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mighty gorgon

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Everything posted by mighty gorgon

  1. And finally a large render of the last version with "no step" signs in the wings, white ailerons and pilot name (myself!) Regds. Mighty "Iceman" Gorgon
  2. Another fisheye render (with lousy radiosity). I like the image, but I could not get the radiosity right. I'll try later this week with some fake radiosity technique.
  3. Nice!!!! more references for my VF-4 model!!!
  4. Just a small render, to see how it looks under a wide angle lens (background from airliners.net). Proper gray on the upper wings now.
  5. The wings were white, because I made a mistake with the surfaces... I had the proper layer (gull gray), but I did not activate it. I thought the difference was because of different surface orientation, but no... it was just a plain old mistake. I am checking the correction with a render now (25% done and running), and I'll repost the renders. No problem to render it at 1280 x 960, but I should find a better background or at least post also the alpha map!
  6. ...yes. any suggestion? a space scene? earth?
  7. Well, I can try to help you with my VF-4!!!! (rendered @ 128x128)
  8. ...and version WITHOUT sharkmouth, artifacts or exhaust. Slightly different angle but same background. Any idea for backgrounds will be welcome... (this one was rendered in 40 min, the difference was in the settings to aviod artifacts). Regds, Gorgon p.d.: work to do: finish panelling, spec and gloss maps, some other detail, redo helmet, etc. etc...
  9. Version WITH sharkmouth. some artifacts from the rendering and some problems in the exhausts are evident, but it took 35 min to render (in a 2.8 GHz Hyperthread P4, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB Serial ATA!!!!), mainly due to the radiosity coupled with a heavy antialias setting, so I did not re-render it...
  10. Done, and with a yellow rim around the red. It appears in some references and in others doesn't... Still a lot of work to do (inner fins, starboard color map, etc.)... Regds, gorgon (I'll be back after Kendo!)
  11. Ouch! and is still worse, who would want to pilot a mecha with *it's own* mouth on it's crotch??
  12. Option 2. (both have a sharkmouth!!! ha! ha! ha!) regds, (a very tired) Gorgon!
  13. A couple of trials with two different designs of suns (only the upper fin yet). Option 1:
  14. Ha! Yes... no problem. I did not touch the model lately because I had to go to the most dreaded part (for me): completing the pannelling and final surfacing (spec & diffuse maps). But doing some "skin" is fun! Tell me, the white/gray of my current model is OK for the Sundowners? If so, I should only modify the tail and some of the stencils layers. The way I have my photoshop file organized, it would be easy to do the sundowners scheme, so... give me a couple of days. Tristan, I enjoyed a lot doing this valk, so I am considering to model the VF-11. But I am seriously commited to finish (really FINISH) the VF-4 first!!! <_<, yes!
  15. Last render of the year of the "in progress" VF-4. Added the "hands" in the intakes. Redid some textures (but upper wings, not visible here), and... not much more. Ah! This is the first render with radiosity. Regds and see you in 2004, Gorgon.
  16. Ouch! This reminds me of the infamous discussion on the Farleigh Fruitbat relief tube @ rec.models.scale during 1999!!!!!!! (btw, the F.F. was a mythical plane for most RMSers). Anyway I think that somewere in the VF4 flight manual there should be some warning regarding eating spicy food before enaging in high-g maneuvers... Regds, G
  17. Nice model! And it was a source of inspiration and first reference for my CG VF-4!!! Regds, (the not so) Mighty Gorgon
  18. ...another view...
  19. finally corrected some errors in the seat (I put a joystick in fornt of the pilot due to a misinterpretation of Aztek's images), and added some interior detail to the cockpit. I still have to tweak the surface of the seat (it's too shiny), but things look better. Regds, Gorgon
  20. You are right, but that's what they call it "low viz". Low viz is by definition "dull". And the top aircraft is unfinished: it does not have any paint in the tail fins. I think that after the major paint work, an experienced modeller should come and do a decent wash and panneling job on that one!!! . BTW, and to compare with Rodavan's rendering, check nose panels, rivets and difference in surface reflection (radome vs. other) in this grey-on-grey (Nose) high res close up (feb 2003). It is worth noting how "low viz" are the stencils in this one... they are almost invisible. Regds, Gorgon
  21. I agree. In the case of the BAe in the EF2000, the HUD uses almost all the room between the canopy framing and the control panel. Apart from that, I did some work on the seat... here is the WIP (in the modeller) Thnkx! Gorgon (p.d.: updated the image of the WIP, two times...)
  22. Man! THAT'S REALLY HELPFUL!!! Again, I have no excuses left if I model a crappy seat now!!! Must go back to work! (my wife is going to kill me!) THNX Again Gorgon
  23. Here it goes... half assembled a seat from a HAsegawa kit, then photographed it with my camera and, it's in lightwave... Hope to post something in a couple of days (before Xmas) Regds, Gorgon
  24. No background at all , I should say, other than modelling (plastic and now CG) and reading magazines/books etc. Fact is that I would prefer a Martin Baker... say Mk.16, but I did not get any decent drawing. Anyway... don't worry, I'll go back and try to get a "decent" Macross seat. Regds & thnx, Gorgon
  25. Thanks... I started modelling an ejection seat on the few references of the VF-4 but the results were disappointing, and I *love* nice 3 views of the objects I am modelling... So far I got those of the ACESII only. But, that said, I'll check Doktor Gonzo's model. (don't tell anybody... but that's the trick! A nice glossy canopy and most people will not check the inner cockpit!!!)
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