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Posts posted by Nani?!

  1. Everytime I read threads like this I laugh...

    Nail polish this, scotch tape that, tighten screws here, file and drill there~

    WE ARE YAMATO's QC DEPT. hahaha~ This is SAD. :rolleyes:

    I have a konig monster myself and the only pose it'll ever do is a plain hands to the side mug shot, or the "gorilla on all fours"~ hehe

  2. you know, the worst part about the whole shin thing was how adamant yamato was that there was NO specific shin type and how the CF was the real shin type and on and on... and then, right after.. I mean literally with a few weeks of releasing the CF to market... oh wait guys, just kidding, here's the shin type. haha, our bad.

    Yup. I remember putting the vf-0a right next to my vf-0s thinking to myself, "Yea man, Focker and Shin lookin KICK ASS!

    The moment Yamato announced the Shin was coming out, it was like, SO WHO THE HELL IS YOU?!?!?!

    As I see it, the Nora looks good - don't really understand why everyone's so dissapointed; but I only saw Macross Zero once, so... maybe my memory is off...

    This is such a nice piece that I am set on buying both versions.


    People saying it looks good or bad is a matter of opinion....

    What really matters is that IS IT ACCURATE to what FANS perceived the colors to be from what they saw in the anime.

    I question the so called "Kawamori Official colors" these days because everytime we could have sworn to our perfectly working eyes that the VF-0a cannon fodder was bronze, the GHOST and it's accessories were darker, that shin's vf-0a had a white stripe on it's chest, that Nora was slightly orange yellow on magenta, yamato brushes them off and points to Kawamori...

    Again, looking good or bad is a matter of opinion... Even Graham sometimes dismisses the not-so-accurate color choices by saying it looks good to him. I want what I know I saw and perceived on average under various lighting conditions... I know lighting makes things look different but we all have overall perception.

    Yamato obviously has more control over the colors than we'd like to think... especially the subtle changes that are not accurate to what fans remember seeing, but still fall under the general range of what it "officially" is.

    Again, I want what I know I saw on average.

  3. Thanks Graham.

    Hmm, so what was wrong with the Shin Nani?! ? lol coz of the non-canon VF-0a CF then Shin or? I'm lost. >_<

    So atleast i'm half right then. :lol:

    Yup. They make a vf-0a with red all over the box and it's not labeled anything... neither CF or SHIN... then they actually say (through Graham) that a vf-0a is a vf-0a and that shin's VF-0a is NO DIFFERENT pointing to kawamori.

    Then they go on and slap a chest stripe on, a ghost and all it's pods, and call it a SHIN..........


    Meh.... as long as Yamato is doing it right with the SV-51...


    About the Nora... Good & Bad pictures or not... if the whole bird was similarly metallic it'd make sense... IIRC, if anything was reflective in the Anime it was the cockpit canopy, not the stripes. They were clearly yellow with a SLIGHT SLIGHT hint of orange.

    I think I know why they chose the gold though.... they probably thought it was too over the top bright and contrasting with the magenta, so they subdued it with the Gold...

    Okay~~.... but Nora's bird WAS over the top wasn't it? :huh:

    I wonder if they will point the kawamori and his bong again~ ^_^

  4. From what I've been told, all the major markings will be Tampo printed on the Ivanov SV-51. All the publicity pics are preproduction versions with either no Tampo Printing or only partial Tampo printing.

    Although this bird is expensive, you are getting quite a lot for you money as it comes with the new style display stand, overwing boosters and full set of missiles and micro-missile pods so you can display it as either # ep 1-4 standard version of ep # 5 boosters + extra weapons version.


    Thanks for the confirmation Graham.

    Yeah... We're definitely are getting a lot. This is exactly what I want... I want the good shiet up front... not like the crap they pulled with the SHIN 0A w/ GHOST (heck yea, you better believe I'm bringing it up again. THAT was Bullshiet~).

    I want this thing to reak of HIGH QUALITY and I'll pay good money for HIGH QUALITY....

    I paid 150 bucks for a Hot Toys Robocop with flight pack a couple months ago. The paint job along with the detail and the finish and the accessories and the stand, the modeling, the packaging, ALL OF IT was TOTALLY worth it and it doesn't even transform...

    90% of the time I open a yamato, there's always that slight disappointment... especially in polishing... that extra bit of refinement that yamato always seems to lack... like it's an unfinished product or something... (if you take into the account of how many people here xacto, sandpaper, file, glue, drill, paint, NAIL POLISH, you'd think we're yamato's QC dept.)

    WORK on it a bit more if you have to... GET IT RIGHT. POLISH IT... SPIT SHINE the damn thing... THEN take my money.

  5. That's a nice idea Nani. Not unreasonable, but of course i'd like only one set of legs, instead of swapping and changing.

    I doubt they would do this.

    Chris, i'd say Graham would be getting ready to post em up, as he said, the cats already out of the bag.

    Why wait for decent scans when we have already seen pretty much 75% of the Official CADS....

    Swapping is not my cup of tea either but if they can make it look like the D-stance in battroid MAN OH MAN.

    I just hope it's thighs are TIGHT... I dont want mine going "how low can you go~, how low can you go~~" flippin back all the time because of the backpack weight.

  6. let's just wait till we see production pics before jumping to conclusions. The pics posted previously had both tampo and stickers so we don't really know anything.

    True. The VF-OS looked like it was stickered up prior to it's final production but to see that most of it was tampoed was a VERY nice surprise.

    Yamato should tampo everything really... Those of us who'd mod this thing would be good at it enough to cover the stock printing anyway.

  7. Don't speak for everyone. I was displeased with the gullet of the 19 the first time I saw the CAD too, but the reason I accept it now is not because "it's over and done with", it's because at the time I was used to the Hasegawa fighter mode but the gullet of the Yamato actually is more anime accurate. Now a days I can barely even look at the Hasegawa YF-19. It looks strange to me. It just took time to get used to a different rendition than I was accustomed to.

    Valid point. and I definitely dont think I speak for everyone.

    I actually edited a CAD drawing before the yf-19 came out and did not do away with the gullet completely but pulled it back a tiny bit.... which it definitely has room for...

    You're lucky you gotten used to it now. I personally try not to angle my yf-19 in an angle that shows the gullet.

    I've said this many times but since "STFU" people like Eugimon are still here, I'll say it again.

    There are some things that HAVE changed for the better because people here voiced their opinions and valid points. Some have been in agreement with Graham and thus he relayed it to yamato.... and sometimes yamato agrees and make adjustments. Who knows? We might have had blue feet yf-19's if we hadn't said anything. We might have ended up with the god awful 1/100 "thunder-thighs" vf-0s, or heck maybe no sv-51 at all....

    THEY (yamato) DO LISTEN.... and I know Graham CANT flat out admit that they do... BUT they do... and the international market is a major market for them... and that's why it's worth mentioning for me.

  8. OMG, yes, let's bring out the chicken hands. After 4 years of the chicken hand, I don't think yamato is going to change it anytime soon, so go on, bring out that tired pony and ride it around the ring one more time.

    And what are you comparing the bell bottom to? The line art? The animation? Non transforming kit bashes? the front curve looks to me pretty much the same as the line art, and as I've already stated, the rear part of the calf would swell out behind the belly plate which we can't see. Again, this is just like the "gullet" crap from the CAD drawing, everyone comparing it to everything BUT the line art.

    And please, if you don't want people to respond to your posts, then why don't you not post it? do you really expect that people should just accept what you have to say at face value and not respond? Or are you the queen of england and should we all just bow and accept your edicts as fact?


    I love what you said about the queen of England! That's exactly what I want to say about yamato! *thumbs up*

    Yes, you can comment on what I post. Who said anything about not wanting people to respond to my post? I love to debate. Forums are MADE to debate, tug and pull opinions. OPINIONS. You are always welcome to counter-point and say "the legs look FINE to me." People have counterpointed quite a bit (even graham) but you never see me saying "you're battying, so STFU"

    I'm really not fond of the way you try to shut people up by saying their opinions are "battying and bringing out the tired pony." It's almost as if you take offense to this stuff... You jumped at David H, myself and pretty much anyone who you think is "battying."

    I'll tell you right now I'll say "chicken hands" till my face turns blue... I hate those skinny, f*ggy hands. What bewilders me is "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU PISSED OFF?" I don't post unavoidable sound clips... They are written words you have to READ...

    CHOOSE not to read them if they bother you. My post are nicely labeled by a visible avatar with guld grimacing and my screen name NANI?! nicely labeled above it.

    You live in a democratic society don't you? CHOOSE TO AVOID READING if you think I'm battying.

  9. meh, everybody kicked and moaned when the yf-19 CAD was shown and griped about this or that. There's speculation and then there's just rampant battying about stuff we don't know.

    Yea, and what was mentioned about the yf-19 CAD all made it to the final. Wide gap between legs, gullet, skeletor hands.

    And just as they were points I disliked in the CAD, they remain aspects of the yf-19 sculpt that I don't like.

    No one talks about it now because it's done and over with.

    And what do you mean "stuff we dont know"? I'm talking about a visible area projected by the CAD that seems off to me.

    If you think it sounds like battying, pass on and ignore it~ ^_^

    No sense in worrying about stuff that isn't there. Cant wait to see this thing when its done.

    lets face it , its about frickin time that this was made

    I'm happy as anyone this thing is being made but what I comment about is visible and there.


  10. CAD drawings usually make rounded parts look bigger.

    The calf is a rounded part and it looks pretty tapered down even on the CAD, so I can imagine it might look smaller three dimensionally . It's not line art accurate that for sure, but yea, I realize that making a real-life-scale-transforming-model-of- a-fictional-animated-transforming-robot is hard.

    It's probably a compromise for the sake of a sleek fighter mode. All this is juuuuuussstt speculation. Part of the fun of anticipating.

  11. Hey, I'm sure this is what Kawamori says Nora's plane REALLY looks like. It just looks pink and yellow because of the animators. And Yamato has no plans to issue a more anime-accurate version in the future. Probably with a daisy-cutter... :p;)


    Just saw this post now.

    It's funny how they keep mentioning "Kawamori says it's this & that color".

    I mean, they made the yf-21fp purple, the yf-19's neck grey, screwed select buyers like myself over with the vf-0a paint scheme, made the vf-0 ghost light grey and it's missile pods fish-sausage light orange and now took the liberty in making nora's stripes tacky gold. They obviously have significant control over the colors and yet when we mention something's f-ed up, they say it's "Kawamori's idea."

    Whatever. :rolleyes:

  12. I had the entire 1/60 vf-1 series but sold it upon getting my hikaru vf-1s with additional strike parts.

    Since I would love to keep a consistent scale going, I'd definitely buy them all over again if yamato made a redesigned 1/60 line... (which according to graham seems unlikely).

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