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Everything posted by EyE CaNdY

  1. Sorry guys if this is something previously discussed, but I was wondering which is faster? VF-1 or the Alpha? VF-1 WITHOUT fastpack that is....
  2. Hey, There's a guy selling the MPC alpha on EBAY and i was wondering if this is possible?!?!? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=16467
  3. Haha..Just a thought, but wouldnt it be cool to make a wishlist and somehow **Magically** under your xmas tree on xmas morning you find all your wishes have come true? Just a thought.
  4. Hey guys, I just wanted to post a topic asking what your most PRIZED and FAVORITE valkyrie or any macross toy/model is? Well for starters, I guess my only prized and rare posession of mine is my VF-1S High Complete Model. Picked this one up about 8 years ago when I was in Korea and looking through a small shop that sold a bunch of gundam models and some wierd korean robot toys.
  5. Nope, not married. I've been with my girlfriend for 11 months as of now, and the thing is we have a lot of fights etc. But man, this has been my longest relationship yet and I love her to death. When we do fight I blow up because of my short temper and say or do stupid things (Never layed a finger due to anger on her though!). We are both very young and I know marriage is quite a leap for both of us. But we always discuss getting married and etc but I'm scared guys/gals! Well all in all, I want to say keep up the good work for those already married and for those that are not, hope the best for you to finding the right one or to having a wonderful marriage.
  6. Thanks for the welcome..All in all..I think I'll pace myself for now and order the Hikaru VF-1S for now.
  7. all you mw's..one word..awesome! thankz all!
  8. Hey guys, I'm new here..Been checking out the site for a while now..Well..I've been on and off collector of Macross/Robotech items for a while..Now I'm really thinking of settling down with some dedication towards collecting... Thinking of the Hikaru VF-1S 1/48... What do you guys think? Sorry if this has been posted up for reviews..I'm new..haha..Yea I'm very unaware of these things..Thankz guys!
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