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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. You're right, I forgot this is a Macross forum! I better keep a low profile or I'll get egged. Ha ha!
  2. 49 days? Ouch. That stinks. You are one patient man!
  3. I may just have to try this with mine! I do like the MegaHouse bikes...but I felt that they were lacking a bit. This seems to fix some of the issues! Great work!
  4. Toynewsi dot com has a few images up for BanDai's new Thundercat's line. The new tank looks pretty slick! And, for MOTU Classics fans, there will be a 7 inch line of "classic" thundercats figures too! Pretty cool to be an 80's geek.
  5. This could very well be the greatest film of all time!
  6. That is probably the most accurate Luke they've made!
  7. You need to run a WORST awards show. You are pretty accurate in most of those!
  8. In the Transformers the movie (the animated one from 1986...the REAL MOVIE), you can see some of the Decepticons who DIED earlier fighting Unicron. Not as bad as MichealBayBots, where you have the god-awful twins fighting the menacing Devistator (who is a threat because he can only eat sand)... And ELSEWHERE in the world (although happening at the SAME TIME as Devistator eating sand) the Constructicons are also fighting AUTOBOTS in the background! Then there's BRAWL the tank who StarScream calls Devistator... I can go on and on... There's more continuity issues with the live action film than the G1 animated series...and that's saying A LOT!
  9. I used to read Wizard all the time. I have not purchased it in years. But still, the nostalgia is there. Here's one for me...and one for Wizard Magazine.
  10. :lol: ATOR! There needs to be a SPECIAL EDITION of this film re-released in theaters!
  11. That was DAMN FUNNY!
  12. THAT is hilarious! Speaking of South Park, did you ever see PARK WARS? It was basically Star Wars Episode One audio with South Park animation. Just awesome. And back to the Keanu speech, he's willing to do a Bill and Ted's 3? Whoa.
  13. Inception is a FANTASTIC film. I wish studios had the balls to make more films like this. Ah, well. At least we're getting Scream 4. /sarcasm.
  14. THAT is great customer service. Unlike, say, Robotech.com. When I had an issue with my Sue Graham Shadow Fighter that I ordered from them, that arrived with a foot broken in 5 places, they NEVER responded to a single email. I got tired of trying to contact Robotech.com, and decided to contact the manufacturer directly. Toynami greeted me with the same result. Not a single response. Go Yamato.
  15. Keeping this thread alive. Bump.
  16. If I'm not being out of line here can I ask how much you paid?
  17. Yup. It's a pipe dream. But it would still be damn cool!
  18. That sucks. Are they just basic friction joints? No ratchets?
  19. Keep up the good work.
  20. We're luck to have so many talented fans here.
  21. That is awesome!
  22. You are all so talented. Thanks for sharing.
  23. You got an Amen to that. When I worked for Paramount, an editor got into a debate with me about how good the original Transformer movie was. I told him to name six of the robot characters in that movie. He could not do it. I asked him to give me the breakdown of the characters outside of Bumblebee, Megatron or Prime, and he could not do it. When Jazz died, he could not tell me his name. I asked him why we should be sad that he died. After a long pause, he said..."Because he's an Autobot?" To borrow from Micheal Bolton, Micheal Bay is a no talent ass clown. He has never made a good film and he never will.
  24. This is going to suck. There is no way it not be otherwise.
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