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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. From my understanding, it's still a prequel to the Alien universe. Just NOT by title.
  2. I recently acquired the v2 1D from member SIDEARMALPHA. I've been collecting 1:48's and 1/55 Chunky Monkeys up to this point. But now that I own a v2 1:60...it's just a great toy. I love that you can remove the heads. And the nose of the jet! (You can even store the nose of the fighter on a battroid arm, as seen in Episode two. Pretty cool! The detail is great. The build is good. But not great. You have to know where they are weak and be very, very careful when you handle them in those areas. Such as the latch that opens on the nost of the fighter that the swing bar connect into. I've seen several Valks now that have broke there. There's the infamous broken hinges on the arms, and the "glass effect" on the cockpits that are prone to scratches. Of course, the backpack connectors. The rear tail fins which now fold, and do get loose over time. Small things, but things to be aware of when you are handling/transforming your toys. Just be careful. Guess the same can be said about most toys. But they are awesome. And it's cool to have Destroids in scale with your Valks. (Hint, Hint, Yamato) I have the weathered Destroids, and they just look amazing with the V2 1:60. Compared to the 1/55...it's apples and oranges. Compared to the 1/48...I still prefer the 1:48. But the v2 1:60 is still a fantastic toy. There are more of the v2 Valks than the 1:48's, and many have said the 1:48 line is dead, and the v2 1:60's are still going. So, there is that consideration as well. My two cents.
  3. I have been wanting re-issues of them since I first laid eyes on them...what? 20 years ago now? Here's to hope. These are some of the most sought after Valks ever.
  4. Yeah, but I know people who LOVE their 1/100 Toynami's. And I have yet spoke to anyone who does not ABSOLUTELY HATE their transforming Revoltech with every fiber of their being.
  5. Blazer! But...most of these sound cool anyway. In all honesty, I will be happy with whatever route Yamato best decides to take.
  6. No poo! Amen to that!
  7. Hey! If you do open yours, please let me know what you think.
  8. No. No we don't. :unsure:
  9. Hey! I just noticed Yamato is reissuing the 1:48 VF-1S DYRL, both the Hikaru and the Roy versions. The box art for the Roy appears to be a bright white, similar to the the TV VF-1S v2 Roy Fokker. Can anyone confirm this? Or is the plastic still an off white color like the original releases. If there are any other differences between the original and these new reissues other than the new box, please let me know. Thanks again! Any information would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Can't wait. Yamato and BanDai need to give you some commissions. Seriously.
  11. Well, there are variations in the Macross 7 line that aren't out, but they're not new molds. (Except for the heads and maybe a minor re-tool). I agree with the Regult and Phalanx. I also think they need to do a Spartan and hopefully a monster-even if the monster is a smaller scale. poo, I just want every item from the TV show released. If they do make a Regult, and it's affordable, I would buy a few. But I think my definition of affordable is not the same as Yamato's.
  12. Damn those repressed memories! Ha ha!
  13. Are those the 1/100 Toynami's? Is that green one a custom? Looks awesome!
  14. And he's got the shoes to match.
  15. I just started collecting the pencil sharpeners. These would be a great compliment to those!
  16. This is fantastic! Everything is in one place.
  17. No doubt! This this is twice the size of the 1:48's, and I thought THEY were huge! The level of detail on this piece is unparalleled to any other Valk I've seen. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  18. I'm pretty excited to see this season come to fruition. And I'm curious to see where they go the next season. Isn't the next season the last? Or am I mistaken?
  19. It does indeed. As do 95% of all the designs. Absolute crap. Especially the alt modes. WTF?
  20. I'm digging the redesigned characters. Except for Lion-o. He seems too young.
  21. Let us know what you think when they arrive. Still on the fence with the Hi-Metals.
  22. Thanks for the heads up! Just have to see if 115 US dollars and shipping is worth it for this.
  23. This really has me hoping we'll see a 1:60 Zentron from Yamato. Wasn't there a model kit for this figure as well back in the 80's. I seem to recall one, but maybe the old noggin isn't working as well as I'd like.
  24. Don't have the SFD-1...yet. But it won't be long now. Your review helped seal the deal as far as me wanting to take that plunge. Thanks for the hard work.
  25. Oh, yes! The price is absurd! But...it's cool. In a dorky kind of way. Try explaining to your wife why you want to add this particular piece to your collection.
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