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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. It's only going to get worse!
  2. Damn it, I just ordered from them a few weeks ago! Damn Murphy's law! Still, there's alway some cool syht up for grabs at HLJ.
  3. Thanks for the heads up on that 1D. It's beautiful.

  4. It was a mistake. I was going back and forth between the two threads. Don't get your panties in a twist over it.
  5. Well, it depends. Keep your toys out of direct sunlight. When you are storing them, be sure it's in a dark place. I use a black plastic storage bin. If you smoke, wash your hands before handling the plastic. And DO NOT smoke anywhere around your toys. Take these steps, and it should help prevent oxidation. Keep in mind, there are thousands of different plastics used throughout the years. Different plastics will oxidize for different reasons. But if you follow the tips above, you will defiantly increase the lifespan of your toys. Once the oxidation has started, there's nothing you can do to "fix" it. But, if you follow the steps above, it usually won't turn any more yellow than it is now. Usually, but not always. Again, different plastics... Hope this helps a bit. Sorry this happened to your fighter.
  6. For a Stealth fighter? That would be proper! Can't wait for this fighter! I told my wife this is all I want for Christmas! I've never seen Macross 7. But I got the old BanDai, and it became one of my favorite Valks. I have such high hopes for this toy. I hope it's as good as the 1:60 v2 VF-19. That toy is rock solid. For a Yamato first release, that's unheard of! Is it December yet?
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I've seen DYRL a dozen times. I honestly never knew the Valks were grey! My wife says I'm colorblind. Guess this confirms it. It does make sense now that I think about it. The BanDai 2002 ReIssue Chunkey's were all grey (except the DYRL 1A and Super 1S). And my DYRL Yamatos are an off white. Regardless, good information to know. These would be great to customize. I missed out on the no color 1S. The eBay rates are so absurd it's turned me away from the v2 1:60's. For now. I hope Yamato reissues them next year for Macross' 30th Anniversary. And I will be picking these up. Don't want to miss out a second time!
  8. It is too bad about the hi-metal! That line had a lot of potential. And oddly enough, from what I have been told, it sold decently. Curious as to why BanDai pulled the plug? Do smaller scale figures mean smaller profit margins? Obviously. But I would think QUANTITY would make up for that? With the market being as bad as it is, it's a little easier to swallow to spend 100 bucks on a Hi-Metal toy than 300 on the 1:60 VF-19! (Apples and Oranges, Yamato and BanDai)... As far as Toynami goes, I have heard the line is still alive. Steve Yun said at one of the conventions this year that the line was still going... But, sometimes what he says and what happens, are two things entirely. (But not always his fault). Toynami had some pretty promising releases on the horizon. With the Elintseeker, Super Ostrich, the GBP and VT-1D...not to mention the glaug... All releases I know many fans would love to get their hands on. Time will tell. I hope we see more.
  9. I mean no insult, I'm only asking. Is gray better than white plastic? Does it have to do with yellowing (oxidation)? Or is it just easier to paint from a modeling perspective? Or, is it just a matter of looks? Just curious. New at the modeling thing. Well, not new. I use to model a lot when I was a kid. But that was a long, long time ago. And, there's always a lot to learn about these things regardless. Thanks in advance for the insight!
  10. The hi-metals are really awesome. But, the line is dead. And, even if you did decide to start collecting them, most of them are really difficult to obtain if you live outside of Japan. 2 of the 7 figures (including the fastpacks, sold separately) are "mass" release. 5 of the 7 releases are web exclusive, Japan residents only. So, considering these factors, it may not really be a good time to collect the hi-metals. Which, is too bad. Because for the size and scale, they are AWESOME. Just my opinion.
  11. No! Don't cure this release with your prophecy's of doom! Ha ha! You're probably right! Seriously, that's been the formula since Yamato has entered the scene. Why expect anything different??? I just hope it's good enough toy to want to keep. Enough for me to NOT want to get the inevitable v3. Or v4.
  12. Here's hoping. Fingers are CROSSED!
  13. That is awesome! Love how you have him sitting indian style!
  14. Such a marel of engineering. My grandfather was a grunt. He'd joke with his airforce buddies that he couldn't believe some of "those metal contraptions" could fly! Love the Fa-18. That plane is badass. It's startling that such a large craft has such a claustrophobic cockpit! Never been on board a Navy vessel, but been close a few times for work. The "awe" factor never goes away. They're a sight to behold. Those pictures are awe-inspiring, but I bet they don't hold a candle to the real thing. Thanks for sharing!
  15. That bites. I don't have the 19. But, is there a way to partially take that shoulder apart? Add a drop of superglue to an unseen area to add friction (tightness)? I've had to do this trick with several of my Transformers. It's a great fix to tighten a loose joint. Instead of superglue, I've also heard of people using clear nail polish (which doesn't last very long), or future floor sealant. Now, once it dries, if you put too much glue on, you can sandpaper or dremmel the excess glue to a tightness you are happy with. Just a suggestion. Hope it helps. Again, don't have a 19, so don't know if this is viable or not.
  16. Hasbro needs to do this next! Brilliant! Seriously, Hasbro could really milk this thing. Skywarp. Thundercracker. Sunstorm. Acidstorm. Icestorm. With a little re-tooling we could have... Ramjet. Dirge. Thrust. Makes me want to jump in on the customs! :-)
  17. That's the thing with the Lancer. And a few of the other mechs. There's just not enough pics/info on them. You're going to have to fill in the blanks with the little details, like the landing gear. Skids would probably work best for this mech. Hard to tell until you have it done in front of you! Regardless, I'm excited to see how this turns out!
  18. Man, that is a beautiful kit. It's resin, right? Never worked with a resin kit before. Looks like a fun challenge. Maybe I should just get them both! Once I have them both built... Would make for a great comparison review to have them both side by side. Maybe add some comparison shots with the VB-6?
  19. Hey man! I was playing with some of the Valks I got from you last year. They are very much loved and appreciated. Thanks for the hook up! :-)

  20. Thanks for all the heads up while I was gone! I appreciate all the tips! You rock man!

  21. Rodimus is my favorite TF too. Have you had a chance to play with the Takara MP Rodimus Convoy yet? It's amazing. I got lucky and got a flawless Rodimus, cause I know a few people had some QC issues with theirs. But damn. He's a great toy once you figure out those tricky legs!
  22. Doesn't mean anything. We've seen quite a few prototypes that have not made it into production or toy lines cancelled prematurely. All I'm sayin' is I hope this toy actually sees the light of day.
  23. What? No Rodimus love here either?
  24. Oh, man. This will be epic. I hope it's real.
  25. In all fair respect to Toynami, I don't think they have much control over the current situation. The entire world economy is hurting right now. Their supplier cannot export their product until they have a full shipment. I can understand it from the supplier POV. And I think I can see it from Toynami's. Toynami is trying to capitalize on the 1/100 enemy mech. We're getting the Heavy Artillery, the Light Missile, the Regult, the Glaug. Even BBTS has it's own exclusives! (DYRL schemed Heavy Artillary Battle Pods). Oh, and there was the SDCC exclusive, the DYRL themed Regult Battle Pod. Yeah, waiting sucks. But as a Macross/Mospeada/Robotech fan, I'm always waiting. I'm use to it. As far as the 1/100 Transformable Mech, I think we will see more of it. They're the only game in town now that BanDai unofficially ceased production on their glorious hi-metals. (Which is a damn, damn shame). Talk about a company NOT capitalizing on a great product... Anyhoot, my two cents.
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