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mighty gorgon

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Everything posted by mighty gorgon

  1. (answering to J.A. Dare also) However there are also other factors: tankers, ecm aircraft, AWACS... I guess no pilot would climb on it's F-15 (or Su-27 or whatever), without all these assets out there. And (I think), THIS is the real strength of the US Air Force. Which makes me think if the most important planes of the USAF are the Boeing 707, the MD-11 or the EA-6B (after the retirement of the EF-111)...
  2. IMO... that describes a model collector, not a model builder. No! It is not a collection, but rather a "building queue"!!!! But this is getting too much off topic. Argh! I want MY SV-51... I just saw one from a colleague, it arrived today! I need it to add it to my collection... err.... BUILDING QUEUE!!!!
  3. Try emule. Normally they have lots of "hard to find" files (I guess they have 5 or 6 versions of Yukikaze Ep.3, different subtitles, bitrates and resolutions). Be warned however that emule is VEEERY slow (5 TIMES slower than k-lite).
  4. Somewere I read that a "real" modeller would need some like five lives to complete all the unbuilt and stored kits... Well, here is a 60% of my stock, mostly untouched. The newest one is the 1:72 Tu-16... a monster of a kit. Regds, Gorgon (going CG again) p.d.: Oh! and waiting to see more pics of the SV-51, while waiting mine...
  5. "head"??? I thought this was a plane!!! now, the head goes there but there should be some fairing, 'cause is pretty flat, as shown in the Macross Plus OVA 1. I still cannot get a good fairing or the same height between arms and the head fairing (as in the Yamato toy).
  6. I agree that the story is a bit... odd, and there are a lot of loose things here and there. HOWEVER, this OVA is based on a series of novels. Does anyone here has read them? It would be interesting to hear a comparison between the novels and the OVA. Regds, Gorgon
  7. ...some details in the underside (red arrow) donĀ“t seem to fit very well. The VF-11 of Macross Plus is absolutely "flush" in the underside... Any help/suggestion will be greatly welcomed. Regds, Gorgon
  8. Back from holidays got a couple of hours to work on the -11. Finished the major volumes and started detailing some of them in subpatch (nurbs), the green ones (the colors are used only to distinguish which parts are already in SubD). However...
  9. A real beauty... congratulations!!!!
  10. It's pretty expensive. At Amazon you'll get it for 1600 u$s. I am using 7.5... c or d... I don't remember, as I am some thousand miles from my rendering PC. Regds, Gorgon p.d. to Gerwalker: the rainbow was here a couple of days ago, but it's still raining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Give me a couple of weeks... now I am on holidays, between mountains, woods & lakes (and bad weather). Not bad at all (photo), but too far from my PC
  12. MK16 recommended separate SFX programs: I've been trying Napalm 3D for LW. Seems Ok so far... Regds, Gorgon (on holidays)
  13. The profile is almost OK. Some parts (nose) are already in SubD.
  14. Most of the major volumes are already there, and still less than 1000 polys. Now, the REAL work starts... Regds, Gorgon
  15. So far is a rough sketch, based on the drawings on the... Damn! I don't have the reference here (at work!). And a question... If I use your model as reference and you use mine as reference... our models will get "recursive"???? Regds, Gorgon
  16. Thanks for the comments. The VF-4 did not have landing gear (I'm sooo lazy), but I will model it in the VF-11.
  17. Very very nice work. I have a Yamato VF-11B sitting in my desk by my PC, but I'll use your pics to help me on the CG VF-11... Congratulations and hope to see more soon. Gorgon
  18. Hi folks, work on the VF-4 is going sloooooow... I've been working for 2 weeks (without major success), on rendering the exhaust gases. So, I decided to jump back into modeller and start on a new project, a VF-11. I would love to model a 5000, but I still lack some references, so here is the result of the first day on the -11 at the modeller. Regds, Gorgon p.d.: 622 polys so far, mainly to get the proper shape of the nose.
  19. Some F-15 drawing (detail)
  20. It sems that hypervoxels is the way to solve this. I've started experimenting with them and so far the results are promising. Attached is a comosite of 3 images: Uppermost: image in Layout. There are 3 particle emitters that tunnel the particles through the nozzle. It is not evident in this image, but the jet is shaped by the nozzle that acts as a rigid body. Middle: rendered image. I tinted the hypervoxels to see how they look. Somehow, even if they are travelling at 45 m/sec and the motion blur is turned on, they appear static (must correct this) Lower: renered image, transparent (but refracting) hypervoxels. Semms OK, except for the problem cited above. The HV are too static. Also the background is a bit lousy. I'll continue experimenting with this. Regds, Gorgon
  21. GOOD!!!!
  22. Not quite the same yet... but a first attempt without using hypervoxels. Note also some kill marks. I'll be working on the exhaust again tomorrow... Regds, Gorgon
  23. The mesh just left my Outbox... Let me know of the progress! Regds, Gorgon
  24. He... he... he... I see I am not the only one that's got a screenshot odf that image!
  25. Gerwalker has called my attention to the October 2001 issue of Model Graphics in this very site, I mean, HERE, were you can see nice kill marks on this VF-1, "halfway" between flags (the rectangular shape, that reminds the WWII style referred by Nied) and profiles. Oddly enough, however, the kill marks are in the FAST Packs... this was my first attempt, but I'll try the Model Graphix style as well. I guess I'll follow the tests in the CG VF-4 thread in Fan Works. Thnx, Gorgon.
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