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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. Can't wait to see final pics.
  2. Keep in mind, eBay is taking money from sellers for listing, but also for the shipping. So you have to charge more on the backend for shipping to cover this. And don't print labels through pay Pal. Ebay is overcharging for those too, and pocketing the money. Honestly, if you just want to sell them, start out with a low bid. Seriously, set the opening bid out at 1 dollar. Get some rabid fanboys into a bidding frenzy and let them drive the prices up. These are all toys that fanboys want, so you won't have to worry about them selling for less than they're worth. Don't let the auctions end on a weekend. Make sure your auctions end at an appropriate time for people to bid. Early in the morning is usually best. Between 10 AM and 1 PM usually. Make sure it doesn't end on a holiday. And be sure to let it run at least 5, but more like 7 days. EBay has extended the title descriptions, so be sure to use every descriptor you can. This will enable maximum client / bidder potential. For example: 1:48 STEALTH VF-1J YAMATO MACROSS VALKYRIE ROBOTECH SUPER STRIKE FAST PACKS It's a lot, but it will cover the scale, company, series (yes, there is more than one series you ill tempered Macross absolutists. ) Anyway, I can go and on. Hope this helps.
  3. I have had several of the v2 1:60's break on me. They are BEAUTIFUL toys, but fragile. Some of them broke before the box was even opened! But that's new Yamato. I NEVER had a single 1:48 break on me. And I play with mine ALL THE TIME. BanDai makes good stuff, but they too have put out their share of crap. I think pretty much ALL toy companies have done this at one point or another. Others do it all the time. I won't name names. I miss some of the durability of the 1980 Valks. Sure they weren't perfect toys either, but I was NEVER afraid to handle one. And hoenstly, most of mine are still around and kickin'! Someday, we'll get detail, engineering AND durability. At least, I hope. On an ADHD thought... Kids today are more infatuated with video games than they are physical toys. We may be one of the last generations to enjoy these plastic goodies, which is a damn shame. Video games are cool and all, but I'd rather play with a Valk any day of the week.
  4. I like this mentality. But how do I use this logic with the wife?
  5. Some of these are Bad Ass. Makes me feel inadequate for using the factory setting wallpaper.
  6. Oh, yeah. The Federation unlocks the mysteries surrounding the origins of the Borg... and discovers they are nothing but pawns to Sailor Moon and Pikachu. (<=== How in the HELL do you spell that name?)
  7. Jan de Bont has a great eye for action. The story of Mulan is about the Huns invading China, yes. There will be some action. But it's primarily a character driven story. No one of de Bont's stronger suits.
  8. Mike "no talent ass clown" Bay's "Pearl Harbor." It's so far removed from historical events it may as well be sci-fi.
  9. That is some sweet artwork! Thanks for posting!
  10. It's a damn shame that the extended versions of the film were NOT included in this set. I know, I know, that way they can release 10 more versions on Blu-Ray. And most fans will still buy them. But honestly, I'd rather see the deleted scenes in context edited back into the films. So, how many different versions of Star Wars will Lucas release on Blu-ray?
  11. I'm with you. I can't wait for this one. Even if it's half as good as JC's, it'll be a damn fun ride.
  12. I hope so. I love to put models together. Detailing, decals, panel lines, weathering. But Painting, not so much.
  13. If you're into Sci-Fi, check out the Director's Cut of the Abyss. James Cameron wrote that script when he was 18! The director's cut is so much better than that theatrical version.
  14. That short story was great fun. Thanks for sharing!
  15. I hope it didn't come across that I was attacking you, cause that was not my intention. I did reiterate your points, where I felt this whole prequel thing was merely a trap, and no matter which way this production decided to tell this story, that it would find itself in a bind with the fans. Did anyone read the Dark Horse Comics in the 1990's that was a sequel to Carpenter's "The Thing?" I've been trying to hunt them all down, and man, it is not cheap! Curious to see how it played out. Also, prior to this prequel, there was suppose to be a 4 hour made for TV sequel. Wonder what ever happened to that?
  16. Holy poo that would rock!
  17. Arg. I just did. Voltron is a lost hope. hope other IP's take note of how this show was done and follow suit. We don't need any more run-to-the-bank shows like Voltron. We need more shows like Thundercats.
  18. This looks AWESOME. 100 movies? Damn. I met Jackie Chan once when I lived in LA. He was singing 80's pop to the crowd. How hard core is that?
  19. I agree. I wish they were the 1:48 or 1:35 scales.
  20. I'm glad they didn't come out and say that he is or isn't a replicant. It's great because here we are, some 28 years later, still debating the issues. I have not seen ALL the cuts of Blade Runner, but NONE of the ones i have seen have NOT said one way or the other if he is or isn't a replicant. Ridley Scott is going to do another Blade Runner film. He signed on a few weeks back. Curious to see what they are going to do with it.
  21. THAT is exactly what I am hoping for. I really want to see some Scouts, or Shock Troopers. Some of the MB fleet. Drones. Even Treads would be awesome!
  22. I didn't see any of Voyager until about a year ago. I have to say, I really dug it. The concept was fun, and the stories were very familiar, yet unique. I really got into the show around season 4, where the writers seemed to really find their legs. It was a lot more exciting than the other treks before it, and you actually felt the entire crew was always in peril. Good times on TV. Or rather, with the DVD.
  23. TWOK: The Wrath of Khan (Star Trek II).
  24. This movie is setting itself up to piss off fans no matter what. No matter what the studio tells the fans, they don't seem to get it. When they are told it's a prequel, fans hear reboot. Remake or Sequel. It's a prequel. It takes place in 1982, at the Norwegian camp, three days before it is discovered by MacReady and Doc. This movie explains in gruesome detail what happened to the Sweeds, I mean, Norwegians. There are moments in the film that even set this up to be nothing but a prequel to Carpent's film. One moment in particular, is at the airport towards the beginning of the film. There is a flyer about MacReady (no, he is NOT in the movie, he is not mentioned, but there is a picture of him in the background with a funny notation about him). The movie ends setting up John Carpenter's film. It is a prequel. It is not a remake and it is not a sequel. As a prequel, it has to "fit into" John Carpenter's universe. As such, it is limited by the rules and events of JC's first film. Because of these limitations, yes, it will have a similar "feel" to the first movie. Primarily, the namesake. The thing itself. It acts and behaves and does things very much like it did in Carpetner's film. (Except it is more on the "offensive" in this movie instead of "blending in" as it did in JC's film. One of my gripes). If the Thing wasn't acting like the thing, fans would bitch. If the thing didn't act like the thing, fans would bitch. It's a loose loose situation for the studio. So, yes. The tone, atmosphere, it will all be familiar. It has to be if it is going to fit into Carpenter's universe. It's frustrating, cause there are a few moments when the movie has the means of breaking out of mentality of "what it's expected to do," but it doesn't. It's afraid to be it's own entity. It wants to mimic Carpenter's work so much that it actually feels like an imitation itself a few times. But that is not completely a bad thing either, as JC's film was one of the best horror films ever made. If you see this film with an open mind, and let yourself have a good time, you may find that you actually will. If the Thing does well, maybe we'll see a third film. Maybe we'll get to see Childs and MacReady again. In fact, I think we need it. I'm sick of the ghost stories, slasher flicks. If the thing is successful, hopefully we can see a reboot of this genre. I am all for a revamp of classic monster films that attempt to use some practical effects. But please remember, this is called The Thing. It is a perfect title about an alien parasite that can replicate anything it consumes. Kinda like what this prequel is trying to do to JC's film. It is a prequel. It will fill in all the missing elements of Carpenter's film. Except that one final question...is MacReady or Childs "The Thing?"
  25. Ouch. Maybe I was better off keeping my head in the sand about this reboot.
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