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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. YES! That would rule. Seriously, the 1:10 Beagle (aka Masterpiece Robotech Cyclone) are some of the greatest toys ever made! I am so depressed the line ended before we got the Fuke and the Yellow! Yamato would do a great job!
  2. I agree. And I love how the classics will be to scale with the MOTU classics! How bitching is that going to be to have all these on a shelf? Wait, wait. Did I just say bitchin?
  3. My grandfather said it best when I took him to see Apollo 13 back in the day. "We all know how it ends. But the journey was pretty fantastic." Hope we can say the same about this film.
  4. Now THAT is a collection! Is this all of them...or do you have another stash at home?
  5. Let's not forget the 1:10 Masterpiece Lancer and the 1:10 Masterpiece Rook cyclones... But to give Toynami credit, there is still talks about the possibility of an MP Shadow Beta. Maybe. (Source: Robotech.com)
  6. Seconded! I doubt it. But man, that would be awesome. I am just jazzed there are missile bays! This is AWESOME. I hope they v2 1:60 YF-19 now...
  7. I know, right? Ever try the metal drywall screws? They are AWESOME. BUT...they leave a big ass gaping screw hole in your wall. And you can't always putty and paint over them.
  8. You had me at Starscream exhibit. Sadly, I'm on the East Coast. Maybe next year?
  9. Man, this is some amazing Mospeada stuff! This is now my favorite thread on Macross World! Thanks for sharing with us!
  10. If that was mass produced I would so buy one!
  11. It's pretty nice. Just be sure to get the upgraded one. The "recalled" version. I am not sure how to tell them apart. I think Jenius on the forms made note of it once, but I cannot seem to locate his post regarding the matter. Anyhow, the first release was THE WORST release of ANY TOYNAMI toy. But the recalled version is pretty awesome. I have two of them, and I just love them. The hands on mine seem to be vastly improved over the original Alpha release. As far as the Shadow Beta fighter, I've heard it was canceled, but Toynami may still release it later.
  12. that was pretty awesome, right down to the score!
  13. The extra parts are a nice touch. It's kinda hard to please all the fans. Some want the perfect transformation. Some want the more anime magic accurate toy. Yamato will please both this way. Pretty genius.
  14. Ron Moore did a pretty good job of arousing paranoia with Battlestar Galactica. Plus he seems to have a love for the original source material, so I think his script should be pretty damn good. Can't wait to see this!
  15. Soon as I get my set I'll post some pics for you. Where are you located now? How long are you going to be out of the US?
  16. Thanks man! I can't wait to see what >EXO< had done! Have fun in Utah!
  17. The New Star Wars prequels were just begging for a Spaceballs movie too. I heard Mel Brooks had written a script a few years back. It was called "Spaceballs 3: The Search for Spaceballs 2" or something like that.
  18. Oh, yes! I always forget about the 1:48 "chicken fingers!" The first thing I do when I get a new 1:48 is take off those horrid hands! :lol:
  19. Sure is! Del Toro was BORN to direct this film. Lovecraft is right up his alley!
  20. My wife is an actress, and I saw Ursa on the breakdowns. I saw Ursa and assumed Zod, since she is his second in command.
  21. ae_productions


    That's pretty damn cool!
  22. Man. Yamato is killing my wallet. Seriously! This is going to be a great release. I can't wait.
  23. Hugo Weaving is going to own that role. He's going to be a great Red Skull.
  24. Yeah! I am very impressed. As if I don't have enough crap I'm buying now!
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