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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. Yeah, can you tell me what the hell is up with Marvel? The Avengers is probably the most sure fire hit they will ever have. Didn't they make enough with Iron Man to at least give us an Avatar budgeted Avengers?
  2. I was referring to Chris Nolan's brother, Jonathan. I was not inditing David Goyer as a Nolan sibling. Johnathan does a lot of the writing.
  3. Joe Johnston thought the film was fun and outstanding. But he directed the film, and I think he may be a little biased.
  4. I think the 4 inch figures look pretty lame. But there is a 7 inch classics line in the works. I have high hopes for those figures. Our classics MOTU figures can be reunited with their middle earth companions, just like our old toy boxes in the 80s.
  5. I was listening to the Dances with Wolves soundtrack yesterday. The man was in a league of his own.
  6. I was under the impression that they made their own original molds.
  7. I think Ventress is going to have to die, that much we knew would happen. The journey to how it is going to play out will be interesting to watch. I was sure Dooku was going to kill her a few episodes back. I think you are right. It will either be in the hands of Anakin or Asoka.
  8. The dogs! That scene scared the CRAP out of me when I first saw it. It was on late TV one night, and I snuck out of bed to watch it while my parents were sleeping. I think Dark Horse comics also had a sequel to John Carpenter's film that was decent. You guys should check it out if you can get your hands on a copy. It was a pretty good read. Can't wait to see the new Thing movie. They've been talking about doing one for years, and it's great one is finally coming into fruition.
  9. Over at TF world, someone who has the DOTM Ironhide was complaining about how poorly the figure held together. Looking at picks of it, I can see where that may be a legitimate complaint. And, after owning the Mospeada CM's Legioss, it just plain sucks.
  10. Sad but true. We still may NEVER see a scaled Regult, outside of the modeling world. The 1/2000 SDF-1 is a model, so I'd still like to see a toy in that scale. But, as much as I've been bitching about the price of the 1/3000 SDF-1 toy, the retail for a 1/2000 or larger SDF toy would probably give me a heart attack.
  11. THAT would be AWESOME. I love the 1/48 scale so much better than the 60's, although the v2 1:60's are pretty sweet. But the 1:48's are capable of doing so much more due to the larger scale. If they did do a new 1:48 scale, it would be great if they could incorporate new features such as a working ladder (for the pilot to get into the cockpit), proper leg intakes, and configure a means for the pilot to exit the craft as demonstrated in the TV show.
  12. Alpine and Bazooka have been showering an awful lot together lately!
  13. On the same boat! I use to have an entire office and a room for my toys....I've been downgraded to one shelf.
  14. Welcome to the Macross Addicts forum... Ha ha! We're all on the same page! It's my addiction.
  15. I know! I'm dying to get that new SDF-1, but that price point just hurts... and that's just one of a ton of toys I want!
  16. I know, right? The 0D was my favorite zero design! But from what I've read the Zero line didn't sell enough to warrant a new mold. But one can still hope!
  17. DAMN that new SDF-1 is HOT. God I have to sell an organ and get one! I also LOVE the way the V2 1:60's look weathered! Great work!
  18. Hey! Have you put your kit together yet? I'd love to see how it turned out.
  19. I was being silly. Back to the regult. If this kit is a success, I am pretty sure we will see a toy get made of it one day. Hopefully soon. I have a question. I am sure this is a toy many of us would love to army build. Would you prefer a lower detailed toy (such as no cockpit) to cut down on production costs (so you could buy more than one), or would you just prefer a Regult that was a true "masterpiece" toy? One that came with a pilot (non scale to fit in the cockptit), a detailed cockpit, extra articulation, maybe a few gimmick features? (Light up eye, sounds)...but costs so much you can only afford to buy one (after you sell one of your kidneys, perhaps). Which REGULT toy would YOU prefer?
  20. Some once said here (I cannot recall who at the moment) that toy collecting isn't about what you have...it's about what you DON'T have!
  21. I'd get one. Especially if it leads to new and exciting Macross items we would not normally otherwise get to see get made into a toy.
  22. If the SDF-1 is going for 3 - 4 hundred right now, I'd hate to see what the final price would be for this beast! And it would probably cost more to ship that the toy retails for! The monster would definitely become the holy grail of Macross collecting, that's for sure. Hell, they will probably call it a playset it would be so large. Like the USS Flagg for GI JOE. Or Fort Max for Transformers.
  23. Thanks a lot for this! I appreciate it.
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