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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. Woah, that Angelbird if F@#$king gorgeous! Is the toy *really* that white, or is it just light reflection? If that white is half as crisp as it is in that photo...wow. Just wow.
  2. Hey kids...I'm a computer...

  3. Thanks again for the 1:48 TV Max and GBP. GREAT STUFF! You are AWESOME!

  4. Oh, it's printed on the side of the box. The pics are from a website I found, and they're pretty small and dated. I should bust out my camera and take a few pics of my own. The date on the box is 1985. Taking it out of the box, MOST of it is a very thick, rugged cardboard, and the printing on it is very nice. In fact, it's pretty accurate too (Using my 1:3000 BanDai as a reference). Good color tones, and nice detail. No creative liberties taken, except that it has the logo ROBOTECH printed on two of the panels. I'm actually shocked at how good the coloring and detail looks considering when it was made. A few of the parts, like the bridge and some of the guns are made of a thin cardboard stock. The instruction booklet is black and white. Assembly seems to be pretty straight forward. I would almost call this a model, but overall, it is more of a toy. The outside of the box notes there are several hidden compartments to hold other Robotech toys, although they are not noted in the simple instruction booklet. Maybe I should just put this thing together.
  5. I just recently acquired a five and a half foot long SDF-1 by a company called PlayMake. I have never seen this thing before. Anyone know anything about this? I've never heard of PlayMake (who made this toy). And judging from the description about the SDF-1, I'm pretty sure PlayMake didn't know what the SDF-1 was. Is this thing an official product? A bootleg? What is this thing even worth? I paid around 80 bucks for it. Did I pay too much? This is the only website that I found on Google about this. PLAYMAKE SDF-1 Thanks for any help.
  6. Mr. Body massage machine...GO!

  7. Those pics next to the 1:100 Toynami just ROCK!
  8. Porkchop sandwiches!

  9. My wife had these old hanging mirror things that you put up on the wall. She was going to donate them, and I stole them from the donations box. They look a little odd, but because they're on the bottom shelf you don't notice them too much.
  10. The initial reaction he had was positive. That's good. Can't wait to hear more. This toy is going to ROCK.
  11. I don't know. I bet we'll see a few more milkings of this mold down the line. Fingers are crossed!
  12. It's too bad that most of these are going to be web exclusives. That means we are going to have to pay through the nose to get them. Do you think there's a chance BanDai will do 1/100 enemy mech to go with this series? I seriously doubt it. What's the saying? Non transformable mech doesn't sell? Still, one can hope.
  13. Yeah, that kinda sucks. Does anyone know what the point of this law is?
  14. No, I do the same thing. It also makes things easier to locate. I'm actually getting rid of my boxes. I custom made some boxes using an art box and some foam. The artbox is just a bit smaller than the 1:48 box, and yet, I can fit 3 Valks inside it! I actually feel they are better protected too, with the hard plastic case and the foam on the inside. But it is really a space saver. Now what to do with all those empty 1:48 boxes...
  15. Yes, you are indeed correct. I misread that one! My bad.
  16. I think it has 4. The 3 VF-22S, and the VF-11C. They still need to come out with the VF-19 and the Nightmare, and all the variations of. Unless you were referring not to the variations, but the actual valks. Then yes, there were only four Valks used in Macross 7: the VF-22, the VF-19, the VF-11C and the Stealth. I feel like I'm missing one...
  17. 2012 would make perfect sense for the VF-4. But...I don't want to wait that long!
  18. THAT is some kick ass stuff. You are going to bankrupt me, sir.
  19. ??!! WOW! That would be the size of a couch!
  20. I don't know why, but I really found myself laughing at this banter. Good times.
  21. Thanks for help MacrossJunkie. Question: seems fans choose to either panel line or weather. Do you do either or because it would be "too much detail" in the valk? Again, thanks for all the pointers to everyone. Once I get brave enough to do this, I think it will really give some new life to my 1:48's and 1:55 Mospeada toys.
  22. I tried the Mirror at the bottom trick and it works like a damn charm. Thanks for the suggestion!
  23. I thought I was the only one who played with my valks! I mean, open them and handle them. MOST collectors I know keep everything in their original boxes. It's cool to see I'm not the only one!
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