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mighty gorgon

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Everything posted by mighty gorgon

  1. "Your mother wears army boots"
  2. Yes, I was checking the FAQ section and they state that clearly: "How large of a part can you make? Parts must fit within a 8in. x 8in. x 10in. volume, although your 3D models can be made in sections and then glued together. You would need to submit the 3D file for each piece for us to provide a price quote" I guess is better suited for organic shapes, where the resulting porosity does not hurt that much. This system cannot produce fine details (as explained in the FAQ), and unless heavily primed, It does not look like it can get scribed panel lines. At 10 in. you coud get approximately a 1:60 VF-1, which limits larger planes to 1:72 (in standard scale). Larger would mean several sub assemblies... Mmmm too expensive for me (but still interested, which is why I check this thread each 2 or three days!). Regds, G.
  3. No much updates in the last days... I've been fine tuning the legs and started the awful process of texturing . In the "Arlequin patchwork" image below you see the first proposal for surfaces partition. I am not completely happy with this one... For the next days I'll be working on getting the proper "patchwork" to surface the model. The only other (mesh) upgrade is a redesigned leg end (compare the images posted before and the MDW detail). Ah! in the "movies and tv series" forum, Graham, Maxjenius81 and Nanashi indicated that those are chaff/flare launchers. Regds, G. (edit, late evening: updated patchwork)
  4. There is a hand holding a coulpe of the models... that could give some hint of a possible scale. Image
  5. Check here! (the original articles are from the wikipwedia) VF-0 history page VF-1 history page Regds, G!!!
  6. Thanks! Gorgon
  7. Graham, Max, Thnx. That makes sense. I'll get back to the CG VF-11. Regds, G.
  8. Just looking for references for my CG VF-11. I already posted this question in the Fan works forum, but I hope I have better luck here. So.. here it is... Any idea on what are the rhomboidal shapes on the legs of the VF-11? (image attached with japanese description) Formation lights? Veniers (as suggested by Chronocidal)? Thnx in advance Gorgon
  9. Me too... me too... me too...
  10. Yes... the one near the feet. For the other (near the doors) I assume they are landing lights. The fun thing is that the image below explains it... but in Japanese!!! I need a translation!!! Regds & Thnx G.
  11. Last post today... I just redid the legs from scratch. Only the wheel wells and doors are missing. BTW, what the heck is that rhomboidal shape on the lower legs... Navigation lights? Veniers? any help will be appreciated. Regds, G.
  12. Mmmm... the first half of TAOC sucks as Revolutions. And sucks BAD! G. (what the heck I am doing here????? I should be working on some 3D sh*t)
  13. And now... for something completely different , the VF-11 with a sketch of the FFR-31, from Yukikaze (the mesh is based on the one developed for the YSFS simulator) G.
  14. Well... you know. I checked the page and I kind of like it, but I would like to see some "plane alike" mesh. You know... wings and that stuff. Besides, I am waiting to see the results of the mesh of the VF-4 I sent to Cobywan last march (here). Regds. G.
  15. Some new image from the upper side. I reworked the wings (they were too thick) and added some details here and there... not too much really. I guess I'll have some time adjusting small details (and maybe redoing the legs) and then... surfacing (just mentioning it gives me the creeps!). Regds, G. (edit: updated the image)
  16. Thnx Vinnie. You model (and help) were instrumental in getting my model on. Regds, G.
  17. I had ALMOST no problems with a simpler landing gear (see photos of a Mig 3 system). I could define a rotation point and even define a sequence of opening and closing the doors. The problem with the -11 are the hydraulic pistons... I guess I'll have to use some "morphing" (ANIME MAGIC!!!!) Regds & Thnx, G
  18. Mmm... I guess the B-2 can qualify as "the last side by side bomber" of the US Airforce... (not counting the B-3 from Broken arrow ) As for fighters TRANSFORMED into fighter/bombers (US or not), I have no other reference of a side-by-side transformation (from a tandem one).
  19. Sorry, I am working in Lightwave 7.5. Don't know about the other programs... I am not too much in animation but rather into modelling and rendering.
  20. Uh! ...you mean... working professionally?
  21. Oh! no... the ants are coming!
  22. Fighter only!.. I can barely make the landing gear doors open (forget the full LG)!!!
  23. No luck yet with the legs ... I've tried a couple of things, but they have not worked as intended. So far I keep the old legs. In the meantime I have added the wing glove sensors, corrected the rotation of the landing gear doors, added the air intake doors (o dark in the image) and added the gunpod. This last one looks a bit small to me... don't know really... Regds, G p.d.: ah! and finally got the subtitles for Episode 4 of Macross Zero.
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