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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. That's insane! The effort that was put into making every nuisance of this film distorted dream scape is just amazing. A+ to Chris Nolan. I can't wait to see what he does with this third and final Batman film, and the Superman reboot he is co-writing and producing. DC comic fans have some good times ahead...why let the Marvel boys have all the fun?
  2. It's not a big deal. And she doesn't care. In fact, she keeps telling me it's better than being a football widow. That was just the first time she's seen me in the act. We both laughed about it. If you have a Valk, you NEED to fly that bird around! Unless you trip in the process. Then, we'll see how aerodynamic Yamato makes their toys.
  3. Good story. Great acting. Good directing. If all films were half this good, going to the movies would be world's favorite pass time.
  4. I've never really had any trouble with my 1:48's. And I play with mine all the time. Pretty fun and durable.
  5. Thanks for sharing those pics of the 1:60 Roy. I'm really torn now about dropping my 1:48's and switching to the 1:60's. Especially after seeing that TV Roy. Damn sweet bird.
  6. Amen.
  7. The 1/55 Elintseeker is the holy grail of Chunky Monkey Valks. VERY hard to obtain a mint, complete one. They were released in smaller numbers...Macross fans go nuts over them-so they have retained much of their value over the years. Other Chunky Monkey releases have dropped in value, but they're coming back up. Slowly. I do know there is a conversion kit someone made. Don't know much else about that kit. I tried to get my hands on one over the years but have been unsuccessful. If you want Elintseekers, keep your eye on eBay. The real deal, complete with tray, box, and all accessories, in good shape will cost you north of 500 big ones. I even saw one a while back go over the 1,200 range. That's a lot-but I do remember not too long before Yamato began their reign, that the same toy would sell for 4 - 5 times that. Hope this helps a bit.
  8. These little guys are pretty hard core.
  9. Thanks for clearing this up. Honestly, if I were independently wealthy, I would go for that 1/2000. It's a beauty. For now, I will be MORE THAN HAPPY with a 1/3000 SDF-1. From the looks of it, this could be the best version of the Battle Fortress ever produced. I'm stoked. And broke.
  10. Well, isn't the Lucifer Valkyrie Pink to match?
  11. Dude! That is the coolest thing, ever. If only I had a SDF-1 Bed to go with it...
  12. Just when you thought it would be impossible for the Tomahawk to be any cooler. Great pics!
  13. That weathering really adds a lot of character to an already near perfect toy. But, in this economy...I think most would rather save 100 big ones and get the non weathered version. I imagine down the road the weathered ones will be a little more valuable. It's hard to say. But do you really collect these for their monetary value, or their play value? Me, I go with the later. But, that too is preference. Some people like to keep their toys locked in their plastic prisons.
  14. Sweet mother of God, that is one sexy toy. I was really thinking about getting the Double Nuts...now I may just have to wait...or do I hold off for the Blazer Valk? Maybe my Dog needs to get a full time job so daddy can have some extra Macross cash, and can get them all.
  15. I think I just had a heart attack...no, no, I'm okay! Ouch! I better win that powerball soon.
  16. Good point. Unless it's molded plastic and not paint.
  17. I was under the assumption that this was a web only exclusive and was a much larger scale. If not, man, am I happy! I'd love to have a 1/3000 scale DYRL SDF. Who wouldn't, right?
  18. ae_productions


    So, my wife came into my office today, while I was flying around my 1:48 1A TV Max. Needless to say, there was a bit of awkwardness in the moments that followed, until we both busted up laughing. Has anyone else ever been caught playing with their Valkryies?
  19. It's good to hear so many are happy with the YF-19 Double Nuts. I really, really dig that paint scheme. Kinda reminds me of my favorite VF-1, the 1A TV Max. I just may pick this beauty up.
  20. I understand why Yamato is doing this from the standpoint of failed sales on past enemy mecha. But still? 400 bucks? Web exclusive? Ouch. I give up on scale. My valks are 1/48. My destroids are 1/60. I guess I will just have to do the 1/100 Toynami battlepods. I could get 16 (before shipping/tax) of the TOYNAMI's for the price of one Yamato (before shipping/tax. That's easy math for me.
  21. DAMN! That is one fine piece of work! FANTASTIC job bro! Too bad I missed out on the 1/48...
  22. This topic keeps getting more and more interesting.
  23. If you're dealing with Valk Exchange, you're in good hands. He's very fair. The 1/55's are still pretty collectible! Recently there were a few auctions of them on eBay of the 2002 re-issues and the 2008 reissues. The ones that seem to be most desired are: Max's VF-1J (Blue) from 2002 value around 100 - 130 Miria VF-1J (Red) from 2002 vale around 100 - 130 Hikaru's Super VF-1S (White) from 2002 value around 100 - 140 Also the VF-1A Cannon Fodder (Brown) seemed pretty hot too. Value about 75 - 85 The other VF's vary depending on the Valk, but they seem to be around the 50 - 70 dollar range. Now, if you are talking original or DYRL box sets (Elintseeker, Strike VF-1S Hikaru, Super Ostrich, the 1993 reissue Super VF-1S), then obviously, they will be worth a lot more. So, none of these prices are set in stone. But again, prices change with the market. And with the economy. And again, The Valk Exchange is a pretty damn good seller. He won't screw you over. Buy in confidence!
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