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mighty gorgon

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Everything posted by mighty gorgon

  1. The "Low Poly" version is finished, at 3074 polygons (I'll concentrate on the gun later). With a decent texture, this can be used for FS, background planes, etc... Some details should be fixed, but I'll concentrate now on the High Poly mesh. Regds, Gorgon
  2. David, it was you complaining that you would not pay the bucks for a Hasegawa kit... (I promise I end this here).
  3. I've built the Airfix Buccaneer and I can assure you I've seen Col Kurtz "horror". However, some years later, I still love the model. R, G.
  4. In this image you can see the fudging. The intakes are very "curvy" in the inside. With this I accomodate the head fairing and also the fact that in front views the intakes completely cover the rear engines/legs. From this angle they don't look 100% however. In any event I'll wait to see how they look when I cut the details of the intake afte the detailing of the mesh. Regds, Gorgon
  5. Agree with most comments... "anime magic" is at work here. With the help of some CG magic and "unauthorized creativity", things are looking better now. For the moment I plan to do it "fighter only", however at this point nothing prevents it to become a transformable model. I attach 2 images. The green sub-assemblies are already in NURBS. Regds, Gorgon (p.d.: I'll go back to the VF-4 for some final touches soon, I hope)
  6. You can also try the Airfix 1:72 Flanker B. It shouldn't be expensive, has recessed panel lines and according to Ken Duffey is the most accurate, even if it has sloppy fitting. Also Heller Heller reboxes the same plastic. Regs, Gorgon
  7. Remember the LAVI... (edited for spelling)
  8. Yeah, who would have thought such a small craft could demolish the largest and most powerful cap-ship in SW. Blind stupid rebel luck. For all imperial fans, there is only ONE PAGE!!! SWTC!!! Best of the best (and technically sound! The web pages on the Star Destroyers are amazing). Check the TIE Page. Regds, Gorgon (seriously considering to include the TIE Interceptor in his "BEST" list)
  9. Ok... ok... time to get serious (but the 104 was a great and true Starfighter ): FAVORITE X-Wing Darth Vader's Tie Slave I LESS FAVORITE ???? WEIRD Interceptor from the UFO Series (1970, Gerry and Sylvia Anderson) OUT OF CONTEST The Angel interceptors from Captain Scarlet (I guess they could not get in space, but I don't remember) Regds, Gorgon
  10. There is only one BEST STARFIGHTER DESIGN... EVER: (trumpets) Lockheed F-104 STARFIGHTER Regds, Gorgon, the Joker... (p.d.: I can't believe nobody as come out with this silly joke yet...) (p.d.2: check the link, the coloring of this particular 104, with the "ripped" skin is GREAT)
  11. Exactly! Like the "Flying Bullsh*t"!!!!!!!
  12. After searching the most secure and hidden places of the DoD and DARPA webs with my superior hacker aqbilities, I've just discovered the blackest project! It is so black, that the plane is NOT black!!!! So here you have, the Super Electra YA-99. High efficiency props (based on the An-70), it can carry up to 12 mavericks or hellfires and incorporates active (mirror-like) stealth camo. It is known as the "Flying Bull", or affectionately, "Flying bullsh*t". Regds, Low-Hi tech Gorgon!!!!
  13. At this time it is difficult to imagine that a new developement will take much less than that time... Long gone are the days of WW2 when the germans got the He-162 from the drawing board to the air in less than one year. Even if the Salamander had huge problems at that time it was a technological breaktrough. These days, however, a loss rate comparable to the He-162 is TOTALLY unacceptable (and rightly so). So... when it takes 1 year+ to go through commitees to analyze the accident of a 20 years old spaceship,... 20 years for the developement of a NEW concept seems a reasonable timeframe. And talking about commitees... What about the Osprey?
  14. Okay, new engines, thrust vectoring, new avionics... then to improve RCS, change the intakes, replace the wings with clipped deltas, change the shape of the tail, cant the tail, and carry the weapons internally... ...what d'ya know? It's the F/A-22! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. (the ill fated DD-1025, firing a... "Sea Sparrow"???)
  16. ...and finally the carrier group under attack by the JAMs has a destroyer (DD-1025, which is fried by a JAM), an "AEGIS Destroyer" (the DDG-1114) and a guided missile cruisier (CG-1020?), acting as AA for the CV-56. In effect, the DDG-1114 seems to destroy a JAM with the 5" cannon (unless it was the Mave that shot the JAM down)... Regds, Gorgon
  17. In the beginning of Operation 4, there is a conference where they show what looks like an AVF. I can send a screenshot later today. However, as I got a chinese fansub so far... Regds, Gorgon Here are the screenshots. Now please, someone that reads chinese... maybe he can explain what the BAX-4 is?????
  18. Even if I partially agree with your argument (F22 not needed for current "wars", but needed for new "possible wars"), please smooth a little your rethoric: I am 100% shure that the captain of the TITANIC thought he *KNEW BETTER* than everybody else in the ship on what to do... and we all know the results (besides, it is extremely easy to demonstrate that NOBODY REALLY KNOW "WHAT'S GOING ON"). So here are my 22c (F22 cents): The F22 should stay... It is too expensive and probably overrrated for current conflicts, BUT the US must keep some kind of leading edge on high profile manned fighters. Most probably the US should keep it as an interim fighter until the new threat is better identified and a new (VF???? ) unit is being developed. In addition, the best "launch pad" to develop a better fighter is your current one... even if it has lots of drawbacks. Regds, Gorgon (who nows what's going on... errr.... kind of...)
  19. In the beginning of Operation 4, there is a conference where they show what looks like an AVF. I can send a screenshot later today. However, as I got a chinese fansub so far... Regds, Gorgon
  20. Ummm... because they are? The B-1 and the B-2 are based on an out-dated operational concept. The B-2 is one of the most wasteful programs ever and the B-1's only claim to fame is a cameo as the testbed for Crossbow-1 in the 80's classic Real Genius. I'm all for a strong military arm, don't get me wrong. But I think the benefits simply do not justify the insane costs of this pogram. ...and the B-52 are still flying... "General "Buck" Turgidson: If the pilot's good, I mean if he's reeeally sharp, he can barrel that thing in so low, oh it's a sight to see. You wouldn't expect it with a big ol' plane like a '52, but varrrooom! The jet exhaust... frying chickens in the barnyard! ..." (Dr. Strangelove)
  21. I thought the KC-10 was an MD-11 (why???) and already know that my favourite F-111 is gone for good... (attached my EF-111 Monogram model). Anyway... the 707 RULEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Nice photos!!! Are you goingo to assemble the SV-51? Or It will hit your already LARGE building queue???
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