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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. A fitting fate for someone with an...explosive personality? It's late. That was the best I've got tonight. I need to push off.
  2. That strap mod is awesome, but so is that 1D! Damn! Nice work!
  3. Out of context, that could be funny. I am so not going there. Damn it, I did go there.
  4. Yup. Grab your ankles and hold on tight. Poppa Ban Dai is comin' over.
  5. No love for the 1A Max! I voted for Kakizaki, thinking he'd get no love, but it appears he has a few other fans out there! Go Kakizaki!
  6. I first thought the whole weathered thing was silly. But man, when you see one in person, they are the shyt. I own all 4 of the weathered Destroids. I am hoping they release the Phallanx and the Gladiator one day.
  7. The tips are taking the paint off and now they're cracking? I have the original ones, which are what? 6 or 7 years old now? One of them cracked when I tightened a screw too hard, but otherwise, the other 9 or so that I have are in excellent like new shape. Knock on wood. And no problems with them taking paint off my toys either!
  8. That's awesome to hear! It is a great fix, did it myself. Took me more than ten minutes, though. Guess I'm too afraid to mess up any of my valks!
  9. That sucks. I hope it holds for you. It's too expensive of a toy to have to worry about shyt like that.
  10. I know, right? I am still saving up trying to get my hands on one of these. Its going to be nerve wracking just to handle this thing, much less customize it!
  11. It's that damn anime magic again!
  12. Does this also explain the recent trends with Yamato and Ban Dai to have an explosion of Japan web exclusives? I also imagine it's about profits, considering buying directly from Yamato cuts out the middle man entirely. I hope this figure gets made and that is sells well. I'd like to see a line up of various Macross figures.
  13. I just ordered a few v2 1:60's. I am praying they are all QC safe!
  14. Hey! Thanks. It's missing a few parts, but luckily they are symmetrical parts, so I can probably have the missing parts duplicated from the parts I do have. I am debating if I should put it together or not. We'll have to see.
  15. Yellowing on toys is very frustrating. A few of my vintage toys have that yellow oxidation. No one seems to know much about it. On a few boards that I often visit, this is the advice that was given about this issue. 1. Keep they away from sunlight. 2. If you smoke, don't smoke near your toys. Well, I'm not a smoker and my vintage toys were in a dark storage box. So...how did they still turn yellow? Is there any other preemptive measures that can be done to deal with yellowing on plastic? From what I have been able to gather, this only happens to white plastic. Does anyone else have any other pointers or know anything more about this?
  16. Anyone want to trade a perfectly good kidney or lung for one of these?
  17. Do you think we have any hopes of a newly deigned VF-25? One that is on par with the 1/72 or the VF-27 toy? I hope so, but doubt it. Even if Ban Dai took the risk of spending the $$ to do that, I think original owners would be pretty pissed. Kinda like what CM's did to those who purchased the original Legioss/Tread sets! There were many issues with those sets, and CM's issued modified bonus parts to help "fix" said issues, but they were only available to those who re-buy the toy! I really want to love that 25, I really do. But for me, the price just doesn't account for all the issues it has. I keep holding out in hopes they get remade. But I'm starting to doubt they will.
  18. Damn it. I am just now taking the plunge on the v2 1:60's...and now these 1/100 hi-metals are coming out. I can't keep up!
  19. You're damn busy! I know you also do a lot of 1:48 mods. Where do you find the time! Great work! Thanks for sharing!
  20. You are going to bankrupt me. Awesome job. I'll be ordering a few. Question is, which scale? Do I go after the 1:60 or the 1:48?
  21. All I can say is WOW!
  22. That's the same position I am in as well. I really want this...but to me, the price doesn't justify what you get. The 1/2000 SDF-1 was something I wanted so much more, but I held out hoping Yamato would release it as a toy. They did, eventually, but a much smaller scale (1/3000). But the price is much, much cheaper. Good thing is, if they do decide to release a toy version of the Regult, it will probably still be the same 1/60 scale-since almost everything else is. Also wanted to point out that there were some improvements with the toy of the SDF-1 that the model kit did not have. Maybe the 1/60 toy will have a pilot (but to actually fit in the cockpit, he'll have to be a smaller scaled pilot (1/70 or something). So, yeah. Maybe this time next year we'll hopefully see a 1/60 Regult toy.
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