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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. The entire cast only had a 3 film contract. So, even if someone wants to continue where Nolan left off, it will be difficult to secure the original cast.
  2. The Original Trilogy Saga Yoda is pretty amazing. I like the diorama that snaps together with the Luke standing on his head. And the means in which that backpack works.
  3. Interesting. Never really thought of that. I guess I have Empire Strikes Back on my brain.
  4. That's the point. ANY comic book film CAN be as good as BB or BTDK. They aren't. That has to do with the lack of understanding for the IP being adapted, or to put in more honest terms, raped. The Nolans and Goyer are both comic book fans, and have drawn their inspiration from the comics in which they are adapting. That is why we get batman with nipples on his costume. Why Godzilla is an mutated iguana. Why Megatron was killed by a stupid cube. Most other IP's are pulled out of the collective asses of ignorant illiterate asses who have not read anything, much less a comic book, in their life. All it takes is a little effort.
  5. You are one lucky man! When do we get to see a 1/100 review on anymoon?
  6. Ha ha!
  7. I know! Every pic I see this toy looks better and better!
  8. What local shop is this??? Will they ship cheap to the US?
  9. I've been trying to get ahold of one too! I think Jenuis of anymoon.com has one for sale, but he hasn't gotten back to me. Drop him a line.
  10. A 1/60 SDF-1 Head would be incredible! Great idea!
  11. I second this.
  12. Honestly, I'd LOVE to see the 1/60 Monster, but the size of that damn thing? The 1/3000 SDF-1 is costing us 400 + USD...the Monster may be what? Twice that? :blink: And where in the hell would you put it? The phalanx would be awesome. And the 17. As for the "flying cucumber?" I'd even be interested in that one. But again, it will be VERY pricey...it better fly or something cool!
  13. I can't wait to see the repaints either. It's been mentioned that there may be a V3 YF-19 from this mold. I think that will kick some major @ss. The more I see of this new VF-19, the more I like it! Yamato is going to have a real big hit on their hands!
  14. Right now? Daft Punk. Before that it was Caroline's Spine.
  15. I've been wondering what they're going to do with Ashoka! Seriously. She's NOT in Episode three, so something tragic has to happen to her. Same with Rex. It will be interesting to see how Lucas plays this all out. Been enjoying MOST of this series so far!
  16. That's why I love Nolan. His films are so layered that my wife and I discuss them for weeks after we've seen them! Even if she doesn't like them (like the dark knight). How can you NOT like Batman 2? Really!
  17. Thanks for the pics of the King Gojulas and the Madthunder! Those are the two holy grails of Zoids for me! Just awesome!
  18. No poo, right? Yamato has a decent fan base established over this GANTZ crap!
  19. Batman does need new wheels after what the Joker did to the last one!
  20. That's a pretty good idea! I thought Two-Face looked awesome!
  21. That Turbo Speeder looks pretty damn good!
  22. Darth Maul is one of the greatest villains in modern Star Wars, but he's dead, Jim.
  23. Sounds to me that this project is a typical comic book adaptation. Those involved have NO IDEA about the IP they just inherited, and are running off doing their own thing. Lawyer by day? Crime fighter by night? Hmm.
  24. This will be much better than X-men 3 or Wolverine. Those were pretty craptastic.
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