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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. That would be F*@king sweet!
  2. Amen. I got my wife to sing 射手座☆午後九時 from Macross Frontier. I'm doing my part on bringing fans to Macross.
  3. Your work is excellent. I am blown away! Did you use the 1/48's or the 1/60's for the scan?
  4. If you've been to the movies of late or seen any TV, yes. Yes the entire industry is.
  5. That paint job must have taken forever! The end result is one unique, but amazing valk!
  6. That is a beautiful bird...
  7. I had some old kits, checked what I had. Don't have that one. But I may have another box somewhere. I'll keep an eye out for ya.
  8. WOW! That looks awesome! Great paint scheme! That red really sticks out.
  9. When does the light missile come out? Is it an exclusive? I am stoked to FINALLY have a small army of Regults. Key word, SMALL. But honestly, I am stoked. Thanks, Toynami!
  10. I sadly remember The Puzzle Zoo getting a letter of C & D from Toynami (or HG, I cannot remember which) for selling Yamato Macross items in the USA. Because of the Robotech licensing agreement of the 80's, Harmony Gold is the only company that can sell the Macross IP to USA consumers. But I do agree. I know Macross is global, and if Big West was able to expand Macross to international markets, their market would vastly expand. If only there was a way around that HG boycott.
  11. Ha ha! You are right! It's so true! Come to think of it, Isn't that what 70% of Macross toys are?
  12. Ha ha! I want one of those for my Jeep too! Or a sticker saying, "I'd rather be flying a Valkyrie."
  13. Brad was the man. Too bad RTZ never took off. Good stuff. But not as good as Boston was.
  14. Someone told me a few months back that Ace Hardware sells Future, or can order it. I have yet to swing by to verify this, but I hope it turns into a good lead for you.
  15. It's really that expensive? Man, I had no idea. I have the old Matchbox Robotech Battlepod...and, it's okay. Seriously outdated, especially when displayed against a newer 1:48 or 1:60. But still, it's better than nothing. I appreciate Yamato making the effort of putting out some form of a Regult. No, most of us can't get it right now. But if it is a huge success, maybe Yamato will release one. I know we all feel that it would be grand if we get to see one mass produced at a lower cost (and not a model kit). But if not, we do have options. (There are other Regults on the market). Could be worse, Macross fan, Mospeada fans are without any hope of an inbit toy.
  16. $600 dollars seems like a lot for toys...but then again, this is an expensive hobby, and I'd rather have a Valkyrie than the cash any day...
  17. Either way, there is no denying this is a beauty.
  18. I'm even down with a new scheme too... The Double Nuts and Birds of Prey are really growing on me. I'd love to see other unique ideas...such as a "Skull one" throwback, or a "stealth" 19...
  19. It'll take you so long to do it, but if you do it properly, the sight of a perfectly stickered Valk is almost enough to make a grown man cry.
  20. It's not cheating if it's * YOUR * Valkyrie...
  21. Those new Yamato stands are pretty cool! And a LOT cheaper than those darned 60 dollar ones...
  22. It should be fine. I guess it depends on how much paywear she gets. That is one sexy bird...
  23. Let me get this straight. You think broken hinges on a 100 + dollar toy is okay? I think you see Yamato in a Halo Effect. This is NOT acceptable QC. Now, I love Yamato too. But they are NOT perfect. Not by a long shot. Let's not forget this is the same company that had broken arm hinges on MANY of the 1/60's because of poor design and QC. This was a HUGE issue that plagued this entire run. This guy had a very expensive toy break on him. It's heart breaking if you go through this.
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