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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. The 51 is so...bizarre...you have to pick it over the 25/27.
  2. That is a damn good question.
  3. Me either. I have to free them from their plastic prisons.
  4. That would be very classy if someone did it. Wouldn't recasting pretty much ruin the original kit? But, I guess if they made enough kits, they would make their initial investment and then some. Time for me to learn how to recast. And win the lotto so I can buy an original kit...
  5. Got an 0A on the way. My first one. Honestly, I am terrified to own this toy. I have heard nothing but horror stories about it.
  6. I've owned a few of the VF-0S. None of them are perfect, and did require a bit of repair to make it right. It is a beautiful toy, and if you know about the shoulder issue in advance, and take a preemptive strike against it, you can prevent it from breaking. And then fix the droopy nose in fighter mode. Then you have a fantastic toy! Too bad a 200 dollar plus toy (after scalpers mark ups and shipping) requires you to do all this. Cause it is a beauty.
  7. I *NEVER* thought anyone would top Yamato's Double Nuts... Not the first time I was wrong. This is a MUST BUY. I am STOKED for the Blazer Valkyrie!
  8. Ha ha! Amen to that! Jenius rocks.
  9. Excluding Max, I think Milia is the best pilot in the fleet.
  10. Good catch.
  11. HELLS YES. Cap lock off!
  12. It is another version of Michealbaybots. It's going to suck.
  13. That new AT-AT rocks. I was so stoked about it I got an AT-ST. It looks cool but...That toy sucks. Both pegs on the legs broke. Right out of the box, my first time touching it.
  14. Megatron (1st film) and Starscream (3rd film) killed by a damn cube? By a prepubescent human teen? R - I - G - H - T. If you look at the screen time, it's 85% human and 15% transformers? WTF? Devistator didn't do anything but eat sand. Seriously? The robot designs are the worst art design in cinematic history. Terrible jokes that aren't funny but suck ass and insult any human being with an IQ above zero? Stupid action sequences that are so close not even the people who worked on the movie know what in the hell is going on? No plots? No characters for the human or the robots? No story? Bad scripts. Atrocious directing? I can go on and on, but Micheal Bay is a regurgitated jock itch fungus and a no talent ass clown. Ed Wood could do better blind folded. Transformers 1 suckes ass. Transformers 2 sucked even more. Transformers 3 has a good shot at being the worst film ever made.
  15. Firefly? Really? That was a great show. Different strokes, I guess. Even though I still think you're dead wrong on that one.
  16. Don't forget when he became a Sheriff. Ha ha!
  17. Season one was good. Season two was pretty damn good. I have high hopes for season three. Especially with the return of Darth Maul. I mean, his brother. Seriously, Darth Maul is one of the greatest characters ever created for Star Wars. Luck was a tool for killing him off so damn soon.
  18. Wow! That's great that it's doing so well.
  19. AMEN. Cap lock off. Sadly, so does every other actor in the industry. Cera is likable.
  20. This will be a cool Blu-Ray set. I hope they add the original opening to a New Hope with Biggs talking to Luke about him joining the Rebellion.
  21. This might get me to make that switch from the 1:48 to the 1:60 scale... Na. But it's a fantastic paint scheme!
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