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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. Damn boy, you are packing some heat there. Foam heat, but heat nonetheless!
  2. This film has NOT been canceled. It's still in its infancy, but it's still in pre.
  3. Has anyone here put together a Mad Thunder or a King Gojulas? I can't wait to get my hands on those two.
  4. That costume is outstanding. Sounds like we have a real movie on our hands. Most comic book adaptations suck monkey balls. MOST. But the good ones blow me away. I have a lot of hope for this one.
  5. 3D has been a big failure so far, because you have to shoot the film for the median, and in order to do that, you have to understand that median. James Cameron did a great job of shooting Avatar for 3D. It was more of a compliment to the film, not a stupid gimmic to sell more tickets. Although, ironically, that was Cameron's foresight to push Avatar into becoming the biggest selling film of all time. Films should be 2D unless it is conceived to be 3D from the get go. Or, if you have someone who knows how to use 3D.
  6. I don't recall either. Interesting. And, funny. My favorite mistake was in Presumed Innocent, when a reporter comes up to Harrison Ford with a tape recorder right infront of the camera, and the tape recorder is empty. This was before Digital Recorders. And, once again, I have dated myself.
  7. She'll be great. Not too many people were excited about his casting for the Joker, and Heath Leadger knocked that out of the park. Chris Nolan's Batman series is exceptional. This will be his LAST Batman film, and I am excited to see how he wraps it up. We'll be in for a real treat in 2012. In Nolan I trust.
  8. I'm excited about Liam Neeson's return as Qui-Gonn. I hope Lucas finally explains why in the hell Luke got to see dead Jedi's and no one else could. His gibberish explanation at the end of episode three made no frackin' sense.
  9. I think they need to remake Macross DYRL, only live action. Van Damm as Hikaru. Pamela Anderson as Misa. Nicolas Cage as Roy Fokker. Beyonce as Lynn Minmai. Steven Segal as a cross dressing Claudia Grant. Sam Jackson as Gloval. Micheal Bay to direct, so there will be no need for story, or a script. This sounds like a suit's wet dream. Seriously, the ONLY thing Hollywood is making is remakes, sequels or existing IP's. It's getting absurd.
  10. Got my 1:60 VF-1D today from sidearmalpha. Man, this toy is pure bliss! But that swing bar leg attachment to the nose of the jet is a bit tricky and makes me nervous...

  11. I'll have to keep an eye out for those.
  12. Hang in there! I hope the worst is far behind you. When you do get it in, post a review. Love to hear your opinion on it. It's such an awesome accessory. But man, it's expensive for what it is!
  13. That is great to hear. It's not an inexpensive toy at all, and it's good to know that, so for, it's not plagued with QC issues that other releases have. This is one beautiful toy. I cannot wait to get my hands on one!
  14. Or the plethora of v2 1:60's with any number of issues.
  15. As a Macross/Mospeada collector, I am so used to being left out in the cold when something goes south. Now THIS is good customer service.
  16. One time I ordered when stock was low, and was NOT able to get that it. Most of the time, you should be okay.
  17. Those kits are pretty amazing. I prefer the 1:48 Yamatos. Love the big scale. Easier for my big, clumsy hands to hold.
  18. The 1:48 is such an awesome toy...but add the GBP or the Strike Armor...man, it is one intimidating mech! I put one of my strike cannons on Millia's TV 1J a few weeks back. That cannon is just awesome. Too bad the TV valks didn't come with the strike cannon.
  19. BanDai reissued THE ORIGIN OF VALKYRIE a few years back. Some pretty cool stuff, including a 1A Max with Super Parts (wish it had the strike cannon). There is something really special about that Chunky Monkey. It was just a damn good toy. It looks dated compared to some of the newer stuff...but it's a lot more fun! I hope we see some more 1/55 reissues for Macross' 30th.
  20. The thing with the FireBomber is Yamato can just retool heads and produce other Valkyries from that mold, making it more profitable. Not to mention it's overall the most popular of the Macross 7 mecha, and will sell well. This is great for those of us wanting to see a nightmare and other unproduced Macross toys. More sales = more toys. We'll eventually see the other Valks. I wouldn't worry! I wanted a VF-1D for what? 25+ years? Now I have 2 on my shelf. Granted, I'm 25 years older now, but...It'll happen.
  21. YOU just saved me a fortune!
  22. I don't have this SDF-1, but this issue has happened to me with the Toynami MPC Beta fighters. There are styrofoam inserts to insure the edges of the box don't get smashed in shipping. The type of styrofoam Toynami uses leaves this sheet of broken glass look on the box. It's easy enough to clean up from a box, but off an elaborate toy such as the SDF-1? I'd use an air can. Probably just a less expensive material.
  23. Yeah I want to see plenty of pics!
  24. All the Valkyire needs is some bling bling.
  25. What I wouldn't give to be there for that! I am pretty stoked about this Valkyrie! Can't wait!
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