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mighty gorgon

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Everything posted by mighty gorgon

  1. (the other standard image)
  2. ...Now, I have to add the guns and drill the intakes in the inner wing and the major components will be finished. And it will be the moment of detailing....
  3. Did some work on the engines. The influence of Vinnie's model is EVIDENT in the upper nozzles (Thnx, the "original" looked awful). Bye, Gorgon, the not so mighty
  4. Awesome... simply awesome. And a BIG THANKS, these are the details I needed!!! Now, the problem is to build a decent VF4 model... well at least mine will NOT transform! Ok, back to the Modeller... Thnx again, Gorgon, the not so mighty
  5. And here the "flanker" scheme. Again, it is a flat color profile thrown over a side view and rendered... quick and dirt technique.
  6. I was playing with the VF-4 that I am modelling 3D and I just rendered a couple of profiles. It is FAR from being a proper render... I just threw a side view over the model. It works reasonably good. The "flanker" scheme is better than the US Navy one... Regds, Gorgon (not Gordon)
  7. Ok, added the other 2 engines, corrected the nose AND redid the canopy. The tail boom... still wrong! Rendered as "plastic", instead of the previous shiny look. Enough for today... Regds, Gorgon
  8. Sorry folks, I've been on holidays last week. Just came back and started working on the bird again. Thnx all for the encouragment. You're right. I added them at an early stage of the mesh but, as you can see in the attached image, they did not look too good so I scrapped them. These engines will be back as soon as I get a decent tail boom. Ha! ha! yes... Lightwave is intimidating at first. I tried it a couple of times without any success (I could not go much farther that a pen), until I got an excellent tutorial on WW2 planes and then LW started looking great. Check a couple of models at my homepage: http://www.geocities.com/mighty_gorgon2003/lw.htm And Vinnie, yes, I would like to see some perspective shot, especially of the tail boom. I am now working with and I cannot get the correct shape... I'll appreciate ANY help. Regds & thnx Gorgon (not Gordon)
  9. Some initial detail in the engines... and some exhaust gases.
  10. Ok, now the model has proper outer wings.
  11. Some additional details of the model, specifically the canopy area.
  12. true... very true... tell your friend to check this thread...
  13. just in case, the images can be seen at: http://www.geocities.com/bolax_the_ranger/lw2.html regds, and thnx Gorgon a.k.a. bolax
  14. (and here... but the link to the images is working and in the next post)
  15. (same here...)
  16. Ok, I am NEW to MW and I don't know how to upload images... second attempt (grunt) (I removed the links that do not work, please follow the leink below)
  17. Hi, I'm new to MW forums. I've started doing a CG VF-4 (fighter only), as it seems the easiest Valk. I just finished the overall shape, and before going deeper in the detailing I wanted some comments. I am not completely convinced yet. I haven't found many references (After "mining" MW by and large), and most of them have some contradictions. I've used the Musayisa drawings, the only set that I've found complete for the 3 views, and in a decent resolution. I've also found that references in wing span do not match the length, so I used the length to scale the model. Atteched are the first renders (3 views) and a couple of perspective view. Please, any comment and especially references are greatly welcome!
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