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Everything posted by ae_productions

  1. Is there anything that can be done with the paint issues surrounding the 25 and the 27? I mean, one of my friends is an artist, and he use to do pencils. He would lightly mist hair spray over the art to prevent the led from smearing. I guess I'm talking about a sealant. Similar concept. Someone mentioned Future in the modeling section here. I was thinking, if you seal the paint areas as a preemptive action to prevent pain chips. But won't that product leave a high gloss on your 200 dollar toy? And, I guess that also means you'd have to coat the entire toy so the sealed sections don't stand out over the rest of the toy. It stinks you have to take this into consideration when buying a 200 dollar toy.
  2. Have you transformed it yet? I heard it's a bit tricky the first time. Can't wait for the TV release.
  3. The 21 and 22s are a bit tricky for the first time. Once you get the hang of it, you won't have any troubles. I really love mine. I think it's one of the finest engineered toys I've had the pleasure of transforming in a long, long time. Have fun with your 21!
  4. They're great stands. I have a dozen or so of the original versions. The new versions "tip issue melting paint" seems like you can take preemptive measures to prevent issues. Such as: put a small piece of tape on the tips where they connect to the toy. Use a clear paint seal to "seal" the tips. If possible, don't apply the tips to a painted area. Many toys today are molded in solid colors with paint highlights. Sounds like they do care and I bet this tip issue will be resolved come future releases.
  5. If you do decide to go with the TV version, note that there are 2 versions out right now. One, the stand alone. And the second comes with the fast packs in the TV color scheme! Pure win, either way!
  6. GBP Superman? THAT is a new one for the books! Ha ha! Awesome.
  7. I'll keep an eye out for you. 30 is the lowest I've seen it for recently.
  8. I like the fighter. If BanDai works out the bugs the 1/60 VF-25 had, I'd give it a chance. Hopefully...we get a better color scheme than the CAD Graham showed us.
  9. Does anyone know when this is suppose to air?
  10. So far, from what little we've seen, it looks like they got it pretty close. Of course, except that Thor is suppose to be 6 foot 5.
  11. I thought Christopher McQuarrie was penning the Yamato script? The guy is a good writer. The Usual Suspects. Valkyrie. Way of the Gun. The 2012 Darren Aronofsky Wolverine film... I'll give it a chance.
  12. You got an Amen to that, brother.
  13. Great flick. Shane works well with RDJ. Shane has also worked with Samuel L. Jackson in The Long Kiss Goodnight. He's a fan of Iron Man Comics...this is a good move for Marvel.
  14. Actually, Wonder Woman is not even human. And her entire history is laced with Greek Mythology. She is an ambassador to man's world. None of this is found in this adaptation. It's Wonder Woman by name only. It's a hollow gutless soul. At least Smallville tried to keep the essence of the mythology and the character. The basic building blocks are there for Superman's history. None of it is found in this WW adaptation.
  15. GI JOE is actually struggling right now. They had a gold mine with the 25th stuff, but the movie line killed the pace and anticipation. Retail stores are only carrying a fraction of what they use to. At least, around here. I think GI JOE will get on track again with some of the new releases, but it will never hit the stride they had with the 25th line. Star Wars and Transformers is how Hasbro makes it's money.
  16. It's interesting how dark these stories are. When I was a kid, I *LOVED* Empire Strikes Back. I think there's something about fairy tails in general, that are dark and appealing. I think the climax and payoff is all the sweeter when the hero does triumph in the end! My wife made me watch the films. And honestly, I didn't like any of them but the Deathly Hollows Part 1. It actually was a good rising action for the prologue of the other 5 films before it. And, it makes me want to see the Deathly Hallows Part 2.
  17. I travel a lot for work. Here is a list of some stores that do (or at least did) sell Toynami products: There is a comic book shop across the street from Harmony Gold (the copyright holders of Robotech and Macross in the USA) called MELTDOWN comics in Los Angeles. Frank and Sons in the City of Industry, CA. Big Lou's Collectibles in Los Angeles, CA. The PUZZLE ZOO in Santa Monica, CA. In Naperville, Illinois, there use to be a comic shop called Moon Dogs. In Arizona you have: The Empire of Toys, Pop Culture Classics and the infamous comic shop on Scottsdale and Shea blvd. (I cannot recall the name). That's all I know about, personally. I live in SW Florida. The nearest toy store is a 5 hour round trip from where I live. And they do NOT sell anything Robotech related. Hope this helps!
  18. Well, the 1:60 Monster does NOT transform. So, it will NOT be as intricate as the SDF-1, and theoretically, considerable less parts and far simpler engineering. I don't think it would cost twice the SDF-1 to produce. However, where you will be bent over is shipping! Even if you have to assemble it, the box would be GIANT. For that reason, and that the other two Destroid releases didn't sell too well, I agree. The Monster is probably a pipe dream.
  19. Are these stickers then? Do they need to be glued to be applied?
  20. I had a chance to get them too and passed. I am really kicking myself right now. I know they will be reissued. I mean, Max and Millia are Yamato's bread and butter behind the primary hero valks. Look at how fast they sold out.
  21. I know what you mean. My wallet is bleeding money everywhere right now!
  22. I want one too. But man, that price tag.
  23. I think they are targeting women in that second trailer. I showed my wife the first trailer and she was like, "meh." I showed her the second trailer and suddenly she's interested! Hmmm...
  24. You should take him up on this offer. That would be amazing. When I was a kid, my pal's dad worked for McDONNELL DOUGLAS. He let us sit in the AH-64. We got to put on those helmets where we could rotate the gun. He even closed the canopy on us and told us it was going to take us on an autopilot flight! (He was kidding. But I was young and naive and disappointed that I didn't get to fly an Apache.) It was an amazing tour. They had an M1 there too, but we got to see that AFTER the AH-64...so, it wasn't as exciting!
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