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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. I love Darth Maul. But Lucas stated that he is NOT coming back. This season is by far the best of the series. But I do agree that some of the content is treading on thin ice for consistency with the feature films.
  2. If you live in the states, I have a VF-22S Max for sale.
  3. I just got my Macross Perfect Memory book! Man, that is a MUST OWN for any Macross fan! It's a CM's Mospeada toy, I also have the 1:48 (which is really a 1:55 scale) Legioss/Tread with the upgraded parts shipping to me from Hong Kong. Can't wait to get this set! My CM's Mospeada collection is almost complete!
  4. Have ALL the v2 1:60's have the upgraded swingbars? Or just certain figures?
  5. Where did you get yours? Seriously!
  6. Hey! That sounds pretty awesome. Do you have a picture of this?
  7. WOW! That is one sexy @ss toy!
  8. That is her best outfit!
  9. WOW! The Yamato looks awesome next to the 1/3000 SDF-1.
  10. Is it that the song was Creed and it hurt the Wolves ears so bad they ran away? Ha ha! :lol:
  11. And that is WITHOUT shipping! Ouch! I want one of these so bad. But the price is just hard to get past right now.
  12. The GBP does add bulk to the Valkyrie. It makes it look intimidating and is just a sight to behold in person. The Woodland is a very cool paint scheme. Also check out the Urban Camo scheme as well.
  13. My understanding was the entire project was scrapped. Still dead.
  14. I can't tell, but is the gunpod weathered too? In some pics it looks like it is, in others not so much. Then again, it could me my monitor.
  15. We're on the same boat. The v2 1:60's are great, if you can get one without any of the issues plaguing the entire line. The 1/48's are just easier to handle, and I don't feel like it's going to break when I transform it.
  16. If you could only collect one TF line, I'd go with the Takara-Tomy Masterpiece line. One of the greatest toy lines of all time. Each figure is better than the previous release.
  17. Color me jealous! Have fun with your new toys! Share your thoughts with us after you had some time to play with them!
  18. That is some of the best line panel work I've seen. This really makes the toy's details stick out. Fantastic work. Makes me want to customize mine, but I am NO WHERE near as good as you are!
  19. That is AWESOME. Love the 1A Max about to pulverize that Zentron. Ha ha!
  20. That is looking good! I know the hatch in the back opens, but is the inside cockpit detailed at all? Probably asking too much of a model from this era, but here's to hoping. Thanks for sharing.
  21. This is pretty amazing. You are very talented!
  22. Own, no. Want, yes. I guess I'm the lighter shade of gray statistic that doesn't count in this poll.
  23. That's a pretty good collection you got going there! Seriously!
  24. Just finished Macross Plus the movie. Starting from the beginning with the Robotech Protoculpture box set. Yes, I dig Robotech.
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