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Mark Warlock

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Everything posted by Mark Warlock

  1. Ron5864 Very nicely done. Great work and the surrounding city looks like it's right out of one of the art books.
  2. Thanks MechTech. I was actually working on building a custom display case for him... though I am putting it on hold for a little while due to the fact that I am currently working on 2 more figures, with a possible 3rd, of the same size, all different of course.. So I'm gonna wait to build one big enough to house them all. I'll be sure to post pictures of the figures as they are completed. Thank you again for the compliment. It means a lot coming from a fellow customizer.
  3. Well it's a personal preference. And personal preferences really aren't something that can be argued. I like what I like... And for me Robotech isn't just the Macross Saga, but the entire series... even if I don't enjoy the Masters saga as much as the other two... Again.. it's just my preference as Macross is yours. GUBABA I respect that.. You gave your reasons and what you liked and didn't like without spouting hate for someone else who enjoyed what you didn't necessarily like. You didn't berate me for bein a fan on Robotech, you didn't berate others who do either. You even said, as you've said else where, that there were aspects of Robotech that you liked... and it shouldn't be considered by anyone else to be a bad thing that you do. So there is clearly ground for fans of both shows to get along. The past few posts kinda prove that. I'd like to get more fans to doing that... on both sides. So thank you for your reply Gubaba. For me.. My posts in this thread aren't about getting acceptance for Robotech in the eyes of Macross fans or vice versa... It's just about trying to establish some civil conversations and hopefully a little more understanding. M.W.
  4. How can I? Well for me its pretty easy. When I go to my dvd shelf and I pull a Robotech DVD set.. I'm watching Robotech... and I don't think of Macross for one second. Now when I got and pull the Macross set... I'm watching Macross... and again... I don't think of Robotech at all. For me.. Regardless of how much or how little the precentage if difference between the show is.. the bottom line is they are different shows, and I can enjoy them both. And I have watched Macross in its original format... I have the DVD set... but for me it doesn't change how I view Robotech. Simply because you view Robotech as pointless... doesn't make it so... that is simply your personal opinion and personal opinions are not facts. To others there may be plenty of relevance with the show. Again, I'm not here to start an argument over which show is pointless or better. I am here to get honest factual answers to why Macross fans and Robotech fans shouldn't be able to get along. There is no reason why fans on both sides shouldn’t be able to get along or talk civil without attacking mental capacity for liking one show over the other. There is no reason why each Robotech and Macross discussion has to turn into an argument over “well it started because these people said this or that.” Just let it go. Neither side is right or wrong. Neither side is better or worse. WE are all fans of the base footage with regard to the original 36 episodes… We are all fans of the base storyline. That’s our foundation.. whether you are a Robotech fan or Macross Fan. There has to be more fans out there that are just tired of it all. Fans willing to step up and say they too want an end to all this pointless bickering. I sincerely hope that soon… we’ll all be able to put those differences aside.. You know I was at MechaCon this past weekend… and while I was there I met Robotech Fans, Macross Fans, Akira fans, and fans of so many other things… and never once was there an argument or attack on any series… We were all just fans… and it was great being there with all those fans.
  5. I appreciate your candid replies Seto and I do hope that my replies aren't taken out of context by anyone or that anything is added that is not intended. But I must ask.. If what you said above is true.. and as you stated "There are very few folks in the Macross Fandom who genuinely object to Robotech itself”... Then Why is it I see so many direct attacks on Robotech that do not relate to HG? I mean personally I don't feel you have to be a fan of HG to be a fan of Robotech. Ulitmately I am a Robotech fan above all else and I've said that at Rt.com as well. I wish there were more fans that could separate what HG does behind the scenes and Robotech the Series because they are two different things. Robotech shouldn't take the hit for what HG does. Now as far as Macross vs. Robotech is concerned. I tend to separate the two shows... to me they are in no way related when I look at them separately. Do they have similarities... well sure.. but then again there are simiarities in many shows out there. I'm a fan of both and as such I make my own judgements on what I get out of either series. Like you said there are Macross fans that feel Robotech is just not their cup of Tea... and I respect that. I just find it hard to respect the ones (on both sides) that feel they have to bash the shows themselves for whatever petty reason. M.W.
  6. First off I'll say that I'm a die hard Robotech fan... always have been... and I always will. Now that being said I also like Macross. I really like what you said there Jasonc. I have always been of the opinion that a person can like what they like.. it’s all good. You can love Robotech or Macross or both... but is there really any reason to hate each other for it? Is it really necessary to chastise one another for it? And I’m not singling any one out or any one side out… there are those that do it on both sides. Even within the fan bases there are the same issues. Fans’ arguing over what is canon, and what is not, which series is the superior and which is a joke. I love Robotech… and I like Macross… so where would I fit in the picture? Should I be hated by both sides because I enjoy both? Jasonc I wish there were more fans on both sides who saw things the same way. I find no reason why Macross fans and Robotech fans can’t find something enjoyable about both series. Thanks for posting. M.W.
  7. Thank you sir. You know I did good when I chopped off the "bat ears" and even when I split the head open to adjust the back of the head forward... Now when I was about the cut into the left side of his face to remove a large section I needed to reconstuct... Thats were I was really nervous. It actually took me 2 days to get the courage to take that exacto knife and cut in. I finally just said "F' it... here goes nothing". Yeah I was quite happy with how it turned out. As a matter of fact I do have both Rick and Lisa on the drawing board though they are a little ways down the road. I'm currently working on "Robotech's Dolza" or "Boddole Zer from Macross".
  8. Thank you both. Yeah he's pretty big... I figured if I'm gonna make a figure as iconic as he, then why not go all the way. If you're gonna go big... go real big.. Thanks again, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I might go ahead and add the pics and write up in the original post later. M.W.
  9. I'm new to these forums, but I'm sure that some of you may know me from the Robotech forums. I thought I’d share this custom Robotech Breetai figure (or Britai Kridanik for the Macross fans), I unveiled recently, to those that hadn't seen it before. Hope you all enjoy it. Thank you for your time. Click on the link below and you'll get to see the figure and build up story. M.W. http://www.robotechx...tai-figure.html
  10. MechTech This is truly an amazing display of engineering and attention to detail. I look forward to seeing the completion of this in the future. Your display of artistry and craftsmanship is inspiring.
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