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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. So the story is going to focus around General Zod. That could be pretty cool. Who would you cast to play Zod?
  2. I think the Arc-170 is cool...but you're right. The Y-Wing is SOOOO much better. I really dig the Clone Wars Y-Wing design.
  3. I'm digging Trent's score for THE SOCIAL NETWORK right now. I would have NEVER thought to hire him for that film, but it works. It works really well.
  4. And Devistator is back too. Even though he was killed off.
  5. Thor is a hard sell for Marvel. Outside of the comic reading fanboys, he's not a household name. So, I had some doubts about this IP. But looks like they are pulling it off. Getting some decent names and talent has helped. My wife even wants to see this one (but not Captain America). Good Ad Campaigns. This is a great TV spot.
  6. I love the CM's Ride Armors, but at the same time, they are a pain in the @$s! I'm afraid to handle mine. Each time I even THINK of touching it some part falls off! But I do love the design of the figure and the detail/articulation. For the size, they are pretty awesome.
  7. Please do! I can't wait to get my sets!
  8. They sure have. I am glad I waited! Even the CM's use to go for 300 + on eBay. Now you can get them for just over 100 each! (If you are patient). If you want, pick up a set of the Toynami super poseable Alpha fighters. They are actually the same scale, and look pretty nice next to your 1/55 (or "1:48") scale Legioss. That way, you don't have to transform them either! And the Super Poseable Alphas DO WORK with the Beta (Tread) Fighter too!
  9. Defiantly a nod to Spielberg's early sci-fi.
  10. I just saw the trailer in HD last night. This movie is going to rock! Is that the girl from Scott Pilgrim vs the World? She is very beautiful!
  11. Take some pics and show us! The 1:48 VF-1 CF is a great toy. I really like the colors on that one! I just made a CF 1J 1:48 custom. Love my 1:48's!
  12. If Yamato kept the cost down, I can see a v2 1:48 doing well. Why not? When I head they were doing ANOTHER 1:60 line of VF-1's, I thought it was absurd and would flop. I was way off the mark there! I am a 1:48 fan and was reluctant on the v2 1:60's myself. But there were enough new gimmicks-and a few fighters that never made it to the 1:48 scale that got me to switch over. So, now I have a few v1 1:60's, a few v2 1:60's and a plethora of 1:48's. Hell, I even have a few 1:55's! I know I'm not alone with some of this. I mean, if money was no object, I'd have a lot more, of course. But even with money being the way it is now, I am still buying duplicates of the VF-1 in various scales. Of course, I am biased and would love a v2 1:48. Or even a 1:35! But the price tag would be the end of me.
  13. It has been stated before... I just wish they'd finish the first 1:48 line. The 1:60 v2 are not superior as stated above. That's an empty blanket statement and, honestly, it all boils down to opinion and personal preference. Both valks have both pros and cons. I think exo is onto something with the 1:18 valks except...where you put them? My 1:48's take up too much room as is!
  14. Actually, I somehow missed the loose 1/72 Tread! That sucker is RARE boxed or not! Anyway you look at it, that is one damn nice collection that puts mine to shame!
  15. ARMY BUILD! I'd love to have an army of toynami Ibits to battle my army of Toynami battlepods. I am really digging this 1/48 scratchbuild. Really has me excited to see some more enemy mech!
  16. Or pick up one for all MW fans...
  17. I think he is referring to the line art. I think the head does not line up where it is suppose to be. I also think the arms are off when it's in fighter mode. They hang too low. The v2 1:60 is more line art accurate.
  18. Someone here is building a 1/24, but I think it's a scratch build. I've heard the Arii 1/24's lack good detail for it's scale. I think they're also quite difficult to obtain. EDIT Here is the link. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34259&st=0 Not the same as the Arii, this one is just a detailed work of art. Check it out!
  19. WOW! Great job on that!
  20. So, this future seal stuff. I assume it can be found at your local hardware store? Does it make your paint run? I had a sealant that use to do that. Maybe I didn't put on a thick enough coat of paint or something.
  21. Did they ever show the inbit in their insect like state? I recall the episode when Lei had to sneak into the hive by foot, they show a cocoon being lowered into one of the purple troopers, but I think it was more a ball of...goo than an insect as described above. Or maybe I just need to watch Genesis Climber Mospeada again! You know, on a side note, with all the companies making Mospeada toys a few years back, I was secretly hoping there was a new Mospeada series or film in the works. But atlas, the toys did not do well, and it was not to be. But for a while there, I was really hoping.
  22. Please do! I can't wait to see how this turns out! Thanks for sharing.
  23. I was just checking in myself. I hope Toynami makes Inbits after they're done with their 1/100 Battlepods.
  24. I'm stoked about getting mine! Thanks >EXO<!
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