red cloth plus the full trimmings-chair and stuff) 3.Abel and his 3 guardian saints 4.Chicks would be nice: Shaina/Marin 5.One more Seiya with Odin's cloth wouldn't hurt right??? =P God forbid if Bandai ever releases Cloth Myth series of Steel Saints, Silver Saints and Kiki~
  22. Isamu Dyson


    I think Graham and Rob is right about the price of the kit. Especially if there are only 10/landing gears/pre-assembled. I would definitely pick it up for 30,000 yen easily. It's a steal. I would probably pay double that amount if I could see more pics of it painted. Variable Macross kits don't come cheap and is a high price to pay for one's own happiness. Whoever is lucky enough to get one, I hope he/she out there puts it up for auction. I'll definitely go all out on a bidding war for it. Although I pray I won't have to go though one against Graham, Rob and Andrew (aka AlphaHX) I have a limit in mind for this kit however for the three guys mentioned above,...hhhmmmm This Liquid Stone kit looks really nice but personally I still think Studio Halfeye's YF-19 version is still the best out there in terms of the over all look in all three modes. But then again I'm cannon fodder so what would I know? Cheers Haru
  23. Hey Dangard Thanks for the heads up! Actually I was just at Anime Extreme today and saw Silver. Haha actually he was playing Streetfighter Alpha 2. I don't really know him personally but I saw his collection of Macross on display. Pretty nice stuff he's got. Yeah for sure i'll chat up with him next time. I didn't know he was really into Macross. Do you all you guys go there to get Macross kits and figures? I'm just looking for people who can share ideas and personal thoughts on Macross. I'll be working on a few Macross kits and would love to have tips and opinions on them. Perhaps I'll post them up on MW when I get the chance. Oh thank you for your coments Alpha. Your too kind. For sure if you ever drop by in Toronto, give me a call. Heck if you need a place to crash by all means. We can work on our Studio Halfeye collection together. Always need your insights. Cheers~ Haru
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