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Isamu Dyson

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Everything posted by Isamu Dyson

  1. Any one notice the slots for the missiles under the wings? Not that it's a decision killer for me, however I wish there would be an alternative method for those who want to display it in flight mode angled upwards without those protruding pieces sticking out. Swappable wings for the purists?
  2. Just curious but does any one know how forgiving AmiAmi is for cancelling orders? This HLJ sale has me tempted.
  3. My friend - You misinterpreted me Your right! How can a company predict how many units it will sell whether its from frontier or plus? I was just simply suggesting a safer method to sell a product by fulfilling the demand with a preorder incentive. This method avoids overstock costs but produces enough units to make as much money for Arcadia from the fans. I did not specifically state that the YF-19 should be priced like a Bandai Valk, just marked as low as possible to attract multiple purchases from individuals. In terms of the stand, I was comparing the lack of one from Yamato not Arcadia for the higher price point. Simply stating if Bandai could offer a cheap stand, so can Yamato, especially looking at their asking price. The tampo has its problems, personally for me I never had a problem with them. Stickers decals however have peeled off my Valks. So I guess the tampo vs stickers will continue to go on around here. I respect your opinion and take them with consideration but I'm confused if you got me right...Ummmm So just what points did I make which you considered my views skewed and unrealistic?
  4. I don't have any hard evidence to support that "theory" nor do I personally support it as a fact. However in the past we have had examples of these issues. Take Final Fantasy X International version or Final Fantasy VII International version for both PS2 and PS1 respectively. Both versions were re-released a second time around for Japan and was region coded for Japanese Playstations only. The Final Fantasy International wasn't made for International purposes as only the English audio was added. The in-game text was all in Japanese at least for X and XII. In FF7 the North Americans got 2 specials bosses not present in the original Japanese version. The Japanese fans cried foul on that one stating why they got the short end of the stick. So Square at the time gave back a more complete version for the Japanese fans with an International version filled with the 2 bosses, English tracks a bonus disc - the works. See the common trend here? Personally, I never expected it to be spelled checked or even audio checked properly from the get go. I knew the moment when this bluray was released it had a certain market to target and it goes without saying this English option was an extra bonus for the Japanese fans first and foremost. I don't believe they stated that the English market was "insignificant" however it would be more like a secondary priority. In all fairness can anyone prove that the English market was significant or even intended? Heck living in Canada, every bluray has to have french writing on the bluray with description of the movie at the back and french audio. There isn't any English Summary on my MacPlus Bluray aside from the title and specs. HHHHhhhhmmmmm......
  5. I'm not sure about V1 but V2 will cost a pretty penny for you. I was lucky enough to get one from my GF on a HLJ sale for $150. Had I known the after market value for these guys, I would have picked up 10. Watch out for the V2 shoulder cracks due to the pin hinge problem. Mine had one straight out of the box. Hold off for a bit buddy cuz I have a feeling Arcadia will re-release them, assuming they still have the Yamato molds. No valkyrie is worth $300 with a cracked shoulder or any part for that matter.
  6. High quality product for an affordable price equals a good value purchase. Arcadia should just mark as low as possible with sustainable profit of course. Take preorders with a slight discount from retail. Add about 10%-20% on top for shelf warmers or after market demand. If they play safe and fulfill preorder demands in full - They should manage and good return without overstock harm assuming the cost is decently affordable. Also if the cost is too high, it would hurt sales from buyers looking to purchase multiples. Bandai has the right idea in selling Macross items less than $200US. Only problem for them is that they could earn more if they would just fill the preorder demand. As much as I love Yamato the cost was too high when compared to the Bandai valks which were fully tampo printed with stand and cost a lot less. Obtaining one was really the only problem while most of us just waited for a sale for the Yamatos. It will be interesting to see what Arcadia plans on doing in the near future but so far it looks like they are following in Yamato's foot steps in pricing. If so - they won't last.
  7. Ultimately we finally have Macross Plus on bluray HD. It's already released and really there isn't anything we can do about it to make it better straight out of the box. It's cool to vent our frustrations in regards to either the poor subbing or the out of the blue dubbing for Episode 4. This venting procedure may help others who haven't purchased it to think twice before shelling out their money. However, it's too late with the should have, would have and could have. I always knew the English options was something of an add on for the Japanese fans and was never intended for sale internationally. If you think about it that way, things start to become clearer in regards to the whole English fuss issues.
  8. Sweet! Is this insider information back with Yamato or have you reconnected a source with Arcadia now?
  9. After the VF-4G - anything is possible now even a VF-0D. Arcadia: Ghost X-9 us already - It doesn't even transform. Simple and easy sell for us - Just don't mark it up to $400. I think Graham may have mentioned to Yamato about the VF-0D just before the time it fused with Arcadia. Might want to ask him how that conversation went. Thinking back he hinted about the YF-19 revist by Yamato so in essence he was the first to know in MW.
  10. Seriously this case is a joke. All I see is HG holding the Robotech/Macross license and waiting for a chance to lawfully extort money from others. If Robotech was a power selling license and had toys selling out all over ToysRUs - I could see this case more clearly. However this isn't the case and they aren't really do much with their license. I sincerely hope this does go to court, hopefully HG loses and incur substantial losses with their lawyer fees - file for bancruptcy. Similar to what Marvel Comics did to Defiant for the "Plasm" case.
  11. Mmmmm ideally I would LIKE to pay less than $300US. Realistically I know I'll pay ANYTHING even if I have to sell my left nut. On a serious note, Arcadia shouldn't price this thing above the $350 range. Most buyers would settle for one or none. If it was more affordable, most of us would probably buy multiples. If it is marked at $300 - I'll buy 3. Less than $300 I'll buy 4. Above $400 - "F", I'll take only 2. I'm going to predict this baby will be about the $430 range - Called it! I hope I'm wrong.
  12. Why is everyone so happy about the water decals? It's a nice addition but from my experience they tend to yellow after time. Bring on full tampo print. I want to display straight out of the box. Too much stress, time and care to carefully position and place them. That stand doesn't really justify the price increase however if Arcadia adds the Launch Arm with it, I'm all for it.
  13. Geeky thing to say but I hope the fast packs fold quartz ends up being blue to match the YF-29 rather than purple.
  14. When you do find a particular Valkyrie that your fond of - you might want to ask some of the members here which one before shelling out your $200+ spending money. I would hate for you to spend that kind of money on your first Valkyrie and having a shoulder snap. Macross toys aren't quite designed like Transformers. Being very sleek and technical in design, you have to handle a Valkyrie softer than a baby on your lap. Some Valkyries made by Yamato had slight faults that make them fragile so handle with care my friend.
  15. Macross Plus Essential Add-Ons 1/60 Ghost X-9 Sharon Apple figs Sharon Apple Karaoke Boxamajig VF-11B Atmos. Booster Set
  16. OMG!!! - Took a hiatus from MW, and this news just shocked the hell out of me? Never thought the day would come after hearing about Yamato. Definitely a must buy. Arcadia - Put down 4 for me. Does any one know if Arcadia stocks up like Yamato does or do they operate like Bandai?
  17. What the heck is going on around here??? Just like Nanoplasm - I've been putting my attention on my other hobbies namely my 1/6 for the past few months. Come back here for good old times thinking something new should be released soon - and everything is hitting the fan. Yamato gone Arcadia a mystery Panic Button threads Yamato toys being valued threads Bandai still tough to preorder.....old news Wow - jumping from SideshowFreaks and back here, I feel like the dude from 28 days later. How could everything in our 1/60 world from Yamato just end??? I'M SORRY YAMATO!!! - I should never have spent my money on HOT TOYS had I known this dreadful day would come. As much as I love my VF-19 Fire - It just feels wrong for me that it stands out nicer than the outdated YF-19. Now we will never get a Version 3 YF-19. "I have dreamed a dream, and now that dream has gone from me. - Morpheus 2003"
  18. With all these beautiful VF-19s coming out isn't obvious what deserves another revival?.....Drumroll.......dumdumdumdum "YF-19" version 3 or version 2 for the 1/60 purists. No contest - Proven seller, Hero valk, Fan Fave - Yamato make it happen. I'll buy 4 of them and I bet Kicker would purchase 10.
  19. Ultimately this is a supply and demand issue and if there is a finger to point it would be pointed at Bandai. The only reason why some of these stores even have the pre-order still available is due to the high mark up. If it wasn't for the mark up - I seriously doubt anyone would bother mentioning these smaller online stores in this thread.
  20. Nippon Yasan is dependable for getting you your items, however keep in mind about a couple of things with them. I ordered 2 items on separate occasions requesting a pristine condition withing their stock. One time I ordered a Sayonara Tsubasa bluray box set from them - The box was opened (bluray sleeve was reversed) and the the spine of the box was cracked. Not too pleased. Another time i ordered a PVC figure and the box was also damaged. Both items were adequately packaged so I believe it was damaged prior to shipping. Further note, when you place an available item on order it will literally take around a 7-10 days before they process and start shipping. So a little on the slow side on their processing and shipping procedure. In the end, if you don't mind waiting and your not a collector who cares about MISB conditioned items then they are not too shabby. However if you do care about receiving them in pristine condition you just might want to pass since the price your paying should warrant a flawless item delivered quickly to your door in a timely manner.
  21. Pretty reasonable scores moncikoma but this my adjustment if we are doing a rating system BANDAI : -Price : * * * * (-1 cuz the 4 stars only applies to AmiAmi's price, anywhere else it goes down to 1 star due to availability) -Quality Control : * * * -Design : * * * * -Variety : * * -Availability : 0 (I managed to snipe one with the F5 thing but c'mon why should we have to work so hard and lose sleep for something that hasn't even been manufactured yet in months to come) YAMATO : -Price : * * -Quality Control : * * * (History of exploding arms and the whole YF-19 thing - Too soon to give them a perfect 5 stars) -Design : * * * * * -Variety : * * * * * -Availability : * * * * * * * * * * (Perfect 10/5 when compared to Bandai - At least one company wants our money) In conclusion for myself - I say Yamato wins hands down in engineering, design, mold milking and above all else availability. If I can't get one how can I judge one? If you can't get a Valkyrie within an hour of a preorder window then who cares about price. I rather pay more to a company who is interested in doing business than pay less for one that just wants to create hype. Yamato 's got my vote - just please bring back the window box and start doing tampos nag nag nag nag nag the MW way!
  22. I can't remember which member, but he/she said it best: "A collection is not about what you have, it's about what you don't have." Something along that line and I love it cuz it true, at least for me and my collection. I really envy your collection Kicker and I force my GF to see my dream hobby room by showing yours. What are you missing in your collection? Is there one thing that is impossible for you to track that you would sell your left nut for to complete your display?
  23. No I got it about an hour ago - I think I came across in the 3rd wave of availability. I work in the Izakaya industry so I don't sleep until early morning. I've been checking up on it every 10 minutes for us Macross World Members and will continue to do so for the next few hours.
  24. Okay I'm wrong, it's total chance. For those still hunting, good luck and keep clicking or pressing refresh. I know this sucks but I tell ya, Nothing feels so exciting as to click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - click - sold out - ADD TO CART - Huh??? OMG hurry hurry hurry , payment method, shipping, yadda yadda - confirm purchase - your order number - YEAHHHH BABY! Pumping fists in the air and then saying okay I got one now where the hell am I going to get another for a cheap price?
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