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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. That was funny. And wrong. Fuong. Seriously, pretty soon you won't be able to breathe without some tight ass suing you.
  2. I had talked with a pal of mine about doing a possible upgrade kit to sell to turn a Ley into a Yellow or Fuke, but it never when anywhere. I sure in the hell can't do it by myself. Great to see someone else has something tangible in the pipeline. Can't wait to see how this turns out!
  3. This movie will kick ass. Chris Nolan and his brother I am sure turned in an excellent script. They are batting almost 100 percent right now. Zack Snyder is one of the most visually interesting directors of this generation. It's gonna rock. Mark my words.
  4. I'm with you on that one. We need to get an on line petition going. WWW.snarfmustdie.com or something.
  5. Strawberry Shortcake could kick Rainbow Bright's ass.
  6. Was that an intake upgrade for the v2 1:60 on that page? Interesting...
  7. Wasn't that a movie with Lloyd Bridges or something?
  8. I know! I am buying that one on sight! I am really digging the throwback to the original vintage packages. And the figures never looked so good! Just bought an army of Gamorrian Guards! AMAZING figure. There is a pic of Yoda on the back...did he ever get released? I've never seen him.
  9. Those 1/10 Beagles are probably my favorite toy. Just awesome. I only have two complaints about them... 1. The DAMN screw in the neck! Really? 2. There won't be a Fuke or Yellow! BBTS still has a pre-order for the Yellow. I keep hoping that it still, somehow gets released, even though everyone in the world has stated that the line is dead. We came so close to getting a complete set of ride armor! SO CLOSE! I was tempted to buy an extra Lei and Stick and convert them to the Dark Mospeada. But, I just can't do it.
  10. No Snarf? Thank God. If only we can do that with Star Wars and do away with Jar Jar Binks!
  11. Yeah. It's treading on being tacky cause of that one little detail.
  12. That's a pretty smart idea! I may have a few of the old water slide decals from some old 1/100 kits I use to have. I bet those would work pretty good too.
  13. That's the beauty of this. My wife and I were talking about the Clone Wars story arc, and whose to say this has to end at the point where Episode three beings? It would be interesting to see the story move forward at that point. Maybe beyond episode three. I think it would be great to get a series devoted to Darth Vader, or Rex and the 501st hunt down and destroy renegade Jedi Knights. The stories are endless. I know Lucas was talking about doing a Live Action TV show about smugglers that took place between Episodes 3 and 4. So, even if the Clone Wars ends at Episode three (which I hope it does not) we'll still get some Star Wars TV to fill our addiction!
  14. I want to see how the new villains are going to look like. Mum-ra!
  15. You get a whole room? Lucky! I get my office and the shelf in my bedroom! Of course, I'm allowed to fly them anywhere in the house, as long as they land in one of those two territories!
  16. Look at Lonely Soldier Boy taking one for the team! That made me laugh!
  17. Do you have them on display? I'd love to see them. I am seriously considering army building my valks. I use to think it was silly to do that...but man. There's nothing like seeing a squad of Valks in person.
  18. That's cool, I didn't even think about the 1/100 monster! I have a small army of 1/100 battlepods (regults), so that is why I was curious. Still having trouble deciding between the Hi-Metal BanDai and the Toynami.
  19. Man, I want this toy. Sorry, Model. It just kicks ass! I am really hoping we see an inexpensive release of it this year in toy form. I'm really, really hoping... And I super hoping for a Glaug too...
  20. Even though they are still in pre-development, I'd like to predict another James Bond!
  21. Yeah, Ridley usually makes pretty good films. USUALLY. And he's the one who laid the foundation for the original Alien universe. Too bad Cameron was the only one who could play in that field.
  22. Let's hope they go more into depth as to what in the hell it means to be "the chosen one."
  23. Just curious to see how they are going to retell this folklore.
  24. Sean, I couldn't agree with you more. Lucas once said "the better your antagonist, the better the protagonist by default...and everyone loves to root for the underdog." (<===paraphrase) Seriously, George Lucas should watch THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. It's okay if the good guys loose. We will still root for them.
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