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Everything posted by Diverdown

  1. As of 08/22/2003 1/72 = 0 1/60 = 6 1/48 = 2
  2. Ugly?!?! Orange and Tan look great together!!!! B)
  3. That is the problem I have! Sure the contents are untouched but the dang boxes are crunched! HLJ and others put the Valks into a form fitting outer box. So when that box gets dropped the inner box gets crunched. I can't stand that!!! Vintage toys, I can handle rough boxes. New toys, the boxes should be like new!!!!
  4. This new board is blazingly fast! Sweet!
  5. Mods - I finally found the welcome back thread! I guess we will not be getting back the old PMs, but will have access to the old board soon. You can lock or delete this thread. Edit: Grammar
  6. As the title says?? If so....
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